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Bakugo and the others arrived at UA. The sun was setting they had to hurry. It wouldn't be like the other days. This time they knew where he was. They were going to save him.


As they were about to enter someone crashes into Todoroki.

He looked down to see it was Eri.

"Eri-kun!" Iida called out quickly going to her side

"Aunty Inko and Almight!" She cried out. But the girl was getting to tired.

She had been running. And the panic she was going through was not helping. Reaching the front of UA she slightly felt relief and the adrenaline had begun to leave her body

She stood up once more and wobbly walked towards the turbo hero. Iida held her upright.

"Aunty Inko and A-almight....." She struggled to say once more

"Villains..." And with that she passed out from exhaustion

Everyone looked confused

"Oh no" Kaminari gasped

"We have to get everyone. No evacuation. Evacuate the city... But where do they go!" Kaminari held his head. He began to panic

"Kaminari..." Shinso said

"They going yo break him... He was barely holding on if they k-"

"If they kill his mother and Almight in front of him" Bakugo finished his sentence

"Then his going to break" Todoroki finished, horror was evident in his eyes

"Bakugo take her" Iida said handing Eri over to him

The man was to stunned at the moment and took Eri. Gently cradling her

Iida was the first to snap into high gear.

"Kaminari and Bakugo gather every combat hero and head to where Midoriya is immediately, Todoroki, Shinso your with me, notify the nearby agencies to begin Evacuations"

Even if they weren't pros yet... They all have already garnered enough reputation to be called pros.

They were already on the move. Bakugo dropped of the little girl of at recovery girl's without saying a word

Kaminari bursted into the principals office. Granted there were pros in there

"Kaminari were have you been!?" Shouted out Midnight

"No time to explain! Are whole lot of people are in danger!" He shouted out

"What's going on!?" snipe shouted

"Its as he says" Aizawa says walking in. They had just arrived. Bakugo had ran into him, he summed everything he could and told Aizawa.

Despite the situation he was impresses by how fat his students has come. And despite his disappointment and the feeling of failure within him, he was proud Kaminari came back. But right now wasn't the time for this

"I know where Midoriya is!" A hand to his chest with guilt and pain in his eyes he told them

"We have save him, Almight and his mother now!!"

"I'll give the briefing... All combat ready pros go now!!!" Aizawa ordered

If only they knew they were a bit to late to save the two

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