Chapter Nine - Yuki Rey

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I woke up Friday morning alone in Rachel's room. There was a note by my face. I picked it up and read it. It was from Rachel. She'd gone to school without me. Also, the invisibility apparently hadn't worked when I was asleep.

I activated it, and left the room with my backpack. Luckily, Rachel's mom was no longer home. Unluckily, I'd missed the bus and would have to take the subway again. When I got down there, I realized that I was still invisible, so I jumped the turnstile without any problems, and then got on the next train.

While I stood off to the side trying to avoid being run into, I noticed someone sitting across from me. Of course, there were plenty of people on the train, but this one was looking right at me.

He had shoulder-length damp black hair, and bright blue eyes. He wore ripped jeans, a red tank top, and had a plaid green shirt tied around his waist. Hanging from his neck and wrists was a variety of different bracelets and necklaces, most of which held some kind of rocks or gems. He also wore a lot of eye makeup.

From his pocket, he pulled out a phone. He held it up, then turned it around so that the screen was facing me. There was a photo of me standing there on the subway. I guess invisibility was also revealable through photographs. That wasn't good news considering what I'd done to get onto the train car.

"So. You're the one who the old lady believes is a good candidate. Where's your friend?" The words randomly appeared across my vision. Each word appeared after the last one faded. The words were black, handwritten and appeared against white boxes.

Making the rightful assumption that this was coming from the guy in front of me, I sent him a thought. "Candidate for what?"

He pulled a face. "What is that from? Volume #1? Of course it is." He started muttering to himself, ignoring me.

I repeated the question, "Candidate for what?"

"New roommate." He replied.


"The old lady says that someone new has to come in The Box and according to what she says is the future, it's you." He elaborated.

"Ok, but I'm not looking for a new place to live right now." Although I'd been kicked out for the time being, I'd be back home soon enough.

"Well maybe not right now, but you will be soon."

On the one hand, I was very confused. On the other hand, I assumed that some kind of magic I didn't understand yet was involved.

"Ok but-"

"It's almost your stop." He attempted to distract me.

"Not for another five minutes." I retorted. This guy didn't seem to be as omnipotent as that amphibian person. "Tell me more about what's going on."

"No." He vanished.

I pulled out my own phone to see if he was still there, but invisible. He was gone. I sighed, and continued waiting for my stop to come.


I was sitting in study hall, considering saying something to Rachel, when someone came up to me. I looked at him. It was Wess. I waved at him, trying to get him to leave me alone.

"Been trying any spells lately?" He asked, using the telepathy mark.

Before I could respond, John came up to him, and got him to leave me alone. Luckily, he didn't attempt to bother me from a distance.

I reached out to Rachel. "Hello."

"I'm in chem." She replied, trying to get me to leave her alone.

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