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Waking up next to Kellan feels different, a good different. His glasses off and his lips all pouty, I smile looking down at him and he smirks.
"Why are you starring at my ugly face?"
He says with his sexy sleepy voice,
"You are not ugly at all."
He smirks his eyes still closed, my door busts open and I see Maverick and sit up quickly.
"Let me guess another ex?"
Kellan says not even sitting up, I sigh.
"Maverick what the fuck, I told you to leave me alone!"
"You traded me for a fucking nerd!"
"I didn't trade you! You left me you stupid fuck! So do what your best at and leave again! Bye!"
I push him out of the room and slamming the door shut.
"He sounded gangster."
"He is. I told you I don't have a Type."
"Yeah you do, strong beef heads."
I roll my eyes,
"I cant keep convincing you that I like you Kellan."
I walk out and shower, get dressed and find him Waiting to go home.
"You really that upset over the guys I used to date?"
"The type yeah because I'll never be them."
"Oh my God Kellan, that's the point!!!!!"
I slam the door behind me and go downstairs, I get a cup of OJ and try to calm down.
He goes down the stairs and comes to the kitchen pulling me into him.
"I'll stop..... I'll stop bringing up that stuff okay. I'm sorry. It's just hard to believe you want me."
I look up at him,
"Well believe it Kellan... I want you. All of you."
"Okay... its Christmas eve, are you spending it alone?"
He asks holding my hand,
"I was Invited to Danny's, his mom loves me."
"Do you wanna come over to my place?"
"Depends, is your mom gonna grill me again?"
"She better not."
I giggle as he pulls me to the door.
"We open presents at 12..... um.... do you need to do any shopping?"
"Um no, I already got everyone gifts......"
"Okay good, I got you something."
He says nervously,
"I got you something too."
"Let's go get something to eat, it's already 4 in the afternoon. Your moms gonna be mad."
He rolls his eyes and nods, her gets in the car and we drive off and get food. When we pull up to his house his parents are outside waiting for us
We get out and walk hand in hand, his moms face drop.
She doesn't like me.... great, the one time I really need a parent to like me....
"Hi Rachel, Thomas... happy Christmas eve..."
"We are um happy to have you here this Christmas."
"No, your not, and it's okay. I understand. I'm new, I'm not what you expected as your sons first interest. I get it, I'm not what you wanted for you son only because you have passed judgement on me before getting to know me. I don't plan on trying to be the perfect person yall would like I just plan on being me and from what your son tells me... he says I'm a good person and that I'm amazing.... I just hope one day you'll see what he does."
She stands there shocked from my speech his dad is holding back a chuckle, I look at Kellan who is smiling down at me.
"With that being said..."
Kellan turns to me,
"How about another date?"
I nod smiling, he kisses my cheek and we walks me inside past his parents, his mom is going to hate me.
Rachel keeps to herself, and I feel bad, I've been here for two hours, I look at Kellan.
"I think i should go."
Kellan looks at me confused,
"W-what why?"
I look at Rachel alone in the den,
"Your mom is alone.... she's not going to come over here."
"She is alone by choice. She didn't realize that one day her baby boy was going to grow up and be with a girl. Don't worry about her, she will get over it sweetheart."
Thomas says making me feel better, I decide to go and talk to her since I'm going to be here all night.
"Hey.... I'm sorry for coming In out of nowhere..... I um I feel bad."
"No I'm sorry, i never thought he was going to find a girl..... i just need some time to adjust to him not wanting to be home... everything is going to change for him but in a good way... for him.... I'm sorry for seeming so defensive and rude. I don't mean to be at all. I like how you stand up for yourself."
"I didn't use to, I was the victim for so long I realized that to survive you have to stand up for yourself."
"What do you mean you didn't used to?"
