Chapter Fifteen - Rachel Haglee

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I woke up on Saturday morning realizing that I had nothing to do. I checked my phone. There were several messages from Marigold.


How are you?

Are you up?

What is your favorite color? Mine is red.


I replied, knowing full well the implications of my answer.


You're finally up

Send a picture for me to use for your profile

I was about to comply, but realized that all my good photos showed my wheelchair. I put on the legs, and quickly got dressed. I slipped on a skirt that I could finally wear normally, and a blank red t-shirt. I put on some tiny hoop earrings, and brushed my curly black hair.

I took a picture, and sent it. In response, Marigold sent me a somewhat goofier photo, making me feel silly for going through all that trouble. Well, at least I was dressed.

Want to meet up at the coffee shop again?

Yeah give me an hour

It wouldn't take me that long to get there, but still. I decided to spend about half an hour anxiously doing homework. When I was finished with the math review sheet, I got up to leave. Part of my lower legs were visible as the skirt didn't go all the way down, but I didn't mind. The shiny grey metal was nothing for me to be ashamed of. I wore Yuki's shoes again.

When I left my room, my mother invited me to the table for breakfast. It was pancakes. My mom makes the best pancakes. Yuki likes them. I missed Yuki. He might've been a bit annoying at times, but now that he was gone, I realized how much I love having him around. It was for the best that he join those other magic users for now though. Once I was finished with high school though, I'd join him. For now, I had Marigold.

I walked out into the noisy street. I walked down the sidewalk as I was passed by loud cars to the right. I could hear all around me people shouting. I made my way down onto the subway. Once I'd swiped my card and I was careful to get on the same train as yesterday.

The train was very loud. The street was quieter, the coffee shops even more so. I got a cup of tea, then sat down. I was somewhat early, so I waited.

「おはようございます。」said a familiar voice.

"What?" I replied, looking up at Marigold.

"Good morning." She sat down at the counter next to me. The counter faced a big window that led out to the street. "Languages are a funny thing."

"I guess."

She was wearing a tank top, though most of the reptile class tended to dress warmer than us mammals did. I wore a t-shirt, which technically covered more. I could see the top of her back. There was the curved black line of a mark.

Taking my chances, I sent her a thought. "So, you couldn't get enough of me?"

She spat out some of the drink she had. Aloud she said, "Are you serious?"

I held my hands up, and whispered, "Sorry I saw your back and I thought-"

"No its fine. I'm just surprised by you." She sipped at her drink through the straw. Suddenly, I heard her voice in my head. "How much have you read?"

"Volumes #1 and #18," I answered honestly and mentally.

"Really? Those? Hmm. You don't fit Wess's description."


"My cousin. We have a hideout in the woods in central park. About a week ago someone came and copied our volume #18 and then gave us a copy of #1."

"Sounds like my friend." I'd heard about it from Yuki, but I was still interested in this hideout. "Any chance I could visit this place?" I asked, hopefully.

"Not yet. I gotta know that I can trust you."

"We went to a concert together, what more do you want?" I jokingly asked with my thoughts.

"Tell me you aren't using mind control." She said, looking at me, slightly in distress.

"Um, I don't have a mind control mark." I was confused.

"Then why did I go up to you? Why did I invite you twice?"

"Well, you said the first time was a dare or something. This time, I think you like me?"

There was a brief moment of realization. "Oh my god I'm so embarrassed."

"Its fine. I like you a lot too." I admitted.




I'd never gone off the trail in the park before. It felt exhilarating to go off deep where I wasn't supposed to go.

"Is it true that this forest had earth dragons?" I asked. I'd heard the rumors about them, but had never seen them myself.

"I think so. I've seen prints." Marigold didn't sound very confident. "Here's the place."

She climbed a tree. After a moment, I hesitantly followed her. I could do it! I hadn't been able to climb a tree in years. Eventually I reached the area with the boards to sit on. It smelled like pot, but I didn't say anything.

I noticed some boxes. "Do you keep grimoires up here?" I asked.

"Usually. Lately some of us have been keeping them at home." She sat down next to me. The way I was sitting, my skirt was hiked up so that more of my legs were visible. "You have artificial legs?"

"Yeah," I answered proudly. "I designed them myself."

"That's pretty cool." She paused. "Can I see your back?"

"Sure." I put my hands on the bottom of my shirt then stopped. "Show me yours and I'll show you mine?"


We both pulled off out shirts at the same time. I wore just my bra. Marigold was bare. Her smooth scales were absolutely beautiful. I wanted to touch them. She turned around, revealing the black tattoo on her back. There were quite a few unfamiliar marks on her back. She whistled when she saw mine.

"What'd you do? Read the whole book? You've got lots of mark clusters." She inspected my back. At one point, I felt a cold finger tracing some lines. I turned back around. The beautiful girl in front of me had leaned in very close.

"You know about soul mates?" She asked me.

"Yeah." If you found your soul mate, and kissed them, you could share thoughts, even without magic. It was supposed to be one of the greatest things to happen to a person, and it didn't happen often.

She leaned in further. "Neither of us has advanced thought communication or control marks."

"Nope." I leaned in further and we kissed.

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