Chapter Twelve - Yuki Rey

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The next day, I didn't do much. However, I finally took those tests that Cris said I needed to graduate early. I wasn't sure what magic he was using to discreetly get me to pass high school early, and I didn't much care. Otherwise, I spent most of the day contemplating the fire that I'd caused.

After dinner, I left The Box. Most everyone was in their rooms. The bike was leaning against an odd-looking tree in the middle of a strange forest of unfamiliar plants.

I'd heard that once we crossed this area, we'd be out of the country and somewhere magic was legal. I knew that it was unlikely to happen, but I wanted to see a mer country. The idea fascinated me, and I never understood why they were seen as bad. Other than the heavy reliance on magic, of course.

I created a small fire in my hand to guide myself as I wandered in the darkness. Before long, I came across a girl sitting at the base of a tree with her eyes glazed over. Worried, I crouched down in front of her and moved my fire hand in front of her eyes. There was no reaction.

I noticed that her tongue was sticking out. It was light blue, instead of pink. Nothing was swollen, and she didn't look injured. I tried to send her a thought but it bounced back to my mind. What was going on?

"Hands off!" The words appeared in my mind, dark and threatening. I froze, very slowly removing my hands from the girl's body. Luckily, she still had a pulse. "Turn around." The words came, unnerving in their appearance, so I complied.

When I turned around, I saw there was a unicorn. It was pale blue, and its tail, mane, and horn were a shade that was almost white. Its hooves were a deep dark blackish-blue. The eyes were pure white, with nightmarish black pupils that stared down at me.

"Hello." I meekly thought to the massive creature.

"How dare you disturb my prey?" it demanded.

"Well, I didn't actually know that this was yours." I felt ashamed to the girl like that, but I was scared. I'd heard of the stuff that these things would do. I slowly stood up. "Well, I'll be off now-"

"Don't even think about it." The massive horned horse leaned in. I noticed that there was a scar around the left eye. "I'll know."

"Sorry." I instinctively apologized. My mind was racing with what the thing would do to me. What could I do? Try to burn it? Or could I stop time and run away? That might work. I stopped time briefly, and tried to pick up the girl, but the mark quickly stopped working.

"I said don't even think about it." The words rippled through my mind, and I looked back up at the beast.

I steadied myself, and demanded, "What do you want?"

The unicorn seemed surprised that a human had stood up to it, both literally and figuratively. As it should be, I doubt that anyone typically would. I wasn't feeling suicidal, but for some reason I found the confidence to confront the creature.

When I got no answer, I asked it another question, "Why did you do whatever it is you did to this little girl?"

"She threw a cup into the woods, and had no intentions of picking it up," was its response.

Made sense. Unicorns were known to attack people who littered in their forests. I wanted desperately to save this kid, but at this point, the most I might be able to do is save myself from this psychic beast.

"Well, then that's clearly not good, but see, I didn't know about that and in the end, I didn't do anything to you, so really you should let me go," I tried to convince it.

"You feel sympathy for my prey," it said. "You think what I did was bad."

"I didn't say-"

"But you thought. You thought it, and that's what matters. Perhaps you'd like the same fate."

"No, not really." I tried to back away, but my feet were stuck to the ground.

Unicorns were infamous creatures. They protected forests, and they were extremely hostile. There were three types of unicorns. There was the yellow ones, who would simply argue with you, possibly move you telekinetically if they really didn't like what you were doing. Overall, the yellows were harmless. There was there red ones, who would slowly eat you, tearing you apart limb by limb if they didn't care for you. Finally, there was the blue ones. No one quite knew what they did, but you'd end up with a blue tongue, a strong sense of euphoria, and a total lack of consciousness. Once a blue unicorn got to you, you never woke up.

"Too bad." The unicorn bared its teeth, which were much sharper than you'd expect.

Suddenly, Rage appeared. All of its little extremities were glowing red-orange as it flew between myself and the unicorn.

"You will leave this human alone," it commanded.

The unicorn took a few steps back. I guess it was afraid of the dragon. That was good.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" the unicorn demanded, its words seeming less intimidating.

"I am Rage!" Rage let out a breathe of fire that seemed too large for such a small creature.

The unicorn, now burned, growled angrily. "Pathetic human. Calling upon your pet to help yourself instead of fighting"

A beam of light energy came from its horn, hitting me in the chest. It burned, but it quickly healed. The light disappeared, and I fell, tired from the self-healing.

I looked over at Rage, and held out my right hand, supporting it with my left. The two of us counted mentally to three, and both let out a stream of fire to hit the unicorn. It's blue fur smelled as it burned. It ran away angrily, leaving a trail of heavy footprints.

"Thank you." I said to Rage.

Rage turned to me. With shaky letters he thought, "I can't believe that worked."

"Well it did, and I'm grateful." I thought for a bit. "How did you know to come?"

"I followed you out here. I wanted to stretch my wings. When I saw the unicorn I knew you were in danger, so I went to help. I knew that they're scared of dragons." Rage landed on my shoulder. "I'm glad I could help you despite being so small."

"So am I. I think I'll keep you around with me from now on." I gently went to lift up the girl. "Come on, let's go back to The Box."

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