School days

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This is how my school days typically go, I arrive, go to my locker. Jax my bully pushes me into it harshly making my recent bruises sting and ache. His friends laugh with him as he insults me, Ignore him and them, then when i get home my dad beats me and i fall asleep crying wishing my mom was still alive....

Halloween is today and I love it, I always do something scary that covers my face and I always win best costume but no one knows who I am.
This year it's going to be wicked, I've decided to go as DeathNotes character, Ryuk, as I walk home from school I dread it. I hope my dad isn't there, he has become a violent person ever since my mom died and if he decides to beat me today I wont have the strength to go to the Halloween party.
I get to my house and see he isn't there, thank god! I gather my stuff quickly and head out to school where I'll be getting ready in the girls locker room.
I walk the halls alone feeling good that is, till I see him... Jax sees me and smiles as he walks up to me with his minions.
"What do you got there fugly bitch?"
"None of your business shit face!"
I push through them only to get pushed to the floor, Jax and his friends laugh and grab my bag. They dump out all of my stuff and step on it, it's okay though I left my wings in my locker. I stand and cross my arms,
"You done yet, you Neanderthal?"
He looks at me and smirks,
"Yeah I think so. Come on boys I got to get ready for the costume party, I plan to beat that fucker Phantom in this costume contest this year."
I chuckle and walk away, yeah right, I always win, I head to the locker room and get ready quickly.
I look in the mirror as I finish up by putting on my water proof spray on my face. Last year I went mask less and did paint like today but I didn't water proof it. Jax tried to wet my face to find out who i was AKA The Phantom but failed. A mistake I will not make this year, I put my voice box on to make me sound like the character and smile with my razor sharp teeth.
"Its show time."
I walk out and all throughout the town scary wicked goth songs play on the speakers. Our town is really into Halloween, and I fucking love it!
I walk into the party and all eyes are on me, I smile showing my teeth and they cover their mouths, my long fingers touching some of the peoples cheeks giving them the Wiggins. I chuckle wickedly as I hear whispers,
"The Phantom is here!"
Yes i am, music fills my ears and liquor flows through everyone's bodies. I see Jax dressed up as the Headless Horseman,
"Amateur hour i see." I say as I walk by, I see Jax seethe with anger.
I flash my wings out and everyone awes over them. I worked hard making these all year. I maneuver around the drunk dancing people waiting for the costume contest.
"People of the night, we have counted the votes on who wins best costume. This year we have 5 people that entered. You know who you are so please come up to the top of the stairs case now."
I spread my wings and head up with the others and smile.
"Now to announce the best costume and the winner of the $200 award."
Everyone looks at me as I laugh demonically, they love it!
"I think it is obvious who won and who always wins, it is The Phantom!"
The crowd cheers loudly, Jax looks at me and smiles then looks up.
A huge bucket of fake blood falls on top of me and I smile wicked again, he thinks he ruined my costume but he really just made it better. My wings light up white with a tint of red due to the fake blood as I walk up to him.
"Silly boy, blood? If this were real blood this would be the blood of my enemies which you wouldn't be one of them you know why? Because you are beneath me. You are a loser jock with no real friends who has meaningless sex with girls that give you gonorrhea. You are nothing and I promise if someone wrote your name in the book I'd definitely kill you for plain fun."
I chuckle and walk out of the house smiling and scaring all of the little kids.
This Halloween was good, now to get to the school wash up and go to my regular spot on the pier.
I sit and drink my whiskey enjoying the screams of children.
"Your The Phantom."
I look at Jax,
"I don't know what your talking about."
"I know it's you."
"Whatever Jax you don't know anything, if you are here to bully me just get on with it. By the way what are you supposed to be?"
"The headless horseman."
"Oh, yeah I see it. That's cool."
"Stop acting like your not The Phantom already."
"Seriously you are delusional
Fuck off already."
Jax leans down and rubs my shoulder with his thumb,
"You missed some blood there."
He walks away and I smile,
"Hey Jax, did you win the contest?"
I giggle making him mad, I feel him push me and I fall into the water. Fear fills me as water starts to coat my throat, I don't know how to swim!
"Ahmina!" I hear him yell out muffled by the crashing waves, I feel an arm wrap around my waist. The sand under me as my body meets the beach, I cough up water.
"Why are you on the pier if you cant swim you dumb bitch?!"
I chuckle and sit up,
"Maybe I was waiting to fall in so I could die already."
"Why would you even want to be close to death?"
"Let's just say I don't have a lot of reasons to live for in the first place. Now run along now and go have sex with some meaningless whores."
Jax gets up and leaves me alone for the rest of the night.

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