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Third person POV

"Boss!?" Top Dog exclaimed as they were in an alley with two neon coloured dogs

Izuku sighed at looked at the boy. The boy was taller even though Top Dog was in his second year of middle school.

Izuku felt defeated

"Its a pleasure to meet you again" Top Dog aka Atsushi Inugami.

"Okay, okay, kid calm down" Izuku said sounding relaxed

"But how did you know, I was I a pinch" asked Top Dog

Izuku pulled up his sleeve and revealed his mark.

"There's a reason I marked you After all" Izuku said with a hidden smirk

"I need to go now" he told the vigilante and teleported back to his bedroom. He made sure no one was watching and changed back to his normal attire

Class had ended fro the day and everyone was doing their own thing

The girls had stolen Eri away from him and was playing dress up. Izuku decided to go out for a walk. Before he did he took a look in his reflection. Maybe some more black dye was needed.

A chain hung around his neck. He pulled it out to see and regret and grief flooded him. On the chain were two lockets. One grey, Thais contained the memories of those around the world. The memories of the previous life. The other was multicolored and kept changing. This was contained the memories of those who knew him. Villain, hero, friend, family, and so fort.

If either was opened the memories would flood back to their owners. If that happened there would be chaos. Grief and pain.

It it would be his fault cause he wasn't strong enough. The reason the locket containing the memories of those who knew him was multicolored was because the emotions being held within it was very powerful. It kept leaking out and thus everyone having a remnant of a memory of the past life. Or the life they had already lived.

He sighed heavily placed it back safely around his neck and left after telling Eri

Almight POV

I had gone out for a walk. As I was walking I saw young Akagami. I decided to try and have a little chat with him.

He probably wouldn't recognize me but it was worth a try.

He looked down.

"You alright kid" I asked

He snapped his head up quickly, let out a startled shriek, tripped on his own foot and fell on his butt.

I chuckled a bit and helped him to his feet.

"Didnt mean to scare you"

"No sorry, it's my fault for not being alert"

"Was there a reason for you to be spacing out"

"There are many and yet there a none"

Boy this kid was cryptic

"I'm Akagami Kuronuske, call me Kuro" he said with a warm smile.

It reminded me of someone. Someone I feel like I had lost. Someone I didn't know.

"Yagi Toshinori, call me Toshi" I mimicked him

We both let out a chuckle and continued our walk while we chatted. It was the oddest thing really. It felt as I had done this a thousand times.

"Hey Toshi, can I ask you something"

Young Akagami asked me. I looked down at him and nodded

"It may sound strange coming from someone you just met but, if you had the chance to change something in the past, what would it be"

I looked at the boy in surprise. He was right it was strange to ask. I thought about my answer and then thought of my master. The woman I saw as a mother. If only I was strong enough.

"I'd save a dear friend of mine" I told the boy

Young Akagami nodded in agreement. His seemed to be filled with determination. I wondered why

"What would you do" I asked

The boy looked to me in surprise and smiled

"I'm going to save everyone"

"Thanks a lot Almight, see you at school" before I could ask about his answer he called me by my hero name and ran off. I sat there dumbstruck.

Holy Shit!!! How?

I broke from my trance and searched for him.

Izuku POV

"Sorry Almight" I said and ran of before he could catch me. I guess I was to slow. I got picked up and next thing I knew I was on a building.

"How did you know?" He asked my

"Hehehehe.... You see your hair, your eyes and your voice with your height. Make you buff and whaaa...la! You have an Almight" I told him

I missed spending time with my master. I won't let you die this time around. You or anyone else.

"Your a bright one" he complimented

"I don't deserve your praise" I said sounding down. I really didn't deserve it.

"You are a mystery young Akagami"

"I said you could call me Kuro"

"I'll call you want I want"

"Cheeeeee" I said with a sour look

All of a sudden his phone began to ring. I suspected it was Naomasa. Almight didn't seem to have known he got marked.

I needed to think my plan through. I was thinking about maybe telling Aizawa and giving him his memories. I needed some else in this. And maybe Kachan. He probably hates me but I wonder if he'll understand after I return his memories. His going to figure it out sooner or later.

I mean out of everyone in class he pays the most attention. Though it doesn't look like it.

Todoroki, sorry bud, you're an airhead.

"Young Akagami, why don't you head back to the dorms before it's late" Almight told me.

I listened and left him be.

When I arrived home, everyone one was sitting around the common room. Eri was with Tsu-chan and Uraraka. Of course she would be with them. Tonight I would be going out again.

I'm going to start cutting down the numbers of L.O.V. Dabi was the one I decided to go after. Todoroki's missing brother. If possible I'd make him a Drifter.

I'd give back Kachan and Aizawa-sensei's memories as well. Everything would come back as a dream and through out the day they'll piece it together.

As the time went by, it was finally time. Eri was tucked in bed. With a quirk I created a being to watch over her. It had a mind of its own and always lurked in my shadow. It's main objective was to protect Eri. I made sleep in my bed to make it look like was in it and teleported to the top of the dorm building's roof.

I took out the memory locket and concentrated on Kachan and Aizawa-sensei. A crimson red glowing orb floated out and immediately searched for its rightful owner and another black orb did the same.

Izuku wondered what their reactions would be

I really don't want to see his face

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