Weekend in Bliss

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Danny and I dance to
Dug in my heart by Børns singing it loudly in his room, his mom walks in and dances with us. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much! We all fall on Danny's bed that's set low on the floor,
"I'm going to make food, I'm starving! Yall hungry?"
"Yessss!" Danny and I say at the same time, he looks at me and we bust out laughing.

"Get out of my head!" I yell out and he starts to tickle me, Faith leaves and he stops.
"I like having you here, I feel like complete."
I look at him,
"I feel that." He moves hair away from my face, his hand on my cheek,
"You are so beautiful." I smirk
"Thank you." I curl into him, he holds me tight and I feel high in his grasp, I feel like I just want to stay in his arms forever. My eyes get heavy and I drift asleep.
I wake in Danny's arms, he is asleep, I tap his cheek, his eyes flutter open.
"Shit, I'm sorry."
He says, I giggle.
"I think I fell asleep first."
He let's go of me, we go downstairs and find Faith finishing her food.
"I went to go get yall but yall were asleep." She says winking, Danny rolls his eyes making me smile, we eat quickly and head upstairs.
"The guys have been blowing me up all day!" He turns off his phone,
"Yeah they have been blowing mine up too." We go to the relaxing room and sit on bean bags, I grab a book and start reading it.
Danny grabs my book and throws it across the room, I smiles as he pulls me to my feet.
"Let's go for a drive."
I Bluetooth my phone to the stereo and play
High enough by K.Flay and sing my little heart out pointing to Danny, he blushes and I snap, I haven't needed liquor since I've been here, with him. I don't need to feel numb I feel good!
"Where are we going?"
"Nowhere, we are just going to drive, cruise."
We cruise and listen to music, sing and laugh with the windows down, the cold air chilling my skin.
"I need Clara to get me some hoodies, jackets, and sweaters." I text her and she send me a thumbs up, Danny shakes his head,
"You women and clothes." I smile,
"Hey you like what I look like in those clothes sir."
"That I cannot deny."
We both laugh, we look in the review seeing Ty's truck, I sigh as we pull over to a dinner and get out of the car.
"So you just gonna ignore us or what bro?!"
"Dude we are hanging out okay. You need to let her breath, all this intimation to make her want to be with yall is to much."
"Acting like you don't like her."
"I do like her but I respect her to much to make her want me. She can make her own decisions, if she wanted to hang with yall she could have left or answered yall. I'm not keeping her prisoner."
"Then why cant she speak for herself?"
Ty looks at me,
"I don't need to Danny knows exactly how I feel and he isn't pressuring me in any way. Yall do and I don't like that, I feel free for once."
"You know what, yall deserve each other."
Ty gets in his car and speeds off, Danny and I look at each other and bust out laughing.
"Someone on their period."
I say as we get back in heading home, we find Quinn waiting at the house. I get out quickly and hug him, he chuckles and a tall dark and handsome guy gets out.
"Ahmina I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Cin."
He smiles as me and shakes my hand,
"Oh Quinn he is very handsome indeed!"
Quinn blushes, we go inside and Faith hugs Quinn and Cin,
"Oh sweet girl, Clara dropped off some stuff for you."
"I hope you don't mind, I'll pay you back as soon as I get a job."
"Sweet girl, don't worry about money, we have plenty of it, also I need your number so I can get you on our phone plan before it turns off."
I give her my number then head upstairs to my room and look at all of the winter clothes. Ugh I love winter clothes!
"Have yall heard from the guys?"
Quinn asks as they all come into my room,
"Yeah, they have been blowing us up and Ty went all crazy because Danny and i have been inseparable. He was all 'yall deserve each other!' Then sped off like a little bitch."
Quinn and Cin laugh out hearing the story,
"Jax has been worried, he just wanted to know if you were okay." Quinn states,
"Oh, I should call him then."
I dial his number,
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah I'm fine, sorry we have been having a lot of fun here, just hanging out. Quinn is here."
"Oh okay, well i wont keep you but, i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight?"
"To do?"
"Go see a movie?"
"Oh, yeah that sounds fun."
"Okay I'll pick you up in an hour."
"Okay. I'll see you then."
I hang up and see Danny looks a little hurt, he walks out and I look at Quinn confused.
