A beating

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I arrive home soaked from the ocean and find my dad waiting for me at the door. His cold hard face looking at me like a punching bag.
"Where the fuck where you?"
"Dad, its Halloween. I went to celebrate."
"Celebrate being a whore I bet. How many guys did you fuck huh?!"
I look around at people passing by still enjoying their night of Halloween and they all look at us as my dad makes a scene.
"Get the fuck inside you dumb bitch!"
I walk in with my head down, my dad slaps me upside my head hard as I continue to walk.
"Why are you soaking wet?!"
"I fell into a pool, don't worry it wasn't deep."
"I wish It were deep, maybe I wouldn't have to look at your stupid face!"
"Right, you'd like me to die, I'd like to die too, maybe I'll be with mom; with a parent who actually loves me!"
I turn around only to get punched in the gut, I suck in air as I fall to the floor, kicks to my stomach cause me to curl up in pain. Tears stream down my face as he walks away leaving me alone. I lay there for a few seconds hoping he will leave me alone for the rest of the night.
"Get your stupid ass to bed!"
I get up and go take a shower, I pull off my shirt and see bruises forming on my side and my stomach.
Quiet sobs break me as I try to keep quiet, my dad hates it when I cry, it angers him. Honestly i don't know what doesn't anger him anymore.
I shower quickly as possible with my sore body and go to lay down.

"Get up bitch! Time for school!"
I jump up and get dressed quickly, and leave through my window walking through the woods. It's the one place my dad wont go because that's how my mom died, she was mauled by and unknown animal.
I find the woods comforting and relaxing, the sounds the smell of the wet trees and soil. I break through the brush and see my school, sighing as I see Jax and his friends. I avoid them at all costs and head to my locker only to be pushed into it by Jax. Pain fills my sore body and I whimper feeling weak, I suck in air as one of the guys pokes my stomach.
"Don't! S-stop please..."
Jax pushes the guy to keep walking, I look up and see Jax is looking at me curious as to why it hurt so bad. I shake it off and walk to my class, all my classes were boring and educational. I walk to the front of the school and pull off my hoodie, my stomach shows and I panic trying to get it off quickly and fix myself. I look around and see Jax looking at me frozen with confusion. Panic sets in me quickly and I walk away in a hurry. The sky is getting dark and I feel the need to go to my spot on the pier, I pick up a bottle of whiskey at the local liquor store. The owner Dillan knows about my dad and how he beats me and for that he gives me pity and sells me liquor.
One perk to being abused huh?
I sit and enjoy my whiskey, night falling so beautifully...........


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