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The sports festival ended with an expected result. Bakugo Katsuki took first place again

Fellow heroes of the same agency sighed and face palmed as the hero stood at the top and gloated, booing to the crowed as they booed at him

This was the third time he was coming first place. It had gotten old. There were some pretty good fights from both classes A and B. Some of those in the crowd had been following these students development. They watched them first year to now their last

The day ended with Endevour giving out the medals. He smiled at his son and patted his shoulder. Even if his son came second again, he was still proud. Todoroki was happy his dad had changed.

"Its a shame Deku couldn't participate" he says

"Midoriya is always like that, he'll go patrolling to see if he can help people over this type of events any day" Todoroki says with a laugh

The crowd was still jeering at Bakugo

"We've seen you for three years already give a chance to the others"

"Not in your dreams!!!" Bakugo shouted back

True there was booing from the crowd but it was actually a mixture of cheering as well. Ground Zero, Bakugo's hero name has changed apparently he already has a growing fan base

Everyone arrived at the dorms and cleaned up. Satou had baked two large cakes for the victor as part of a bet and they had to cook what Bakugo wanted to eat...

The blond was gloating and laughing out hard as he was surrounded by his friends and then he noticed

"Where the hell is Deku" his laughing onslaught suddenly died down as he scanned the room for his friend. Yes Friend. The times he used to bully the greenete now felt like a dream.

He wanted to gloat in his face again like he did last year. he didnt want to remember first year though.

That was when noticed his lacking presence. The sun was setting and he was not around.

"Hey has anyone seen Kaminari" this time Mineta asked and and everyone turned to him.

"I haven't seen him since breakfast this morning" he says

"I saw him at lunch but that was the last I saw him" says Sero

Now Jirou was starting to worry

"I'll call Deku to see if they are together" Uraraka fished out her phone and dialed Izuku's number

No one picked up

He always picks up. No matter what. She called again. Still nothing. She did again and again. But no response

"Maybe his busy" Ashido tried to comfort Uraraka

"I'll call the agency" said Todoroki as he pulled out his own phone

"I'll try calling his mom" says Bakugo

"I'll call the support department" Iida says

It was past the time for Izuku's patrol to be over. He should already be back

A young girls voice picked up the phone on there other side of Bakugo's line. He knew the girl was Eri

"Hello" said Eri

"Squirt is Deku there" he gently asked the girl

"Kachan-san?" Eri questions but then decides to answer the question that Bakugo asked

"No, its just me and aunty Inko" she says

Bakugo thanked the girl and ended the call. His scowl grew and he gritted his teeth. Everyone in class knew him well enough to know that he was starting to get worried

"His not home" He tells them and now they all were begining to worry

"He did turn up the agency either" Todoroki says

"This isn't like Midoriya at all" Iida says

The line on there side finally picked up and then...

"TENYA BABY, ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP ME MAKE MORE BABIES!!!!" Iida sighed out loud and pinched the bridge of his nose from how his girlfriend outbursted

This would have been funny, it always was but, right now they couldnt laugh.

"Is Midoriya at the support Department" Iida asked

"No, in fact he was supposed help me test out one our babies the one we built together but he didnt show up" Mei says

"Thanks" Iida says and Mei replies with a quick 'No problem and I love you' which Iida replies before ending the call

This was not normal.

"Let's scan the place were Midoriya went to patrol then" surprisingly it was Mineta who stated the thought

It was a good idea. They got permission and all wore their hero suits and began scaling the area looking for their friend. Some trying to contact Kaminari to see if they've seen him 

All nineteen students were looking for their missing classmates. They searched high and low in pairs.

It was then Hagakure saw something.

"Ojiro!" She called out slightly panicked

Ojiro came down ftom the roof using the rails and landed swiftly beside his partner. "What's wrong?" He asked worried

Hagakure pointed to the corner. Her gloved hand pointing near the trash can in the alley. And that was when he saw it...

The phone and the ripped of hood. He knew only one person that had this hood and the phone. The Almight themed phone. No doubt it was Midoriya's. With the way these things were discarded, with a heavy heart he concluded his classmate was most likely taken

Hagakura called the rest... They met in the alley and Ojiro was tasked with delivering what he and Hagakure found

"There's a chance he was taken Uraraka" She took the phone and hood. Tears already streaming down her face as the other girls tried to comfort her

"Report this immediately!!!" Iida bellowed

Instantly taking charge. But deep down he felt like Uraraka. But he needed to stay strong

"Commence a wider search!!!" He ordered and no one questioned

Endevour's agency was notified about one of their interns being missing. UA was Notified and immediately a large scale search commenced

Endevour was told the secrets behind Deku's and Almight's power. It wasn't just about the young hero now. But what would happen if that power fell into the wrong hands.

Inko was notified. Her heart broke and Eri tried her best to comfort the woman. But she to was crying.

Mirio immediately returned when he was notified and aided with the search. However class A were looking for two. Kaminari was no where to be seen and had no way to be contacted

What has happened to their friends, they wondered.

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