Date with Kellan

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Tonight is date but, right now me and Jax are fighting because he decided just to fuck some random girl instead of looking for a potential girlfriend.
"You really think some nerd is going to compete with me?"
"Its not a competition Jax, I like him and he makes me feel different."
"Whatever, you and I both know your gonna break his heart. Trust me I should know!"
"Can you stop trying to make me feel bad about the past already! We have been through enough! Who know maybe I wont like him as much as I thought I did! I don't know but for now, all I know is I have a date tonight and I don't want anymore stress!"
"Your going in a tight ass booty shorts and a  cut off tank top in the middle of winter!"
"Jax its 78 outside!!!!! You idiot, its hot!"
"Whatever, I guess your gonna give it up in the first date too huh?"
"Whatever I do with my body in none if your concern! So don't try and make me feel like slut for being single when you fucked a girl last night, didn't know her name or what her eye color was! If anyone's a slut it's you Jax."
I look at myself in the mirror and I love what I see, I look sex and yummy.
"I cant believe this. I'm going to go and make sure nothing bad happens to you, obviously by his pictures on Facebook he isn't a fighter."
I snack my phone away from him,
"I'll be fine!"
I loo at the time and see its 6:40 fuck! The other pier is 30 minutes away!!!
"Fuck I'm late!"
I get in my car and drive quickly, I pass stop signs and impatiently wait for lights to turn green. My phone keeps going off ever 5 minutes, ugh poor Kellan he probably thinks I'm not gonna show!
I pull up to the pier and look at the time, 7:20, I shove my phone in my pocket and run as fast as I can to the Ferris wheel and I see him afar with Rose's in his. He looks at the time and I see people laughing at him, I run over to him as fast as I can. I don't even try to catch my breath as I reach him, his face lights up.
"I thought you we-"
I stop him from talking and grab his face kissing him deeply, he kisses back and chills run down my arms and my core bur s for more. Oh God he is an amazing kisser! I whimper out as he bites my lip playfully, I pull away slowly.
"You thought I was going to what?"
His face getting red shaking his head, whispers all around us make me smile.
He takes my hand in his lacing our fingers together,
"I'm sorry I was late Kellan."
I look around seeing people just looking at us,
"Why is everyone looking at us still?"
"They see my ugly ass with a beautiful girl, that's why."
I bite my lip feeling beautiful for once because he told me I am. I've never actually been called beautiful and feel it too. My heart is racing so fast as he pulls me into him closer, his hand behind my neck sending chills down my body. I look up at him feeling nervous, he kisses me gently but in a sexy way that makes me melt.
He pulls away,
"Come on let's start our date."
I whisper to him, we hold hands and walk to her tickets, he hands me the Rose's. Ugh they smell so good!!!
"God your so beautiful."
He says as I smell the Rose's, ugh can I just take him home and have my way with him?
I feel someone grab my arm and see Jax, ugh really?!
"Jax wtf!?"
I look at Kellan and back up at Jax,
"This is the guy?"
Jax says walking up to Kellan, I get between them as I see Kellan is intimidated. I push Jax away and he looks at me,
"Jax what the hell is wrong with you?! You ha e never acted like this!"
"That's because I knew Danny and Ty! I don't know this guy! He could be a pervert!"
"Jax please your embarrassing me."
Jax calms down and looks at me, he sighs and runs my arms.
"Okay, I'm sorry."
Jax looks at Kellan and offers his hand to shake,
"I'm sorry, I'm just really protective over her. She's been through a lot."
"I'd never do anything to hurt her."
Kellan says making me smirk,
"I'm Jax."
Jax looks at me and kisses the top of my head then leaves, I sigh closing my eyes feeling stressed out.
"I'm fucking up this date."
I cover my eyes for a couple of seconds.
"Was that your brother?"
I clench my eyes,
"No, he's my ex."
"Oh.... that's lovely."
I open my eyes seeing him stressed out,
"Why are you here? Why are you even on this date? Like do you feel sorry for me or something? I cant compete with THAT!"
"Kellan, no,no,no I really do like you! Please I really do!"
