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Izuku appeared in a bar were a mist man stood cleaning glasses and another. Shigaraki Tomura

Instantly they jumped back in surprise

There was a screen there that had All For One on. Behind the plain mask Izuku grew a scowl

"Don't think I don't know your plans boy, and don't think everything is going to be the same as last time" said all for One

"*tch* So you remember" Izuku spat

"It is a miracle, now there's one that holds All For One and One for all" the villain says

"I should have known since you weren't at your hideout when I went there" said Izuku

"And so what if I have both. I'll be your end when I find you" Izuku threatened

"Sensei who is this brat" said Shigaraki Tomura clearly annoyed he was being ignored

"Tomura meet my son Midoriya Izuku. The leader of the Drifters"

"Kurogiri" said Shigaraki and on cue the warp gate opened a portal the Nomu that was to attack the USJ came out and attacked Izuku

Kurogiri warped the two to the USJ were the students were

When they arrived, there were villains fighting against the students

They had sent them to hide earlier and ambush me. Damn you All For One.

The Nomu landed on Izuku pummeling into the ground.

"DEKU!!!!" Bakugou shouted as he charged at the beast

The class was confused as to why Bakugou was trying to help the villain

This time around the villains were stronger. Aizawa thought. He was pissed. Bakugou as well and they had to send the Nomu as well. He hoped Midoriya would be able to handle it.

Bakugou blasts the largest he manage at the Nomu. It barely leaves a scratch. His pissed. He wasn't as strong as before

The Nomu launches at him

Izuku quickly intercepts, one for all at a 100% with other quirks active. With all his strengths he punches it and sends it back. He knows it's not going to stay down for long.

It could have worse he thought

Lady luck was not on his side today as two more Nomu's were welcomed to the seen by the warp gate

"Kachan evacuate everyone" Izuku told Bakugou who at the moment was getting ready to blast the beasts

"What was that!?!?" Bakugou said grabbing Izuku by the shirt

The Nomu without eyes launched at them

The beast hit nothing

Bakugou and Izuku had been pulled in by Aizawa's captured gear and was now in a tight circle. The injured were in the middle. All class A was on guard

"Bakugou, Midoriya focus Damn it" Aizawa snarled

Suddenly ice was sent at Izuku. Izuku set himself aflame and the ice melted away. He was now separated from the group

It was Todoroki who did it

"The fuck 'half  n half'" Bakugou growled

"What are you doing helping a villain that hurt your family" Todoroki shouted back at him

Izuku dodged attacks thrown at him by the other villains. A villain lands a punch and his mask falls off.

Uraraka who had been watching looked over in horror as it revealed their classmate Akagami Kuronuske

Everyone was in shock, allowing the Nomu with wings to strike. But Bakugou manages to blast it away and

Izuku launches at it and punches it in the face. It got sent back into the other Nomu.

Izuku rejoins the group

"Akagami?" The group questioned

Izuku looks away not wanting to meet their eyes

"Your a villain" asks Uraraka who had tears in her eyes

Her heart was breaking. She didn't know why. She had only known him for a short while and so what were theses feeling

"Listen up, the others will be here soon. Akagami is Midoriya and his on our side. The reason he attacked you all was so he can mark you with the drifter mark. He'll explain the rest later"

"I am here!!!" Almights booming voice came

And in an instant he was down there with all the students. He blasted all the villains away save for the drifter and the Nomus

"Almight, you take the eyeless, Midoriya you take the first one and I'll take one with the wings"

Almight was confused, he looked over to Akagami and finally pieced it together. Young Akagami was Midoriya

"Hai! Sensei" Midoriya called out to Aizawa

This confused everyone but Bakugou, Izuku handed Aizawa a knife and the both charged of to their Nomus and so did Almight

Almight had kept on blasting his beast with over 100% punches.

Izuku was using multiple quirks

Aizawa was dodging his Nomus attacks

Until all three were finally able to end it

Almight sent the Nomu out the facility to God only knows where Izuku had made his hand into a blade and shoved in through its chest and with the same quirk he had used on the sludge villain the Nomu exploded to bits. Blood and Gore covered the boy.

As for Aizawa he had managed to wrap up the beast. This Nomu didn't have any regeneration ability which was a lucky because instead of killing it, he had slit main tendon. The beast couldn't move and he was mercilessly letting it bleed to death

And on cue the other heroes had arrived. And got to work. Izuku got shot in the shoulders and legs. Almight and Aizawa were about to charge at whoever that did this. They all looked up to see snipe

"I forgot about this" said Izuku as he was bleeding out

"Last time it was Shigaraki who got shot" he groaned in pain

"Good thing I got the regeneration quirk" he said as he slowly sat up once more

"Young Akagami, what are you" asked Almight

"And Aizawa-kun were you always acting with the villains" asked Almight as he stepped over to the students that were confused

Bakugou had moved over to Izuku and Aizawa.

"Eraser head?" said Mic coming to the scene with the other heroes

They were now on two sides

They all had taken stances against them. The three nonchalantly looked at them as though they didn't pose a threat

This made the heroes tense up until Nezu pops up

"Midoriya-kun would you care to explain" asked Nezu

Izuku leaned back. He was covered with blood and Gore. A lot of the students had already turned and gagged. Bakugou after gaining his memories back didn't seem bothered along with Aizawa. His seen A lot of Gore

Izuku leaned back holding onto his knees

"It will be a pain so I'll just show you guys after a shower"

He got up and walked away, just like that with Aizawa and Bakugou behind him

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