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Many have been wondering. How all this happened. How did All For One break lose. How did he lay waste to everything. How did Midoriya Izuku become what he had become

Let us take a step back in time then

A step back to when before Izuku used Rewind


It was a day like any other. The third years of UA walked through the school with an air of their own. The big three had their own vibe.

Not once within the history of UA have they seen a trio like them. Abliet they were quite quirky in more ways than one.

They had come far. Plagued by villains in their very first year all the way to their third.

These 3A students was everyone's role model. They were what every young aspiring hero student wanted to be. What every citizen felt safe with.

"Its almost the sports festival again" Came Aizawa

His been through thick and thin with these students. Of course he'd decided to stick by them till the bitter end of their highschool years

The class cheered a bit. Aizawa looked at all of them and for some reason decided to huff a smile

"What's wrong Mr Aizawa" asked Uraraka

She was quite a beauty. Tall she was. Her Luscious brown her had grown and reached the middle of her back. Her physique was far more toned then it was once when she began her highschool.

Izuku who sat at his seat couldn't help but blush slightly. If anyone had changed drastically then it was him. From being one of the shortest boys to being one of the tallest

Standing as tall as Iida now towering over Todoroki and Bakugo. Bakugo also lost some of his childishness that he had once had. He spoke calmly to others. And coperated more... Also his hair

Heavens his hair. He begun to style it as best jeanest once styled it. Saying his girlfriend liked it better this way.

Truth be told that was actually a joke but for some reason Bakugo decided to go with the look. Camie was stunned when he decides to go with that look though

If out of everyone that didnt change it would be Mineta

The imp was still short as hell

(Mineta-Oi I grew a bit... I'm 110cm now!!!)

(Author- heh... Two centimeters, isn't even considered growth to me)

Aizawa at the age of 33 felt like he was 70. He had grown to love this batch of students. They were his and he was theirs.

"You all have grown up so fast, that I can't believe it" he says

Those words were touching. Some of the girls couldn't help but tear up.

"Sensei what's gotten into you!!!" Mina shouted she was squashing up her face... Trying not to cry.

"Yeah, its not like you to suddenly get all touchy" says Sero

"Its kinda creepy" Says Shinso

Aizawa shot a glare his way. When second year had started he wasoved to class A. There was debate on what class he would attend but Aizawa stood his ground and took him in to class A.

"Its your last year so I couldn't help it, you brats turned me into this..." the man huffs

"You have suppressed all our expectations and more since your very first year. I don't even know of another group of students that is a trouble for magnet like you lot within the history of UA"

"Honestly ever since the begining of the second year at least two of you have either gotten into a fight or ended in the hospital  within the same week"

Aizawa's tone had turned scolding as he activated his quirk and stared down his students. They all were shrinking into their seats. Especially...

"Especially you Problem Child!" Aizawa scolded

The young man flinched. Even with three years his teacher still struck fear in him.

"I'm really sorry Sensei" he apologized

"Honestly the whole lot of you have given us teachers some unwanted white hair... I have never seen the the old lady looking so old... And she was already quite old back in my day" Aizawa clarifies

A guilty chorus of laughter filled the room. Its been three years now. They couldn't believe it. Time had flown by so fast that it felt as though they were standing still.

That day Izuku stood by the gate. Waiting for her. He didn't know when he fell for her. He watched the first years flooding out. He saw one boy... He had a untied shoelace. Being the ever so helpful hero he was about to call out to the kid.

To late, the boy tripped and was about to meet his fate. Izuku was just about to save him but some one beat him

A hand grabbed the boy and pulled him up.

"Whoa there, its bad luck if you face plant into the floor" says a girl about the same age as the boy.

The boy....

He was speechless. Looking down at him was a girl with flowing turquoise hair and deep indigo eyes flaked with gold. The boy grew red. His jaggered teeth was clenched shut and gray hair almost stood on end

"Hey your Sai from Class A... I'm Kirara from class B... See you around" Sai was stunned

Kirara waved him good bye. And the shy boy waved in return. Izuku could definitely tell what was running through the boy's head

Izuku gave a hearty laugh. Surprising the boy

The boy turned abruptly and his eyes grew into stars

"DEKU!!!" He cried out excitedly

"I mean Midoriya-senpai" the boy fanboyed.

Izuku was sure he could see his past self within this boy.

"Please tell me you didnt see anything" the boy begged blushing really hard

Izuku just smiled and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Sorry but I saw"

Sai looked like he wanted to crawl into a ditch and die.

"But to be honest you reminded me of my entrance exam... So I have to thank you"

Sai looked mesmerized. Deku was an astonishing student. Heck he was a pro. He was Sai's hero. Sai was a fanboy and probably one of Deku's first fans. three years ago he was watching the news... He learned that Deku was one the students that had gone out onto the battle field with Almight and All For One.

Ever since then he had been following the news on Deku. At first it was out of curiousity. But when within the first year when during Deku's internship with the number one hero Endevour, Deku saved him and his father from a horrible death

Eversince then Deku had become his hero. Sai got his autograph. Thanked Izuku with all his might and then ran home to tell his dad

Uraraka had been watching from not so far.

"What was that, a fan of yours?" She asked with a smile

"If anyone has more fans then it would be you" Izuku tells her with a smile

Izuku now knows. He now knows when he fell in love with Uraraka. It was the first day they met. When she saved him from face planting...

Izuku burst out laughing as he remembered

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