"Ahmina let's be honest I'm not your type!"
"I don't have a type! I like whoever I like Kellan, I swear. I've never been a type kinda girl....."
Tears flooding my eyes, he looks down at me getting closer,
"I didn't mean to make you cry...."
He says softly,
"I just I've never felt this way and I've been through a lot this past year and I just...... you make me genuinely happy..."
"I do?"
I nod looking up at him, he wipes my tears away and kisses me with so much passion. Who knew nerds could kiss like this, my knees buckle under me and he catches me.
"I'm sorry, that's never happened before."
"I have that effect on the ladies."
He both bust out laughing, we forget the incident that is Jax and enjoy the rest of our night. Right now we are in a haunted still coaster that goes through rooms. I hold on to Kellan's arm as stuff jumps out and scares me, he chuckles holding my hand tightly.
"Oh my God my heart is racing!"
"Oh God no I hate spiders!"
He puts his arms around me and holds me as spiders fall down and pop out.
He chuckles as the ride ends and helps me out, I trip on the wood plank and stumble. He catches me again, our chest touching, my heart racing.
"Hey hurry up your holding up the line!"
We snap out of it laughing as we exit, his body becomes tense as the football players come around looking at me up and down like a snack.
"Hey dogshit! You weren't lying! Yall really are on a date! Congratulations even though we know it wont last long."
"And why wouldn't it last long? It's that the experiences you have in bed. Awe I'm sorry you cant last long."
I smile sweetly,
"Just leave us alone guys please."
Kellan says looking down, her pulls me into him with one arm.
"Bitch I'll rock your world, best believe I'll have you."
"I'm pretty sure that'd be called rape and oh shit look at this!"
I lift what's left of my tank top and pull out a pocket knife.
"I'll cut you. I have no problems watching you bleed. I've been through some crazy shit the last few years and best believe I'll never a man ever touch me in a way I don't approve."
"You don't scare me bitch."
"I should, ask around about me, puto!"
I put the knife away and turn to Kellan worried he will be terrified by me nut he is looking at me like I'm a goddess.
"What?" I ask nervously,
"Your something else."
I smile and we ignore the guys and walk away, Kellan buys me cotton candy.
We sit on a bench and he clears his throat,
"So time to tell me why you are so tough."
I take a deep breath,
"Well.... I was... abused by my father after my mother died, then he beat me I front of one of my bullies that is friends with my ex.... umm, my bullies all took me in and now we are all friends. I was arrested under the suspicion that I killed a man, I was in juvie for almost 3 weeks.... I almost killed myself 3 weeks ago because I was depressed.... and I've just gotten back to being myself but 10 times better....."
"Wow..... that's a lot."
"I know and I know that it's crazy and a lot of baggage and I understand if you don't want any part. We can end all of this tonight and save ourselves all the drama and hurt now."
"Well I'm not going to lie and say it's all going to be easy but, I really like you... the only thing I ask for is honesty...."
"We there is one thing I need to mention...."
"I kind of have a girlfriend I share with another guy that one of my friends...."
"Oh, so your bi?"
"I guess if that's what you want to call it..... um she means a lot to me and I promised I wouldn't continue seeing anyone that had a problem with her and i."
"I don't have a problem with it."
He pushes up his glasses and looks at me,
He shrugs,
"I don't see a problem with it at all, she means a lot to you I'm an outsider looking in. I have no say when it comes to her and I'm okay with that."
"Ugh Kellan, I just..... fuck, I really like you."
"I don't know why, I don't understand why a girl like you would like a guy like me. I'm a nerdy outcast. I'm nothing special."
"You think that because of the people around you, now that I'm around you'll see.... see that you are someone of worth. I used to feel the same way."
I sigh looking down at my roses, he gets up and pulls me to stand.
"You ready to go?"
"My place or yours?" I ask but then I want to slap myself,
"Sorry I didn't mean it like that.... I just don't want this night to end yet."
"No, no I understand... um we can go to yours. My parents are light sleepers."
He walks me to the end of the pier and he gawks at my car,
"This is yours?!"
