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Bjorn drove far too fast through the streets of Stockholm, making his way to the studios, he was furiously angry with Agnetha, this was a make or break meeting and she had ruined it. She had made him look like an idiot.

There was some other emotion churning in his gut that felt like guilt, like he had forgotten something but he was too angry to analyse it now, besides he was the organiser of the band, he rarely forgot important stuff. His tyres screeched as he pulled into the car park. Leaving the car parked at an angle he jogged into the studio and upstairs to the conference room where he found Benny and Gorel drinking coffee surrounded by paperwork and photos of Abba.

"Hi Guys, sorry I'm late, I got home late last night, the kids were ill and the house looked like we had been burgled. Anna forgot about the meeting and didn't wake me in good time. I haven't even had a cup of coffee" He walked over to the coffee machine and poured himself a cup and took a sip, he pulled a face it was absolutely dreadful but it would do well to wake him up that was for sure. "Jesus, who made the coffee today? it tastes like tar" Benny laughed and said " yeah I managed 2 sips, Stig has employed a new office girl. I'm sure coffee making skills were not on her job application. Bjorn couldn't agree more

He sat down at the table and Benny said to him " Bjorn, are you ok my friend? You look rough mate" Bjorn sighed and said "yes i'm fine, I'm angry with Anna that's all and I hate being late. Shall we get on? What have I missed?" Bjorn was trying to change the subject but Benny, his best friend of 11 years standing was not prepared to let it go that easily " why are you angry with Anna because you overslept? That's hardly her fault. you could have set an alarm clock if it was such an issue surely?" There was just enough truth in Benny's words to make Bjorn uncomfortable and defensive and he rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. " Benny, can we drop it please and get on, Anna knew this meeting was important and she knew when it was because Gorel told her last week. She was up before me with the kids and she should have woken me"

Bjorn took another sip of the truly awful coffee and winced. When he looked up Benny was rolling his eyes at him and Gorel was looking upset. " Bjorn, I didn't tell her when the meeting was, when we discussed it you said that you would tell her as you'd have to work hard to persuade her that going on tour was a good idea. You know she doesn't want to because of the children, not to mention the flying." Benny sighed and said "so if you didn't tell her she wouldn't have had any way of knowing would she. Bjorn you're a bloody idiot, you know she worships the ground you walk on. When you are cross with her, it breaks her heart even when you are justified. It must be a thousand times worse for her when you're not" He shook his head and sighed.

Bjorn's heart felt like it stopped. His quick brain snapped back to the conversation he'd had with Gorel and his shoulders slumped as he realised she was right. He put the coffee cup down and covered his face with his hands, his mind whirled as he finally identified why he had been feeling guilty before this revelation " oh shit, I've fucked up" he groaned, the sick feeling in his stomach increasing as he absorbed the enormity of what his mind's eye was telling him.

Benny, not realising there was more said "Bjorn you two have fought and argued for the whole ten years you've been together, its part of your passion. She'll forgive you. You two can't live without each other. " Benny, I've fucked up more than you know, I was so angry and frustrated I didn't speak to the children this morning, I didn't tell them I loved them I just rushed past them while yelling at Anna, what's worse is I went back to yell at her again and I STILL didn't talk to them I just stormed out " He rested his head in his hands and did battle with his guilt and tried to think how he could repair the damage he had done to his wife and children. Benny didn't know what to say to comfort Bjorn. Difficult to comfort a fool even when he's your best friend.

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