Chapter One - Yuki Rey

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Where are you?


I replied, knowing that Rachel would be annoyed to find out that I was doing vigilante stuff again. She was going to find out anyways, once I showed up at her place with the bruise I'd just gotten on my face. I should've kept wearing that helmet I used to have, but it got in the way. The only thing I had to conceal my head was a large pair of goggles and a hoodie. I probably should dig up the helmet from wherever in my room it was buried.

Just get your ass over here.

I sighed, put the phone back in the back pocket of my black jeans, and continued across a few more roofs until I got near the subway station. I climbed down a nearby fire escape, landing in an alleyway. I took off the goggles, shoved them in my pocket, and made my way underground.

I was somewhat worried about being noticed by someone, but it was fairly late at night, and in big cities, people tend to keep to themselves. I was wearing a dark hoodie and dark pants, and was being careful to act inconspicuous. Lately my heroic alter-ego had ended up in the news.

Someone on the news had come up with the brilliant name "the shadow" and on Tweeter I'd created an account @ the_real_shadow. I didn't use it often, but when I did, I'd sometimes get messages from people I'd helped out, grateful that I'd save them from an attacker. I'd never taken down any large organization or anything, mainly I just helped individuals.

I sat down in the mostly empty train car and zoned out as I thought about why I was even doing this in the first place. My best friend, Rachel, was really worried about me acting as a self-proclaimed superhero. I'd been sick the past week, and had only started getting back to work tonight. Honestly, there were probably better things that I could be doing, but I wanted to help people.

Sighing, I tried to stop thinking about it, and waited on the subway for the right stop.


I knocked on the door to Rachel's apartment, and soon after, her mother opened the door. She gestured to me that Rachel was in her room, and I headed into it. Rachel was visibly annoyed, and pointed at my shoes. They were the ones she'd designed to look like they fit me but left prints that were way bigger than my feet.

I pretended not to know what she was referring to. She sighed, deciding to drop it, and rolled over to her desk and grabbed the homework I was there to get. I'd been sick for a week, and consequently I had lots of homework to catch up on. I pulled off my gloves then pulled out my phone and texted her.

You know, you could've just came over every day to give me the homework instead of just hoarding everything until Sunday.

She glanced over to where her phone sat charging, shoved the papers in my face, then went over to reply to me.

My mom didn't want me catching anything from you.

I nodded. Made sense. Her adoptive mother was fairly overprotective. I was kind of surprised that she'd just let me in today knowing that I'd been sick all week. I sat down on Rachel's tidy bed and felt the phone buzz again.

Also I kind of thought your interpreter would bring it to you.

He follows you everywhere.


I actually haven't seen John around lately.

You haven't?

I shrugged. It was probably because I hadn't been in school, but sometimes Dad didn't really want him around. If it wasn't necessary. Or if he was doing something he didn't want getting out.

Can I stay the night?

Rachel left to talk to her mom. While I waited, I crawled across the low bed and reached up to grab a pen from the desk and started to work on the stack in front of me. If I got everything done now, then I wouldn't have to worry about having to give up my study halls to do actual work.

I was halfway through a math worksheet when something hit me in the head. I looked up and it was a water bottle. I glared at Rachel, who'd thrown it, and continued with what I'd been doing. My phone vibrated but I ignored it.

It buzzed a few more times, and I shook the papers in front of her. She rolled her eyes, but I didn't pay attention to whatever she did next.


I finished the final assignment I had, and went through to make sure my name was on everything, and every question had at least some kind of an answer. I checked my phone, and saw that it was around 3 am. I could always get some sleep during study hall. I looked over to see that Rachel was next to me on the bed, buried under a pile of blankets. Some of her long, curly black hair was sticking out from them.

Then, I noticed the messages that she'd left me.

Yeah you can stay the night.

I'd already known what the answer would be.

Just try not to stay up all night

I already failed that request.

I know that you've been going out again. You shouldn't be doing this, especially once you've just gotten better. It's dangerous.

Also what are you going to wear in the morning?

I'm gonna leave the lights on but you should try and get some sleep.

There were a few more rambling messages about my safety and one about how I could borrow her clothes if I wanted, but nothing much else. I unplugged her phone from its charger and replaced it with mine. Then, I stole a blanket from the pile and turned off the lights. I kicked off my shoes, and laid down on the floor. I used to stay on Rachel's bed when I stayed over, but after I kicked her in the face in my sleep one time she got annoyed and from then on I just sleep on the floor.

The floor was hard, but with the blanket wrapped around me I quickly fell asleep.

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