"That boy really, really like you girl."
I run my fingers through my hair and go to his room, he keeps his back to me.
"So you have a date tonight, that's, great..."
"Its not a date Danny."
"Yeah, it is. You just don't know it."
"Danny, I-"
"Its fine Ahmina, have fun okay?"
He walks out and goes downstairs somewhere, I go back to my room.
"What happened?"
"He thinks I'm going on a date."
"Honey you are." Cin says chuckling, I sigh and get dressed quickly,
"I'll be back in and hour or two max, can yall stay here till I get back and tell that crazy boy that I like him a lot please."
"Will do hun!" Quinn says while I run out to Jax's car, I get in and he smiles.
"I've missed you."
I feel a pit in my stomach as I see Danny watching us from a window, Jax drives off and I regret getting in this car and leaving Danny.
We get to the theater and I sigh as he gets tickets for a romantic movie, this is a date.
"You want snacks?" Snacks will keep my mouth busy and my hands so he cant try to kiss or hold my hand.
I order pop corn a pickle and some snowcaps. We get to our seats and the movie starts and so do I with my snacks. Jax puts his arm around my shoulders and I feel tingles go down my body. They are the good kind but not kind Danny gives me, I smile to myself thinking about Danny. I kept my hands and mouth busy with the snacks and I could tell Jax was getting frustrated. The movie ends, we walk out Jax opens the car door for me.
"Are you hungry?"
"Um, I am but Faith is making dinner, she's expecting me home."
"Home." Is all he says and nods,
"You think I could get a kiss?"
He asks, I look at Jax and feel compelled to do it. I peck him quickly but he grabs my face and kisses me deeply. I pull away slowly and clear my throat, he shakes his head and speeds off. Jax drops me off angered by the night, I walk in the house hearing
Tear me up (RAC mix) by Bob Moses
I see Danny in the living room drinking a bottle of whiskey and I snap that Quinn and Cin left. I sneak up behind Danny and snatch the bottle from his hand and take a swig from it then put it down. I grab his hand and put my back to his chest and dance on him and place his hands on my stomach but they fall when I release them. I turn and he walks away, as the song ends I stand there watching him go up stairs. I grab the bottle and chug more down feeling stressed, he is mad at me thinking I had a good time but I didn't at all.
I go up the stairs as the song fades to and end and stand in his door way and open the door. His shirtless body moving around as he throws his shirt in a hamper.
Way Out There by Lord Huron plays and I walk to him, his back to me I wrap my arms around his waist.
"I had a horrible time, all I wanted to do was come home...."
"Did you really?" He asks sarcastically and walks away from my grasp, I sigh and grab his hand pulling him to talk to me. He stands in front of me not looking at me,
"Will you look at me?"
His jaw clenches, he looks down at me.
"All I wanted from the moment I got in his car was to go back inside with you."
"Because when I'm with you I feel free, I feel weightless and cared for completely."
Thunder rolls over the sky making me jump Danny looks at me finally.
"You are cared for here. I- Jax always gets what he wants. I was worried that once yall were alone he would work his magic on you and all thought of me would vanish."
Rain starts to hit the house hard,
"His magic has no power over me Danny. I'm stronger than that."
"I'm sorry for being possessive.... I just really like you a lot Ahmina. I'm trying not to be that guy that ruins you taking your time."
Thunder crashes again and I jump, lighting flickers on the windows.
Be Your Love by Bishop Briggs plays over the thunder.
"You aren't ruining anything Danny." I pull his face to mine and crash our lips together. Passion and want fills our bodies, my back meeting the bed, my hands on his bare muscular back. His skin feels so good! I take off my leather jacket and she pulls away.
"Hey, slow down. We have all the time in the world to do that." He says smiling, I cover my eyes and laugh with him.
"I'm sorry, I just when we kiss it's like a fire burns inside me and I want all the warmth it has to offer."
He smiles,
"Ugh, being a gentleman sucks so bad right now." He both laugh, Danny lay on his back pulling me in his arms, I bite my lip feeling so good. I think I've made my choice, a good choice.... I really really like Danny a lot. It's funny because he was the last person i ever thought could be this sweet and amazing. I jump from the thunder causing Danny to chuckle.
