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Kaminari led them all. He led the heroes to an abandoned hospital. When they entered they were too late.

Izuku was gone...



Yagi Toshinori and Midoriya Inko were gone

The man dropped to his knees. Tears streamed down the young man's eyes. Bakugo stood by him. His hero.... And the woman he saw as a second mother were no more.

Over shadowed by the darkness within the room. Laid their dead and cold bodies. But there was little light for them to see their hands in each other.

Gran Torino dropped to his knees when he came to see. His heart broke. His student. His student was gone. This wasn't suppose to happen like this. No. He wanted to go first. First he lost his friend Nana Shimura and now his lost his student. To live and see this. This fate was to cruel.

He clenched his fist and punched the wall.

"No!" He cried

This shook those frozen in place out of their trance

"No..." The old pro mumbled as fell to all four. He felt as though he had lost all how strength. He saw Toshinori as a son as well. He felt as though he had lost everything.

"We have to find Deku!!!" Bakugo shouted willing his tears

He grabbed Kaminari by the hand and pulled him up

"Where are they going!!?" He shouted

He was angry. He was in grief. But right now Deku was on his mind. They needed to find him. And if worst comes to worse...

They have to fight him

"Kaminari what's their next move"

The man was quiet. He had failed. He was to late. Guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders.

"WAKE THE HELL UP!!! DEKU NEEDS OUR HELP DANM IT!!!" Bakugo shouted as he shook Kaminari

It seemed to have done the trick as the electric blond snapped out of it. Everyone needed to evacuate.

"All For One!!!" He shouts

"They are going to break All For One out!" He says

Gran Torino stands instantly. He'll end it all with him. The cause of all his pain. He shoots out of there and of back to Tatarus

But how were they going to get there.

It was far and by the time they arrive it would be to late.

Calling all pros in the area the heroes rushed. The prison was notified but even with its state of the art security system it was no match for what was coming

"THE VILLAINS ARE HERE!!!" Shouted out a security guard

The facility was thrown of balance with panic. Those being held captive couldnt help but feel giddy. Muscular was already thrashing against his restraints wanting to

Naomasa stood as he watched through the cameras. It was so like them to come through the front door but his eyes grew wide with horror as he saw its newest member within their ranks

Hunched over, a black mask on. His once hero suit now black from top to bottom was Izuku Midoriya. His eyes blood red and dead.

As though for show, he stomped forward. The prison shook as though it was hit by an earth quake. His hands out like claws, he roared.

A powerful force shook the prison and spread out, enticing waves to rage back to the city. People at shore were suddenly attacked by the waves that came crashing

Heroes running to the scene were blown back by the power. Night had fallen but the lights of Tatarus lit up the prison.

All For One laughed in his cell. He had won and he knew it. One For All has fallen into his hands. His son would be by his side. His successor would reign supreme

And he would watch it all. For this all would be nothing but entertainment for him.

Using the quirks of the previous users, the doll of destruction ripped open the gates of hell. The gates of Tatarus.

Armed man lined up and let lose their weapons. Heroes stationed there charged but it was all for not

With black whip, Izuku swatted them all away.

Shigaraki called upon the Nomus. All coming in the hundreds. And he unleashed them. Upon the prison and upon the city.

The heroes saw the monster. On foot and by wing. They crashed into buildings and causes mayhem in the streets

Distress was everywhere as chaos ensued

Shigaraki made his way to his master. Looking through the glass as he saw him strapped to that chair...

He couldn't have been more happier than to see him.

Reaching up and laying his fingers on the glass, into disintegrated into nothing. His master was free now. All For One stood and walked over to the man. Out of everything he has done... He would never regret picking up Shimura Tenko, giving him his name and turning him into what he is. He couldn't be more proud.

"Well done Tomura... You have done more than I've expected" His voice was sickeningly sincere

By the time the heroes got there

Tatarus was nothing more

It was now nothing but an emty shell. All villains gone. All officers gone. The detective..... There was no time to grieve. Chaos and mayhem took place within the city. Evacuations and Rescues were taking place as cities began to crumble and turn to waste land

Kaminari watched as this horror took place. In one night, everything was over. The end was here. Peace and everything Almight had fought for was now gone. In ashes and flames.

One city gone and soon all would follow. And he was blaming himself.

He was on his own at a shelter. He had gotten separated from everyone. He was blaming himself. This was all his fault, he was telling himself.

"Kaminari!!!" He heard her

He heard Jirou. He turned and immediately he was tackled with a hug

"Thank god your okay" she cries into his chest.

"Kyouka...." He struggles to say

He stands still. He wants to hold her, hug her, but he tells himself he has no right.

"What's wrong" She left looks into his and see guilt. Jirou doesn't know what's wrong it she guessed what he was going to say

"This is all my fault" he tells her


A\N: Greetings...

I apologize but I shall be taking it slow now. Because its the holidays and I sorta need to recover from writing this

So expect slow updates once more

And be on the look out of a spin off. Rewind Omake. This has one shots and the little stories that happened behind the scenes

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