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Yaoyorozu and Todoroki walked nervously through the fake suburban area. Their teacher wasn't going to go easy on them in this round.

And they didn't know what quirk he got. All they knew was that their teacher was part of Midoriya's master plan to bring down All For One.

They walked nervously hand in hand. They promised never to let each other go. Last time Momo let Todoroki to go fight on his own, because he told her to stay behind. Little DoD they know that was the last time they saw each other.

This time they promised if they were going to go then they would go together. Momo had an arsenal of different weapons that were non-lethal but still dangerous on her.

Todoroki was ready to ignite at any moment.

And that's when the man appeared

For a second the couple thought it was Almight but they were dead wrong. Black energy sparks crackled all over the pro clad in black. His hair down but scarves raised.

Todoroki instinctively threw an ice barrage at the man. Believing he would dodge the attack Todoroki stood in his place.

But his plan and choice back fired as a powerful forces throws back the ice at him. Using his manipulation quirk he stops the ice.

Todoroki and Momo stared in fear as they saw their teacher had destroyed the ice barrage with a single punch

A grin grew on Aizawa's face

As Todoroki yelled out "MOMO RUN!!!!!"

In the viewing room

"What have you done my boy" Almight asked in fear as they watched the match

Aizawa was a one man army of destruction. Everyone stared in fear.

"What quirk did you give him Deku" Bakugou was shaking.

"Kachan are you okay!!!???" Izuku asked sounding worried

"No fucking dipshit you turned our fucking teacher into a monster"

"Midoriya what did you give him" Mineta shouted

"Limit Breaker" Izuku told them sheepishly

"It breaks the limits that hold you back. Sensei is now or possibly stronger than Almight if it comes to strength and speed. If you add his agility and skill then he can probably beat him"

"What does that do to his original quirk then?" Mina asked shaking to her bones

"With limit breaker he can erase a quirk permanently" Izuku said with a serious tone

"He won't use it for the match, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki right now are going have fight against him or escape. The draw back of limit breaker is that it will only stay for a certain period of time"

"Take All-might for example. Right now sensei can use Limit Breaker for two hours"

"That's like forever in this exam" Every one shout

Izuku was sure he we going to go deaf

They watched as Aizawa cornered the two. Todoroki shot another barrage of ice. Aizawa broke it once more.

Yaoyorozu POV

Midoriya is really hell bent on taking down AFO.

Shouto is still covering for me. No. If any let this happen again. Sensei is as strong as Almight.

I'm not going to let that stop me. Shouto and I have already defeated him and we are going to do it again.

"Shouto!" I call out

He turned to me with a confused look. I grabbed him by the hand and dropped a small cube that I made.

It was a bomb. But not lethal. It will discharge enough electricity to shock a giant.

With the new quirk Aizawa sensei has, I'm not sure if it will work.

He doesn't seem to be using eraser. There must have been a reason to why. With that I'll use it to our advantage. I grabbed Shouto and started running.

With the upgrade of my quirk, my draw back also grew. I can only make a few weapons that don't exist before I'm out.

But I won't let that stop me. I won't be the insecure girl that failed everyone anymore

3rd person POV

The battle continued. The teacher present along with Izuku smiled at Yaoyorozu's development.

She wasn't the same girl as before. She was stronger. She calculated faster. Even Todoroki was surprised, but he couldn't be happier.

They both worked together as one. Momo created what looked like a cannon and fired at Aizawa.

Todoroki used ice and fire keeping him away.

Aizawa was surprised. Even with this new quirk, these two were keeping him at bay. He decided to get serious. Faster than Almight, he appeared before Todoroki.

A blow to gut, sent the boy back, but something was off. He didn't feel his hand connect with a person but a metal. With everything in his body broken, the man can see far, hear, smell and so fort.

What he just rammed his fist into was no person. He went to the boy that he blasted back and saw a machine. The face of Todoroki but it had a gaping hole in its chest and was going haywire.

He felt the change of temperature and looked above him. Icicle shards, both great and small in the millions hovered above him.

He couldn't spot the real Todoroki has the icy hell rained down him. With his speed and strengths he dodged and destroyed the attack.

He jumped back from where he came. Yaoyorozu had been firing randomly before. Next thing he knew a fire dome enveloped him.

Were they trying to trap him. Well they were doing quite a shitty job, he thought as he lifted a finger up to the centre. He was stealing his student's move has he flicked his finger and powerful wind pressure blew away the flames

"That was my/Midoriya's move" shouted Kaminari and Izuku in shock and surprise

Everyone was to stunned to see anything. Izuku was honestly not expecting that. Even if it was for a greater cause, he had created a monster of a teacher. With the battle leaning on either sides now everyone watched intently

As the inferno disappeared, Aizawa found himself surrounded by what looked like spikes lodged into the ground. That was when he realised it.

He jumped into the air as electricity was released creating a force field around where he was

More ice came flying at him. He dodged and grabbed on them and then flipping of them as they got close to the ground and that's when it happened.

Todoroki clamped a quirk suppressor on him. He was out.

He turned to see Todoroki picking up a wake Yaoyorozu. She was completely out. He then finally noticed that it was only Todoroki was attacking and she had seen through everything.

He had already failed when the test began. He also noticed the two were never that far apart.

In the viewing room everyone cheered with joy. Even Izuku cause he didn't know who would win

Todoroki took Yaoyorozu to the infirmary and waited for her to wake up.

It was now time for Bakugou and Shinsou. Everyone wasn't sure how this match would turn out.

Now with the boy who can now mimic any sound and brainwash as well as the boy who can be a ticking bomb and create a mine field anywhere

What kind of teamwork would these boys show against the number one pro

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