"Don't worry, I got you."
"Yeah you do." He kisses the top of my head.
"I'm going to shower and get ready for bed."
I get up leaving his room and shower quickly, my tight red pajama shorts and tank cling to my skin. I go to Danny's room and smell his body wash. He just showered too, ugh he smells so good!
"You wanna have a sleep over?"
Danny turns and his eyes rack my body,
"I don't think my mother would like that." He says but we both laugh knowing that's exactly what his mom wants.
I run to my room with Danny behind me, he picks me from behind and spins me around till we crash on the bed. The music turns off as he closes out Pandora, I turn the lamp off and snuggle my face into his chest. Nice and warm in his arms, this feels so fucking delicious! It feels like a jar of warm honey just pours over my body when I'm in his arms. I could stay here forever.
"Don't fall asleep yet." He whispers,
He sits up a bit and kisses me deeply, which turns into us making out for a few minutes. He pulls away and I have the biggest smile ever on my face, he bites his lip.
"That's why." Danny kisses my forehead and lays back down.
"Goodnight." He says,
I wake up to Danny kissing my cheek, I roll over snuggling into his chest,
"Get up, we have to go to church."
"What? I don't do church. It gives me anxiety."
"Try for me and my mom, she's leaving tomorrow to Japan."
I sigh,
He leaves the room for me to get ready, I really hate church. We head out in separate vehicles, my heart racing as we pull up.
He chuckles, we walk into the church, sit and the priest starts to give his sermon. I ignore the words all of it, dont get me wrong I believe in god and stuff I just don't believe you have to go to church to prove you do.
I close my eyes trying to make it to the end but, I just cant do it, I stand up and walk out.
Danny comes behind me,
"That was really rude."
"I'm sorry Danny, I told you I'm not a church girl."
"Why does it bother you?"
"I believe in god, I just don't feel good in a church. Everyone in there are hypocrites, they smoke, drink, have sex out of wedlock, work on Saturdays, were mixed fabrics but they hate LBGT but claim god loves all. They all pick and choose from the bible on what is right and wrong but dont follow it word for word. That and.... my m-mom she was really involved with church before she p-passed away. The last memory I have of her is in a church."
"I thought she dies in the woods?"
"Yeah..... she did, the day before she passed was Sunday, Monday I went to school and well you know what else. I was in class with you when they called me to the office."
Danny sighs and nods,
"Okay, okay..... just breath. We will wait out here till Its over."
"No, you go back inside. I'll wait."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah, don't leave your mom alone."
I sit in the car waiting for everyone to leave, people start to pile out with smiles on their faces. Danny gets in staying quiet,
"Are you mad at me?"
"What? No, no I'm not I promise. I just feel bad making you go. I didn't know."
"Its not your fault."
He laces our fingers together and kisses the back of my hand, my heart feels warm.
"Where to now?"
"To eat."
Yes! We go to a dinner and have a family meal, it's already 1pm and Danny's mom gets a call.
"Hello? Yeah, my plane is for 3. What? Now? Ugh okay, I'll be at the hanger in 20."
Danny looks at Faith,
"Sorry baby boy, I have to leave right now." He nods, we get up and give her a hug, she hands me a bank card with my name on it.
"This is yours sweet girl."
"Thank you Faith, be safe."
She nods and leaves, Danny looks sad for once in his life.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I just I wish my mom didn't work so much."
"I'm sorry."
We pay and head home were Danny gets a bottle out and starts drinking, day drinking.
"Hey slow down Danny."
"Its early."
"From what I remember you always had a bottle of whiskey on you."
I nod feeling a bit hurt, he sighs.
"Shit, I'm sorry."
"No, no your not wrong, um I'll be upstairs if you need me."
I go up to my room and lay in bed to catch up on my sleep, I hate waking up early.
I wake up to loud music blaring from the speakers and go downstairs, when i reach the bottom the door bust open. Jax, Eric, Ty, Quinn, Cin walk in,
"Where is he?"
"I-i don't know I just woke up."
They move past me, I follow finding Danny drinking in the pool, he is drunk.
"Get out of the pool now Danny!"
Quinn yells out, what the hell is going on?
