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"NOTHING HAPPENED GOD DAMN IT!!!" Bakugo shouts as he slams his hand down on the table.

Everyone was back in the classroom. The training camp went of without a hitch.

Summer camp was over. Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing happened

"We should be glad nothing happened" Ashido says but her face was not saying she was glad

"Right Mid.. I mean Akagami-"

Izuku was in his muttering corner trying to think up what on earth was happening and what the league was up to. This turned everyone blue...

"Midori-gami!" Ashido slipped up but shouted anyway as she grabbed the boys shoulder

"What's going to happen!?"

"I don't even know" Izuku shrieks back in a panic

"We're doomed!!!" Mineta and Kaminari shouts

And now all four a panicking





Asui smacked Ashido

Iida karate chopped Midoriya

Sero slapped Mineta

And finally

Jirou blasted Kaminari with her ear jack

"Panicking won't do us any good Kero" says Asui

"For now let's retrace our steps and the villains steps and try to predict what they might be up to" says Yaoyorozu

"Around this time we went of to save Bakugo" says Kirishima

"You didnt save me ass hat I saved myself!" Bakugo shouted and blasted the red head in the face

"And then we had to go through the pain of meeting each every single one of parents ask for you all to remain in the hero course"

"Huwahhh!!" Almost everyone screamed

A lot of anxiety had built up. Everyone was ready to attack the next villainous looking person to show their face to them

Somehow that ended up being Endevour

"For the love of- Have you children gone mad!!!" Enji Todoroki scolds them all.

"Sorry sir" they all apologize

"But why are you" his son asks him

"I come to say that all the higher ups have decided to provide you all with hero licenses" Endevour says with a sigh

The class had gone quiet

Not only were heroes given back their memories but the government agents within the hero organisation as well. Of course that came with a price.

Every data on the UA students had to be reported to them. Izuku and Kaminari's movement were to be monitered at all times.

"You all are now sidekicks to your respective heroes you are interning under, do you underst-"

"WHAT!!!?" the whole class shout

Endevour swore his ear drums were going to burst.

"Are you serious!" Mineta shouted

"Akagami and Kaminari have provision licenses though" Endevour added

"But why are they giving out licenses like that and why are you the one delivering the message" asked Todoroki

Endevour sighs once more. He is thinking of retiring after this whole mess is done gone and never to be seen again

"They can't trust anyone at the moment. They would have told Almight but with his state they decided against it. So at the moment only I can be trusted with their information. Remember you all getting your pro and provisional licenses is a secret"

That made sense. But why at this moment they thought

"If you were to take the provisional licenses exam at this moment, you all would undoubtedly pass with perfect scores. And it be unfair to the other students from other schools. It be child's play for you all and we don't want you wasting time on that when we need you all to be ready for the villains"

Everyone understood the position they were in at that moment. But then...

"But why is Deku and Kaminari-kun getting provisional licenses" Uraraka asked

"Yeah, why's that" Jirou added

Both girls were worried

Endevour furrowed his brows and gave a heavy sigh.

"They will be revoked once the situation is over then they both will have to face the punishments they have coming their way"

The class fell silent. They knew something like this was going to be coming but still...

They were holding onto hope that it wouldnt come. The hope of all them becoming heroes together

"Phew the moment I saw Endevour I thought he was bringing news that the world was ending" Kaminari said out loud with a laugh

"We all saw this coming, so dont get gloomy as though we were going disappear from the face of the earth" Izuku told them

"But..." Uraraka tried to find a point to argue but nothing came to mind

Endevour left the class and walked to the principals office.

"So you've delivered the message" asked Nezu. He poured the number two pro a cup of tea

"Did you tell them about what kind of punishments the two students will have to go through" Nezu asked

"As you asked, I didn't. But why though, the children would be looking better if I had told them the whole truth" Endevour says with grunt as he conversed with the principal

"Let's say I don't want to jinx their happiness. As you saw they have alot of anxiety built up. Out of all the schools out there, these students where within the front lines in the previous timeline. They have gone through much pain, that makes even I pity them"

Nezu takes a sip of his tea, making Endevour wait for him to finish. The man almost dropped from the rodents action

"They are all good students" Nezu says once more

He looks out the window. The day of reckoning was very soon within reach. They were not going to fall. Not this time.


A/N: Truth be told its almost the end but the real thing is still going

And so



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