"Kinda, my girlfriend gave it to me....."
"Oh wow, are yall loaded?"
I scratch the back of my neck,
I get in and he follows me in his F150, we reach my house and I get out locking my car and he gets out.
"Holy shit...."
I look at him and grab his hand, he follows me to my room but I stop when I see Jax.
"Jax what are you doing here?!"
Kellan moved around me and sees Jax,
"Whoa, do all of your ex's have keys?"
I sigh,
"You were going to fuck him on the first date?!"
Jax yells making me jump,
"Hey, guy you don't need to raise your voice. And no we weren't, we just didn't want the day to end yet. Not that it's any of your business."
Kellan says surprising me by standing up for me....
"You nerdy little fu-!"
He clenches his eyes tightly and shakes his head,
"Fuck! I'm sorry..... I'm sorry Kellan."
Jax walks out and I grab his arm,
"We need to talk. Tomorrow."
He nods and walks away, I look out of the window and watch him pull out of the garage.
"Hey, you okay?"
Kellan asks, I turn to him and nod,
"Do you mind if I shower?"
He shakes his head, I kiss his cheek and go take a shower, I come out dressed in my pjs.
Kellan looks at me and blushes, he looks so nervous and it's so fucking cute!!!!
I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck, his hands to himself make me want him more.
"You okay?"
"Umm uh yeah....  I just have never been alone with a girl before."
"Are you nervous?"
"Don't worry, so am i..."
I really am, I sit on my bed him next to me looking like he has no idea what to do.
"Soooo your ex, he still has a thing for you?"
I nod,
"I'm sorry."
"You need to stop saying sorry Ahmina..."
I smile as he pulls me into his arms,
"Kellan, are you a virgin?"
"What? No. I'm not a virgin..... yes... yes I am."
I giggle shaking my head,
"Its okay, I wasn't a virgin till recently..... its nothing to be ashamed of really."
"It is for a guy, its different for girls."
"Well I like that your a virgin, I get to tease you if we decide to keep on seeing each other."
"You in regular clothes is teasing, this is just torture!"
I giggle as he puts his head in his hands,
"You want to spend the night? I um, I don't want to be alone and my girls boyfriend is over at hers...."
He looks at me nervously,
"Umm yeah.... I'd like that."
"This might sound bad but their are guy clothes in each room if you wanna get in something comfy. When I bought this house I had my friends bring clothes her for when they stay...."
"You don't have to explain, your alone a lot, no one likes to be alone."
He kisses my cheek and walks out, I get  comfy in bed and light a candle.
Kellan walks in, sweat pants no shirt, ohhh Layla he had muscles under that sweater...
"Is this okay? Me with no shirt?"
He blushes a bit and gets into the bed, he takes his glasses off and he looks.... hot!
Wow, glasses sure do crazy thing, my heart starts to race as he climbs on top of me. His lips meet min kissing me gently, my body grows hungry for more. His hand on my hip ugh touch me Kellan... his body between my legs now. I can feel him growing as my tongue slides inside his mouth seeking more.
My fingers tangled in his hair,
"Kellan.... you can touch me....."
His hand slides up my shirt a bit but stops as her gets to the  bottom of my breast. Whimpers escape my lips because my body is dying for more, his hand slips out and rubs my thighs up and down. He stops and looks down at me,
"I'm sorry... I'm new to all of this..."
"Don't be sorry Kellan.... baby steps."
He smirks and gets off playing on his side looking at me.
"I really wanted to keep going but, I'm just nervous I'm not going go be good....."
"I'm sure you'll be fine, for now we will just make out and cuddle till it happens. No rush, no biggie."
I kiss him lightly and turn around, his arm wraps around my stomach. I tend to move fast but it feels good to slow down a little.
I wake in the morning to Kellan reading one of my books with his glasses on looking like the sexy nerd he is.
"Good morning beautiful."
I bite my lip looking at him, I get up and freshen up. I come back to my room and see the whole gang here and I freeze.
"Hey guys! What's up!?"
"Who's the hot nerd?"
Quinn asks causing Cin to smack him, I look at Kellan who looks like a deer in the headlights.
