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A/N: a bunch of manga spoilers in here. Note to take: I'm up to date on the manga so yeah... the you know army and everyone was wiped out by All For One and have been turned into........ Well I'll let you read and find out but I guess y'all know what happened to them. If they weren't all killed.

"So what do we do boy" Gran Torino asked as he waited for Izuku serve the Taiyaki.

"We wait and see if All For One will make a move" Izuku replied.

Last time they sent a bunch of Nomus and stain was still on the lose. Now he wasn't sure what was going to happen now.

"Lets have a bet, if there's an attack, then for the rest of the internship you'll be buying me Taiyaki" Gran Torino told the boy

Izuku sighed and looked at the old man

"Fine... you are going to win anyway. With my luck anything that can go will go wrong"

"Cheer up, I'm just messing with ya"

"Now" Gran Torino said getting serious he began eating his food

"What do you will happen in this round" he asks

"I'm not so sure... Last time he broke out and laid waste to everything" Izuku told the retired hero

"Well that was after the kidnapping and then using me to destroy things and then after I broke free from his control" Izuku added

"Well boy when do you think all this will go down"

"Considering by the amount of time that it will take make his army, I'm thinking about the end of this year..." Izuku thought hard.

He had an extra two years and so did he. So his army should Be as great as the number of heroes around. About probably a third would be High end Nomus.

Ever since he ran away from home mass kidnapping had started as well. He spent his time looking for those missing people as well as building up the Drifters.

He remembered his first members. Those two had been taking phony heroes and villains.

Gentle and Love lover. That's her name right. Izuku wondered. They were the first people Izuku revealed the truth to. And they became the first drifter members.

Right now those two were busy spreading the word about the up coming battle.

"Which means you all will be getting your licenses" Gran Torino said snapping the boy out his thoughts

"I guess so"

"Boy it's either the end of the year or around the time that High end Nomu decided to attack Todoroki"

Izuku nodded in agreement. There was no telling when the battle will begin.

Izuku's classmates were already spreading the word.

Tokoyami who interned with hawks seemed a bit agitated. Not towards the pro but towards the people that made the man turn to the villains side.

Hawks thought he was having a kid intern at his agency. The kid didn't feel like a kid to him.

He thought and felt as though he was with any other pro that had already faced off with villains.

Well the kid was in the class that survived the USJ attack. One of the most promising to become heroes

"So Tokoyami-kun aren't you going to ask why I selected you" he asked

"I already know" the boy with the raven head replied

"First you going to say we are both birds" Hawks was dumbstruck. That was what he was going to say. What the hack. He thought.

Tokoyami looked around to see there was no one around and then pulled out a red streaked with black locket. Courtesy of Momo to hold the memories

"Hawks I'd like to show you something"

"What is it kid" hawks said trying amuse the boy

Tokoyami opened the locket and the memories returned. At first the Hero thought he was attacking him with pain that came with rush.

He shot the feathers of his wings at Tokoyami but the boy was expecting and simply had dark shadow go into armour mode.

Hawks finally registered everything. He looked at Tokoyami with a wide eye and confused expression.

"My friend turned back everything and so now we a preparing for a battle"

"My job and along with my classmates and fellow hero students is to spread the word..."

The pro hero looked at the boy completely stunned. He was actually a pro in the body of his younger self.

"Hawks sensei you don't have to turn to the dark side now... your dream for heroes to have easy going days may come true if we win the upcoming battle"

All the others had also told those who took them as interns. They hadn't gone to intern with those during their first round but instead to those they went after they got their provision license. Except a few like Izuku.

The police had their hands filled with looking for missing people. The heroes that were notified were now having their sidekicks do twice the patrols.

They couldn't risk the villains gaining more Nomu's and losing civilians.

A whole town had already disappeared mysteriously a couple years ago.

They were all just bidding their time. Training. Recruiting and praying all goes well when the time comes.

Izuku walked with Gran Torino through the streets. He thought he was about win the bet that they had, but he was right when a warp gate opened up in several places and Nomus stepped out. All different from last time.

Lady luck was never on his side.

"Why am I not so surprised" Gran Torino said as he charged off

Izuku behind him.

One of the Nomus had a message inscribed onto its back.

Here's a sample of what awaits in the battle

The Nomus weren't like the ones from before. They were stronger. But they weren't much problems for the top pros and Izuku in the area.

But it was hard keeping his cover. Slightly mixing one for all with his acceleration quirk.

The battle was getting closer than he thought.

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