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Bakugo accompanied Iida and helped wirh the tour. Sticking close by Camie. The students from the other school was confused about this but they waved it. Right After Inasa shouted out 'What Grand Hospitality You Have'.

When the time comes Izuku would give back their memories but as of now, the other schools have to stay in the dark.

The training session was coming along great. But that killing feeling of dread was embedded within every first year hero course student.

Izuku had asked some of the drifters - the adults - to patrol. They didn't question it because they remembered what happened last time.

Actually since some of them were actually parents or even older siblings they scolded Izuku. Because last time they remembered the news, where Aizawa had to go on TV and apologize also mentioning a student was terribly injured. More so that the rest and had a fifty percent chance of living

The drifters didn't have to question which student. To put it simply, they tied up their leader and lectured him, scolded him.... Till he was blowing to them and apologizing

Madam Rift for some reason became a teacher. Her real name was Kurosawa Yumeko. She was once a high school teacher before she got married and then.... Well her got murdered...

As a villain, well as all villain sees her she's known as the 'Mother'. She cherishs all children, and tortures those that harms them

She once had three kids. And a fourth was once in the way. But one day after returning back home from a check up, she found her family slaughtered. Her husband was hunched over her youngest as though he was trying to protect her......


What killed them both had pierced through his heart and also through their daughter. She was only three. Her eldest... Both of them who were twins.....

It was heart breaking to see. They slashed and ripped apart. But their hands....

As sick as the scene was, it was heart breaking to see, their hands.... Their small little hands intertwined, holding onto each other for support.

Madam Rift broke there. Her whole life before her was shattered. The child that was in her belly, she had to stay strong... She gave him away the day after she gave birth...

What she had become wasn't someone worthy of being a mother. When she met Izuku..... Or Faceless.

The question that ran through her mind was 'what happened to this boy'. She felt as though she a feeling of being Kin.

Most likely a year younger than her own she gave away. She could feel the weight that was on the shoulders of that boy. She joined him out of curiosity. That curiosity turned into obligation as the she witnessed what the boy does. Acts of villainy hid his true acts of heroism.

She gave her a place to belong. As she watched the boy bring and protect more. She watched how much the boy missed his mother.

She may not be qualified to be a replacement but she brought it upon herself to help the boy. So when the boy did unnecessary things..... She was there to beat the hell out of him

The training was going well.

"This is going way to well" Aizawa said completely annoyed

"Aizawa-kun.... I think you need to relax" Yagi tells him....

Both were watching over the students. Shiketsu students from all grades in the hero course were paired up with students of UA's hero course. All mixed up.

They spared with each other. Made teams and battled with each other and so fort.

"Plus its only the first day" Yagi assures him

"Our students are well prepared for any attack on them so I'm sure they can handle it..."

"Thinking back to the first round, before young Midoriya used Rewind, they were far more capable that we had first thought"

"And now, they have most likely suppressed what it means to be a pro hero" Yagi tries to assure Aizawa

"Looking at young Shinsou, he has come along way. They all have"

Aizawa's gaze turned to his once personal student. What Almight said was true. He had come along way...

Back then he wasn't one of strongest fighters. And had to rely mostly on his quirk. But even so, ever since moving to the hero course back then... He had gotten stronger. And was on his way to becoming a great pro hero. And he did. They all did....

But that horrible event had to take place. The event that crushed all dreams and hope. Thinking back....

When Midoriya was kidnapped, when he was forced to do evil. Aizawa felt as though he was truly had failed.

Failed everyone. Failed his students. His friends and his friend that he lost long ago.

Yagi.... Almight as well. He had done all he could. He thought he did. He thought it was over. That he had finally ended All For One. That there would be peace. He thought.....

He was wrong. Tenko Shimura... Shigaraki. He was long gone.

Almight learened from Izuku that Midoriya was and had always been Inko's last name. And Shigaraki was All For One's last name. All For One gave Tenko Shimura a new name that was Shigaraki Tomura.

If anything, Izuku was only greatful to All For One for one thing. And that was leaving him with his mother. Leaving him without a name and not giving him his name.

All For One had made everyone a victim.


A\N: Sorry Short chapter....

But have to tell you all about this.... I'm super excited for the upcoming chapters of Rewind.

I know thats kinda.......  


I know this coming from the writer

But let's just say this.... I'm not the writer. There's this little person in my head that is the one writing... And I'm just the very first reader. Truth be told Drawing is actually my strong hold.

So if I'm excited you should be to

Warning: Writer me is going make this heart wrenching

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