Cin takes me inside,
"Every time his mom leaves he gets like this, we don't know why but we always have to come save him because last time we almost came to late and he drowning in the pool."
My heart drops, I didn't know that at all, they guys drag Danny out, I watch while the guys take him upstairs and change him. They put him to bed and go get their bags,
"Yall are staying the night?"
"We always do the first night."
Ty says walking past me still mad about the other day, they make themselves comfortable.
Ty and Jax in Danny's room,
"Eric, Quinn, Cin yall can sleep in my room if yall want?"
"That'd be nice, we can be closer if the guys need us."
We head up to my room, they blow up their air mattresses and get comfy.
"Um, so what do we do now?"
"We sleep till Danny wakes up, he will try to drink more and we will have to stop him."
Cin says,
"Why dose he do this?"
"I think its because he hates being alone, I know he has you but, I think he thinks you are going to leave so it hasn't stuck in his head that your here."
"Oh." Was all I could say, i turn off the lights but, I cant sleep. I'm to worried about Danny. I wait and wait for chaos but, it doesn't come and I feel myself starting to drift off. I get a bad feeling in my stomach and decide to go check on Danny. I see him moving up and down and rush to him,
"What's going on?!"
Jax asks getting up quickly,
"He's choking on his vomit!"
I sit him up and he vomits on the floor,
"Get me a wet towel!"
Ty brings me one and I clean up Danny's face, sobs break through his chest.
I get on the bed and pull him into me, his arms wrap around my waist tightly.
"Shhh, your not alone. I'm here."
I cooed to him,
"Please don't ever go away."
He says slurring his words, I hold him tightly,
"I wont."
I look up and all the guys are looking at us,
"Mouth wash please."
Cin gets me some and I give it to Danny, then lay him down, his grip on me is tight.
"He's not going to let me go, yall can take my bed if yall want."
They leave the room, except Eric he stays with us.
"Its a good thing you were here, me and Ty were knocked out. He could have died."
"Yeah, imagine if I would have stayed with Cristina."
He shakes his head,
"Your good for him. Don't worry about the other guys, they don't need you or want you as bad as Danny does. He's falling for you hard."
I smile and look at Danny sleeping,
"He is a pretty amazing guy, you know?"
"Yeah, he's a good guy. Your a good girl."
"She's my girl!"
Danny yells out all happy, Eric and I laugh when we heard shots right after his statement.
"Are yall together?"
"He hasn't asked me yet."
"Will you say yes?"
"Uh, duh!"
He chuckles,
"Goodnight Ahmina."
"Goodnight Eric."
I wake to Danny running to his bathroom throwing up, I guess that means no school today. I rub his back as he continues to vomit,
"You want some Tylenol?"
He nods,
"Where are they?"
"The medicine cabinet behind you."
He blows chunks again, Eric stands watching me as I fill up a glass.
"He is going to have a long hangover, Danny can really drink."
Danny flicks Eric off making Eric chuckle,
"We are gonna head to school."
Danny gives him a thumbs up, I go clean up the mess he made last night as he continues vomit. I put on
Down by Marian Hill as I clean, I get a bucket and bleach to clean his vomit from the floor by his bed. As i spray Febreze everywhere Danny clears his throat.
"I'm dying!" He yells out, I giggle.
"Your hungover dork." He brushes his teeth then comes up behind me, his hot breath on my neck. Tingles start in my core, my legs feel weak, how does he do that?! His arms turn me around,
"Did you really just clean up my vomit?"
"I've cleaned worse than that."
"You are something else you know?"
I shrug and walk to my room to brush my teeth,
"I feel so sick Ahmina, I don't think I'm going to make it to school."
"I know, I'm going to stay here and take care of you."
"No, I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Who am I going to get in trouble with?"
He mentally slaps himself, I follow him to his room, he lays down taking me with him. He snuggles his face into the crook of his neck, his arms wrapped around my waist tightly.
"Why does this feel so good?"
He asks making me melt because I feel the same way, when we cuddle it's like heaven.
"I never want to leave this spot."
He says, his lips kiss my neck gently turning me on instantly.
"So do the guys know about us?"
He asks nervously,
"Eric does and Quinn and Cin."
