Chapter Twenty-One - Yamada Rey

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I sat in on the lame bed in the cell, staring at the wall, bored. I should've known that this would happen. I'd gotten sloppy. In trying to care for my daughter, I'd ended up getting myself and her in trouble.

I'd heard that they didn't find her after my arrest was announced. I hoped that she hadn't been kidnapped. I hadn't received a ransom call, so I knew that that probably hadn't happened. Also, the interpreter I'd hired to guard her had reported that she'd just disappeared from the high school just before I fired him.

I knew sign language, but I'd always pretended not to so that I could have someone secretly protecting Yuki. I'd always wondered if she'd caught on to it.

I laid down. I could've gotten out of here if I wanted to, but I figured that I might as well stay. What would be the point if I got out? My whole operation was a mess. Just because one idiot had to get killed. The deal was trafficking only, not murder. I'd help organize moving the drugs and the Grimoires, but I refused to have anyone get killed.

I wished that the police hadn't found the Grimoires though.

If they hadn't found the Grimoires, then they wouldn't have gotten that guy to check my back and find the marks. I found it kind of funny. The government had to hire wizards to capture wizards. I vaguely wondered about my cellmate and what powers he had. Or used to have.

There are charms on the walls of this prison that restricted the use of magic. The only abilities that could be used within the facility were core abilities and even then, they were severely restricted. I'd seen my cellmate creating tiny breezes to try to comfort himself.

We hadn't talked, despite me being here for a week now, but I almost wanted to. It was depressing being stuck in this tiny cell, not being able to see what was about to happen, or be able to melt the bars. Frustrated, I stood up quickly and hurled a pathetically tiny fireball at the bars. It went through them and burned a bit of the floor on the ground in the hallway.

I sat back down. The birdman across the cell from me laughed a bit. I gave him a look and he smiled.

"What are you in for?" I spoke my first words to him. I winced slightly at the cliched words, but I genuinely wanted to know.

"My wife," he started with a slightly sadistic look on his face, "she accused me of cheating on her. I couldn't stand the accusation, so I just had to end her." There was a breeze around the room now, making me have a good guess as to what the murder weapon was. "Then, my mistress found out, and I just had to kill her too. It was easy. Just a little breeze. I'd show you right now if I could. Just wrap it around and whoosh. No more breathing." He was grinning and used his hands to elaborate his words.

I shivered, horrified. I thought of my own wife's fate. Years ago, when Yuki was just a baby, she was kidnapped by a rival gang. I of course did what they asked of me, but they killed her anyways. I couldn't imagine burning her with my fire. I couldn't imagine hurting the woman I loved at all. I suppose that I did end up hurting my daughter with keeping my distance from her. I just didn't want her to get hurt. I guess I really should've stopped a long time ago.

"What about you?" he asked me.

"Drugs." I said flatly. "Grimoires."

He nodded in respect. "Nice."

I didn't want to be complimented by this man. I wondered why I'd been placed in a cell with him and how long he'd been here.


A few weeks later I was lying on the bed listening to my cellmate's mumblings when I heard some commotion in the hallway. There was some yelling, and I could hear the sounds of what I would later discover to be guards being beaten up. I stood up and tried looking through the bars to see what was going on.

After a bit, I saw a Reptilian woman standing in front of me. "Are you Yamada Rey?" she demanded.

"Yes," I answered, eyeing her metal right arm.

"If I let you out, are you willing to rejoin the magic resistance front and fight for it to be legalized again?" she asked.

"Of course," was the only reasonable response I could've made so it was what I said.

She used that arm to bend the bars of the cage so that I could slip out. I was a bit worried about my cellmate also escaping, but didn't let it bother me as I followed the mystery woman out of the prison.

Once I was out, I breathed a sigh of relief as I was able to use magic again. I checked the next few minutes and saw that there was a bike with a box on the end that I would have to climb into. I went over to it, and descended into a room filled with mirrors. I saw that there was a variety of shoes on the floor, so I removed mine.

I left the room and entered a room that was split in two. One half was like a kitchen and one half was like a living room. I went to sit down on a couch in the living room half, and waited for the kind bird woman to come in and greet me.

Aileen arrived right on cue and introduced herself after confirming who I was. She brought me to a room filled with rows of clothes in all different sizes and styles. I chose a simple black and green suit.

Aileen brought me to an empty room, and handed me a Grimoire designed to personalize the room to be like however I wanted. This was a significant step up from being in prison, that's for sure. I was changing the shape of the room when there was a knock at the door.

I heard an unfamiliar voice in my head. It said, "Hello, I just wanted to check out the new person. If I'm bothering you, then just tell me to leave."

"You're not bothering me at all," I said aloud opening the door.

On the other side there was a handsome young man wearing a pair of blue jeans and a purple button-down plaid shirt. He had short brown hair and tanned skin. What brought my attention was those bright blue eyes and how they widened in surprise when they saw me.

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