"Sorry Kellan this is a normal morning for me.... they all have a key."
Kellan smiles nervously,
"Umm I'm Kellan, nice to meet yall...."
I go through their names and they all stand there awkwardly,
"Okay so like yall can go downstairs and wait for us or just leave an I'll catch up with yall later?"
They all smile and walk out except Cristina, she pulls me to her and kisses me gently.
"Mmm I missed you." She giggles and walks out, I look at Kellan and smile nervously.
"That's the girlfriend I presume?"
He chuckles as I fall on my bad and cover my face,
"Yeah.... my friends are used to me being alone unless one of them stays the night."
"I can see you and your friends are quite close. I have to ask.... I know I shouldn't but I have to....."
"Yeah... I have... with Jax, Danny and Ty..... I was exploring my sexuality and yeah.... I know.... I must seem like a hoe."
"What no its not that it's just I'm sure they are pretty good at what you know and I'm just starting out.... what if I'm not good enough?"
I climb on the bed and get on his lap straddling him, I put the boom Down and kiss his beautiful lips.
"You will be perfect."
He sits up laying me down getting onto of me smiling,
"Oh I will huh?"
I nod as he kisses my neck, my core hearts up quickly, I bite my lip as he slides my pj strap off my shoulder and kisses gently.
They travel to my chest making me wither in agony for more, I grab the sheets as I get wet.
"You like the way my lips feel huh?"
I nod with my eyes closed biting my lip, his hands on my hips grasping them gently.
I grab his hand and slide it inside my pj shorts, he rubs me down with just the perfect amount of pressure. Moan escape my lips and he slowly slides his fingers in me gently, the want I've been having for him has me already about to cum. He is so gentle but God it feels so good, moans bounce off the wall, his lips crash to mine and I cum instantly.
I grab his hand stopping him and he looks down at me,
"Did I hurt you?"
"God no, you made me cum Kellan."
He blushes and smiles pushing up his glasses.
"Yeah, are you sure your new to all of this?"
"Yeah but, well I watch porn so I guess that helps."
We both laughs and I nod,
"That was so intense."
He smirks and kisses my lips, he get up and changes into his clothes,
"I should get going.... my moms probably freaking."
I walk down the stairs with him and he pulls me into him roughly making me whimper, he smiles down at me.
"I'll see you late beautiful."
I smile and nod, his kiss full of passion, he pulls away slowly and winks at me. Oh my God I've created a God! He leaves and drives off, I turn around and see everyone is still here looking at me.
I get flushed and roll my eyes, the smile on my face is priceless!
"Guys shut up!!!"
I whine out as they all poke at me I roll my eyes, even Jax is poking at me. I grab him by the shirt and drag his ass to the kitchen,
"And you, what the hell?!"
"I'm sorry! I'm protective over you! I just, I love you and I know we aren't good for each other there for I want the best for you okay?! I'm sorry, please forgive me!"
I roll my eyes,
"You are forgiven."
My phone vibrates and it him already,
"Wanna come over for dinner?"
"Me over for dinner, like with your parents?"
"Yeah?" He says confused for me, I look at my friends and they  do smiling.
"Okay, yeah sure. Um you pick me up or I drive there?"
"You can drive here just I cause you want or need to escape."
He says chuckling,
"Okay, I'll see you at your place. Text me time and address. "
"Okay. Bye beautiful."
I hang up and cover my face,
"Ugh what if they don't like me!?"
My friend group hug me tightly,
"They will love you! Come on let's get your clothes picked out."
Cristina says pulling me away from the guys, we raid my closet and have two options.
Jean's converse t shirt
Sweet cute summer dress.....
"A dress might signal I'm easy, a hoe...."
"Your dumb. I say dress and sandals."
We both jump as we hear thunder strike the sky,
"Jeans and blouses then."
"What time did he want you there?"
"Okay, go shower then we will have a snack, we don't need his parents seeing how much you really eat."
We both laugh and I do as she says, we sit and eat a hot pocket, everyone still here at my house. They are trying to keep me from being super nervous but I just cant help it....

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