"All the ones that wont mind it at all basically." I chuckle,
"How are we going to tell them that we are both really interested in each other?"
I feel a little sad that he said interested instead of us already being together. I fake giggle,
"I don't know."
I close my eyes,
"I'm going to catch more sleep Danny."
"Me too."
Yes I'm annoyed, yes I don't understand why he is being shy about it now. I want him to claim me as his, I don't know why he didn't just say so.
I cant even sleep, I just lay there listening to music till Danny gets up. He looks at me smiling,
"Feel better?"
I ask with no emotion.
"Um, way better. 100% now."
I get going downstairs to make something to eat, Danny comes down looking at me curious.
"Are you mad at me?" He asks, I scoffed,
"Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know but you sure do seem like it." I look at him and smile,
"I'm not, see. I'm smiling."
Danny comes around the counter and pulls me into him hugging me tightly, all frustration leaves me. I melt into him completely.
"I don't know why your mad at me but whatever ever I did or said I'm sorry babygirl."
A tear slides down my cheek, not because I'm sad but because I'm happy. I've never felt a connection like this ever before in my life. I look up at him in his beautiful green eyes.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because, I'm happy."
"You make me happy too." He says smiling down at me, my heart glows with warmth. His lips make contact with mine and feel better, he wants me to be his I have no reason to freak out.
This Girl (kungs vs comin on 3 burners) plays, I grab the bottle of whiskey and drinking and start dancing.
"What are you doing?"
"Just having a little fun." He chuckles as I continue to dance, Quinn walks in and starts dancing with me.
"Yesss girl!" Yes he is gay but he doesn't use that high pitch voice, he talks regular. I laugh as Cin walks in looking at us like we are crazy,
"Omg I love this song!" Cin yells out as the song changes to
Middle by DJ snake, the rest of the guys come in and they look at each other then start dancing too.
"Cristina!" I grab her making her dance with me, Cin and I belt out the lyrics loudly. Danny just sits and watches us, he is all drank out from last night.
"Should we be drinking on a school night?"
Cristina asks as I give her the bottle,
"We can sleep our hangover in class."
She giggles talking a swig from the bottle,
"Well in that case I have a party favor."
Cristina pulls out a blunt and hands it to me.
"Where did you get that?"
Eric asks seeming a little bothered.
"My brother?"
She says annoyed, I walk up to Eric,
"Trouble I paradise?"
"She's getting really into the party life."
He walks away, Ty grabs my arm when Danny isn't looking and takes me into a back room.
"What the hell!" I yell, he pulls me into him and kisses me, I push him away and slap him hard.
"Stop Ty! It's to late, you were horrible to me."
I walk out, Ocean Drive by Duke Dumont plays loud and I freeze as Danny looks at me leaving the room.
"What happened?"
"He kissed me but I pushed him away and slapped him and told him I didn't want him."
"Who do you want?" I walk up to him,
He grabs my hands,
"Are you sure you don't want to try talking to the other guys?"
"No, Jax is cool and all, Ty is an asshole, but I feel completely different with you than all of them, I feel like I belong with you."
"I wonder why Jax isn't trying really hard with you.... Its strange. He's probably going to wait till I fuck up and swoop in and take you away from me."
"He would try but, I doubt it'll work."
"I have a lot of flaws Ahmina, you just don't know them yet."
"Name some important ones."
"I'm over protective, very possessive, jealous, and I tend to drink a lot when I'm left alone. I hate being alone."
"Well you wont be alone, I live here now, and I think I'm okay with those other flaws. I like it when a guy is like that, it lets me know they care."
"I'll fight people if I see them get close to you."
"Its okay."
"That's what the last girl said. She didn't get how bad I could get."
"I'm not that other girl but, it seems like your pushing me away now."
"I am, only because I know I'm not good for you."
"I'll be the judge of that."
We walk to join the rest of our mini party hand in hand, Jax looks at our hands and shakes his head smirking. Danny walks with Quin to the pool,
"What?" I ask feeling annoyed, he shakes his head,
"Your making a big mistake."
"He is aggressive. You already lived that life, are you sure you want to go back?"
"What do you mean?"
I ask feeling nervous,
"He slapped his last girlfriend."
"She kissed another guy when she was drunk. He got mad, they yelled and he slapped her."
