Chapter Three - Yuki Rey

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There'd been plenty of rumors of people going around and hiding these magical books, but finding this was the wonderful confirmation we needed. Grimoires and all practices of magic were illegal in this country of Hamsterdamn, and had been for long before either of us had been born.

The logic was something along the lines of "magic will hinder the development of technology." There might have been some kind of other conflict about it, but I wasn't sure as I didn't pay much attention in history. Rachel probably knew, but based on her giddy reaction to the book, she wasn't too worried about the book itself being dangerous.

The problem now was what to do with the book. We were going to read it, definitely, but would it be ok to do it in a public place? Rachel seemed to think so as she headed to a more private corner of the bookstore.

I sat down, and Rachel flipped the book open to the inside front cover. At the top it said "This Book Belongs To..." and underneath there were a couple of signatures. Next to one of them was a sticky note that said "have fun!" I guess whoever Ed Win was had hidden the book.

I was somewhat suspicious about Rachel's behavior. Usually, she was very anti-magic and would be against doing something like this. I guess she was just excited at the idea of doing something like this, as I was.

Rachel pulled out a pen, and wrote her name on the page. After a moment, she eagerly gestured to me to do the same. I wrote my name, Yuki Rey, underneath hers. Immediately the book's appearance changed. It got thicker, and the first page now read "Grimoire Volume #1" instead of "History of Magic".

I looked over at Rachel, and then turned the page over. There was a list across pages two and three labeled "Rules and Guidelines" written in calligraphy and we both excitedly read it.

1. To view the contents of this Grimoire, you must write your name in the front cover.

2. This Grimoire may not be destroyed. Repeated attempts to do so will result in no longer being able to access its contents. Preexisting knowledge may only be erased through death, or using Page 15 of Volume #3.

3. To gain knowledge of a spell, first read its contents, then lift up the flap to view the spell's mark. Once viewed, it's effectiveness will be dependent on its compatibility with the individual who read it.

4. To create new spells to be used, you must have access to the most recent volume.

5. Names may only be removed from the front cover by violating rule 2, crossing out your name with a simple line, or through the use of invisibility spells.

6. To change the outwards appearance of the Grimoire, turn to page six.

7. To find a specific spell, turn to page seven.

8. To copy this Grimoire, turn to page eight.

9. For more information on other magic users, turn to page nine.

10. Before attempting anything in this Grimoire, turn to page four.

Once we had completed reading, we looked around to make sure that no one was nearby, and turned to page four.

Written in big, capital letters was each of the five subspecies of human - AMPHIBIAN, BIRD, FISH, MAMMAL, and REPTILE. Next to each was a square flap tucked into the page. At the top of the page it said;

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