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Izuku was told start taking meditation classes. Him and Bakugou. Bakugou because of his anger. And Izuku to try and help control himself. And for some reason Aizawa was the one supervising the lesson.

The two had try and stay calm while everyone in class annoyed them. They were seated cross legged on a a high post.

"Keeping clam under pressure shows great self control. Challenge each other in self control. Midoriya how quirks did you say you can have activated again?"

Izuku had always believed he was using all his quirks when was fighting but sadly it was just 25% he was using.

In order to defeat all for one he has to go one hundred percent.

"25%...." Izuku let out a disappointed sigh. He can't control neither of the two most powerful quirk in the world that he still has.

The only reason why his able to control one fire all at a hundred percent is because his regeneration quirk had been active all the time. It was the reason why he can't battle for a long time. He'd run out of stamina. And energy then, that would occur.

Izuku shivered and cursed himself about the battle with the teachers. Any longer and he could gone berserk everywhere.

Izuku doesn't know this but he had created a life line that pulls him back whenever his goes berserk. If he loses that life line then there was nothing to stop him. That life line of course was Uraraka Ochaco.

The shopping and gathering of supplies went fine. Shigaraki didn't show up to chat with Izuku and everything went smoothly. The UA students should have been glad, but that itself was unnerving. There was something very wrong going on. After tucking Eri in, Izuku sat on his bed thinking about the feeling in his gut. There was something very wrong.

Something bad was going to happen. He really wished he had a premonition quirk. Hack he doesn't really know how quirks he has. All For One had passed on a copy of all the quirks he had to him, he only had a couple of true ones that he had taken.

That was another problem. The quirks he had were copies of the ones he had taken. They were bound to not be as strong as the real ones.

He needs to learn how to control all quirks he has.

He looked over to the sleeping Eri. He needs to protect people like her. He needed to protect his friends. His brief meeting with Shigaraki Tomura back when he was heading to Hosu just showed how deep the man has fallen. He wasn't sure he'll be able to save him.

He needed to clear his head for awhile and so he had dressed up in his drifter gear and headed downstairs to get a cup of water before leaving to go the base and see what his fellow Drifters know also to tell his teacher he was leaving

The moment he did and everyone saw him all geared up they went on the defence. Sero taped him, and Mineta added an extra layer of his grape cloak or coat or whatever

Aizawa sighed as Izuku fell to the floor. He forgot they were still not used to him wearing his villain gear.

Izuku activated an ice quirk and easily broke through his bindings.

"Deku can please try not to give us a heart attack" Uraraka said as she let out a breath of relief.

"Your heading out" Aizawa asked

"I'm just going to head to the base and see what everyone had dug up" Izuku replied

"don't be late then I'm not waking up to let you in" came the man's Griffin reply

"Please I can teleport. I got no need for doors" Izuku smirked but got strangled by Aizawa's scarf. The boy didn't surrender but instead teleported out of the situation

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