"I don't think he would ever put a hand on me knowing what I've been through."
"Let's hope. If you ever need to escape Eric and I will help you like we helped his ex."
Jax walks away with his bottle of vodka and goes outside with everyone else. Cristina comes up to me,
"Let's take a walk in the woods in the back." She says wiggling the blunt in my face, I laugh as she pulls me to follow her. We get to the pool area,
"Where yall going?"
"For a walk in the woods!"
She yells out,
"Be careful! There are bears and wolves out there."
Danny yells out, I wave my hand and keep walking with her to the middle of the woods using the flashlights on our phones to see.
"Here is the perfect spot!"
We can hear the music playing as we light the blunt, Toes by Glass Animals plays while we hit the blunt. It hits me instantly, I'm a light weight when It comes to weed. All I need is a hit or 3 and I'm higher than a kite! I look at Cristina and we bust out laughing for no reason. I guess she's a lightweight too,
"Why are we laughing?"
She asks, I shrug my shoulder and we bust out laughing again.
"So how are.... you and Danny doing?"
"We are really good."
Her face gets kind of serious,
"Yeah, he's a good guy, he just has a temper sometimes." I hit the blunt and she takes it but our hands touch and we both look at each other as spark slide up our arms.
"Did you feel that? Is that the weed?"
We both laugh,
"Girl I don't know but it felt so good!"
We both look at each other as the music dies a full 180 and hear Gangsters paradise blast so loud! We start yelling out the lyrics and dancing even though it's a sad song is feels so good.
"How do I know all of these lyrics!?" She asks
"I know it from my mom, she's from Texas, this song was one of many they all know."
We keep hitting the blunt as we slowly walk back singing the lyrics loudly. We see they guys on the edge of the railing with bottles in their hand in the air.
They yell "ayyy!!!!!"
My heart drops as I see who is with them,
"How do they know Maverick?!"
"Who? I don't even know who that is."
I look around feeling nervous, he is a guy I used to talk to from the Eastside of town. He must have heard about my dad and that's why the music changed....
Ready or not by the fugees plays, no no no..... he cant be here! Danny will lose it.
"I cant go up there, Danny will freak! He is in the Eastside Skulls. A gangster, killer, he is in love with me."
"Well girl you better tell him to leave because he is coming down here."
I turn and see him coming towards us from a distance.
"Fuck." We walk closer to him and he pulls me into a tight hug.
"Maverick what are you doing here?"
"I heard about your dad, I just wanted to see how you were doing but, it seems like your doing just fine with these bougie ass bitches."
"Hey!" Cristina says loudly, Maverick tries to step up to her but I push him away gently.
"Stop Maverick, Cristina is nice, she doesn't even go to school here."
"I know they are the fuckers that used to bully you too! Why the hell are you here and not with my family?!"
"Because my school is here and this is where I want to be."
"Oh that's how it is? Some rich nigga comes and swoops you up and you forget all about us huh?! What are we not good enough for you!?"
He gets in my face,
"We were there for you when your dad snapped your ribs! We took care of you, let you stay with us while you healed! We offered to take care of his ass, set him straight. We were always there for you!"
"I know Mav! I fucking know dude! Get the fuck out of my face!"
His jaw clenches and I move as Danny tackles him to the ground,
"Danny no!"
I pull Danny off of Maverick, Mav gets up quickly.
"You ever do that again and I'm going to gas your ass up!"
"What the fuck does that even mean!?"
Danny says, Mav pulls out his gun and clocks it and points it to Danny.
"This is what the fuck it means bitch!"
I get in the middle of Danny and Mav and the gun.
"Mav, get the hell out of here! I'll see you soon okay!?"
"Yeah, come back to daddy once you find out who these fakes are."
I close my eyes as he walks up the hill,
Danny turns me around,
"Who the fuck does that guy thinks he is?!"
"He is in love with me Danny. Thugs in love are not sane people okay, I'll handle this."
"Nah, fuck that Ahmina! I cant have that shit in my house! What if my mom was home?!"
"He wont come back trust me."
"He better not."
Danny walks off and I feel tears prick my eyes, Cristina pulls me into a hug.
"Girl that guy was hot as fuck."
We both laugh, I shake my head looking at her.
"Let go back to the guys."
Are you that somebody by Aaliyah plays once we get up there with the guys and I sing the words to Cristina.
They all look at me smiling,
"You know this music?"
"Uh yeah, my mom liked a lot of music."
Danny comes out with a glass of whiskey, I walk up to him,
"Didn't you have enough last night?"
"Nope." He says chugging the content, I sigh and rest my forehead on his chest.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask scared of the answer,
"I don't know. I cant judge you based on your past but some thug just came into my house and put a gun to my face."
I nod,
"I understand if you don't like w-want me anymore."
"Change that fucking music!"
Danny yells out, not even caring about what I said.
"I like this song."
"Then go listen to it with your thug ass friend."
He pushes me away going inside, I look at the guys feeling ugly inside. My chest rising and falling fast, I grab Danny's car keys and take off to Mavericks house. I get there and he is chilling on his steps, I walk up to him and punch him in the face,
"How dare you come into my friends house and put a gun to his face! You are nothing like the guy I knew! Stay the fuck away from me and my friends! Are we clear!? I have nothing to lose Maverick I really don't both of my parents are dead, I'll die protecting my friends so fuck off okay!?"
I walk away but he grabs me quickly,
"Who the fuck do you think your talking to?!"
"I don't fucking know! My bestfriend died somewhere inside this carcass you carry around! My best friend would have never done what you did tonight! Think about that!"
I push him off and drive away, tears sliding down my face I get back home quickly. Danny on the stairs in the front he runs up to me pulling me out of his car.
"What the fuck!? Where did you go?!
"I handled my shit okay! Everything is fine!"
"You went to his place?!"
"Yeah I punched him and told him to fuck off okay?!"
"Are you crazy!? He is dangerous!?"
Danny grabs my face looking at me with dark brown eyes,
"He would never hurt me or the people I care for Danny. He's all bark no bite."
"What the hell is going on?!"
Eric asks coming outside,
"She went to that guys house and told him to fuck off."
"Oh, for real? You got balls girl."
Danny shakes his head,
"Get your ass inside." Danny says pointing to the house, I do as he says and go to my room to cry my eyes out. I hear a knock on my door,
"Go away!"
The door opens, Danny walks in pulling me off the bed, my face in his hands.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I just got so worried about you."
"I'm fine Danny, I'm tougher than I look."
He nods, his lips capture mine,
"Please just let me know if there is anything else i should know about."
"Okay, I will."
Danny wipes my tears away gently,
"Your my girl."
He whispers,
"Am i?"
I ask,
"If you want to be."
I look at him in his eyes which have became the light honey brown they usually are.
"I do."
"Then you are mine." His hands slip off my jacket, my body gets chills feeling his finger tip on my skin.
"Are you ready?"
"Ready? For what?"
"To lose your virginity."
Ummm? What?
"Oh, um no I don't think so."
I say nervously, he smiles,
"Let me know when your ready."
I walk away feel awkward as fuck, I go to the rest of the group and sit by the pool. That was really weird, is he doing all this fake caring because he wants to take my virginity? Now I'm very confused and my emotions feel like they are being played with. I grab Eric and Quinn to follow me to the woods to ask their opinion.
"Okay I'm so confused right now and a little pissed."
"What happened?"
Quinn asks,
"Okay so Danny basically asked me to be his girlfriend then he slid my jacket off and asked of I was ready to lose my, virginity?"
They look so confused,
"What the fuck does that even mean?!"
I yell out frustrated,
"Did he do this whole act to get into my pants?!"
"I don't know what the hell he is doing."
Quinn states making me feel distraught.
"I do... fuck, he is trying to take your virginity because it's like a punch in the gut to Jax because Jax really loves you and Jax always wins. It's like a competition that Jax isn't even a part of. I know Danny likes you but I don't think his heart is in it yet."
"Oh god lord! Why is my life so fucked up right now?! Can I just get one fucking moment of peace?"
"Hey guys what going on?"
I turn around and punch Danny in the gut, he bends over looking at me confused.
"This was a competition the whole time?! You were trying to get me to have sex with you first as a way to hurt Jax when he isn't even competing the way you are! Jax was the one that told me to hold on to my virginity as long as possible and your over here asking me to give it away as a sign of devotion to our relationship its so fucking over before it ever really began! I'm leaving tonight with Cristina!"
He stays quiet and looks at Eric,
"I really do like you, Ahmina please believe that."
"Liking me and respecting me need to be together you fucking asshole!"
I run up to the house gather all of my stuff and ask Cristina if the offer is still up. She approves and kisses Eric bye, we take off and I fill her ear with everything that just happened.
"Are you fucking serious?! What the hell is wrong with him?!"
"I don't know, at this point I'm just going to stay away from Jax, Ty and Danny. They all need to reevaluate themselves and so do I, I'm tired of being hurt."
"Damn girl, 3 guys fighting over you doesn't seem so sexy anymore."
"Tell me about it, and to top it off I have to get my dad cremated in 2 days!"
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Its fine, I already said bye to my mom what's one more parent going to hurt."
"Your moms dead too?"
Intro by the Xx comes on and I nod,
"Yeah, she's gone too."
"May I ask how you got all bruised up?"
"My dad abused me and when he saw the monster he became he killed himself."
"Yeah, Ty pulled him off me and saved me."
"Ty is a crazy person himself, he has an alter ego."
I nod.
"Jax is a good guy.... I've seen him give his meals to homeless people at malls and stuff, he's on a page on Facebook that helps teens preventing suicide. He will stay on there for hours talking to random kids. He doesn't make it knows because he likes looking like a tough asshole when he isn't."
"You know a lot about the guys."
"I've been with Eric for 3 years now. It was inevitable."
She laughs, we pull up to her rich house and she smiles.
"My parents are never home, even if they were they wouldn't even notice you were there. You could stand right in front of them and they wouldn't see you."
"That feel comforting. Fuck I feel so bad about Danny's mom though, she loved having me there."
"That's Danny's fault, don't feel bad."
"Your right."
"Let's get inside and get you situated."
I follow her through the great corridor and up the grand staircase and to her room.
"I'll have to wake a servant to fix up a room for you."
"Oh no it's okay, I can sleep on the floor or downstairs on a couch."
"Don't be silly, you can sleep with me on my king size bed."
She winks at me, her phone rings,
"Hey babe. We just got here, she's doing fine, don't worry she's in great hands. No she needs a break from all of the testosterone, those guys are making her more depressed. I don't care how Danny feels, yall stay there and take care of him and his mommy issues. We are going to eat and go to sleep, yall men are tiring. Okay baby, good night. I love you too."
She hangs up and sighs,
"now go shower and I'll have food ready."
I do as she says showering quickly, I could really get used to all of this Richie rich stuff. I get out and find a spread on her bed, pizza, pasta, fries.
"I didn't know what you like."
We both laugh and start to eat, when we finish she rings a bell and someone comes and takes it away.
"Did you make them get up just to get food?"
"What? No I have 4 servants that do rounds for food. He is up from 2-7am then next is a girl from 7-12 and so on."
"Yeah but they don't do rooms just food runs and cooking. We will wait till tomorrow for your room."
"Oh, crap. How am I supposed to get to school?"
"Take one of the cars in the garage, I'm sure no one will mind."
"You know your an amazing person, I wish you went to school with us."
"Being homeschooled has its perks."
"Why are you?"
"I have social anxiety, big crowds are not my thing, which Is why you would rarely find me at one of the boy's parties."
"Makes sense."
"Its nice to have another girl in the group though, I don't have any friends except the boys."
"You got me now."
I say, she hugs me tightly then gets comfy in her bed.
"I have a weird question to ask."
She looks at me nervously,
"So Eric usually stays here every night and I'm always the big spoon, can I like be your big spoon?"
She says nervously, I look at her and smirk,
"It would be my honor."
She claps and smiles, her arm slides around my waist pulling me into her chest my back to her.
"This is really comfy, might just have to forget the room for a bit."
I say making her laugh,
"Shut up dork."
She says making me giggle, I fall into a deep slumber, I like this a lot. No stress, no guys, no wanting me.
Just bliss,
Bliss with Cristina.

Maverick (Mav) age - 22

Comment/vote!!!!Maverick (Mav) age - 22

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