I take a deep breath,
"When my mom passed away my dad changed. He was once the sweet loving gentle father every little girl needs but, it didn't last long. When she died it was like all that was good died in him too. He started drinking a lot, stopped going to church, he started to yell at me at first.... mentally abusing me but, then instead of using his words he started using his fists... He would beat me where is wasn't visible... until one day my bully saw I didn't want to go home one day and let me stay in his pool house. I guess my dad was looking for me all over, all night and he saw me walking to school the next morning and one of my other bullied had to fight my dad off me.... my dad realized he had became a monster that day and killed himself..... My bullies took me in but I didn't let them forget that they caused me pain as well. They taught me to stand up for myself, I never want to be the victim again. I'll never let anyone push me or the ones I care about around."
I look at her and she has tears in her eyes,
"I'm a horrible person for being so rude to you after everything. I'm so sorry hun."
I smirk, shaking my head,
"Don't be sorry.... don't even worry about it."
"You really do seem good for my son, I've never seen him so happy before. Hopefully this will help him at school."
"What's going on at his school?"
"Bullies, before Christmas break he was stripped naked and tapped to the shower wall in the girls restroom."
Anger runs through me,
"They couldn't find the football players' that did it so they let it go."
"I mean I could transfer to his school and stick up for him but then they would bully him more because a girl is fighting his battles."
"Yeah, that's true. Or maybe he can transfer to your school? How is the bulling over there?"
"Well my bullies are my bestfriends now, they saw how bad they messed me up so now there is no more bulling there. It's a strict no bulling high school now."
"That sound amazing, I think I'll ask him if he wants to transfer. There is just one problem, the gas will kill us, him driving over there everyday."
"Oh don't worry about it, I'll pay for the gas."
"I couldn't possibly ask you to do that."
"Rachel please let me, I don't want him at that school. I swear if he stay there I'm going to ha e half the football team beat yall football team up."
She giggles and nods,
"I'll ask him tonight and if he wants to I'll send over his stuff tomorrow."
She hugs me tightly,
"I'm here for you Ahmina, I-I know I'm not your mom but, I'm here."
"Thank you Rachel."
We get up and start to serve hot cocoa to Thomas and Kellan, they look at us confused and I shrug at them.
"So Kellan, I was wondering if you'd be interested in transferring schools with Ahmina."
Kellan looks at his mom smirking,
"Soooo you like Ahmina now or what?"
"Shut up stupid."
She says throwing a pillow at him causing us to laugh,
"Yeah I'd love that."
"After this break you'll officially be a Midnight High Phantom."
"I hope you don't mind but, I asked the guys to take you under their wing, they are going to beef you up..... so that way when you come across those jock A holes you'll be stronger and more confident and beat them to a pulp."
"They really gonna do that for me?"
I smile,
"Of course, last night was your initiation to the group. Your are one of us now."
"Just like that?"
"Yes Kellan, they already like you, even Cristina."
I see him blush a little, I wink at him and he takes my hand,
"Let's go watch the polar Express."
He takes me up to his room closing the door, he backs me up against his dresser and picks me up.
"What are you doing?"
He slides my dress up slowly making me wet, his finger tips touching my skin. I bite my lip looking up at him, his hand behind my neck as he slides his other hand between my legs.
I whimper out trying not to be loud as he puts his fingers inside me,
"Oh God Kellan."
I moan out as the movie finally gets loud, my core is throbbing for him, he clashes his lips against mine.
A wave of passion floods me as he pumps his fingers inside me, my hips moving with his hand increasing the pleasure.
"God your so fucking beautiful."
"Your hands feel so good."
I moan out as I cum, God I want more so much more! I push him on his back and unzip his pants,
"Whoa what are you doing?"
He asks shyly,
"Hey, just relax... you trust me?" I ask smiling, he nods, I push him to lay back and pull off his bottoms.
Oh my God he is hung! Thank you lord.... I'm such a whore..
I grab his hard big member and slip it in my mouth, I feel his body tense up as I start to blow him.
"Oh god...."
He groans out, I smile to myself as I keep going, I can feel him about to cum and he does. I suck it all off of his dick and swallow it ONLY because i know he's clean. He pulls his pants back up and then me to stand on my feet.
"That was amazing.... I've never..."
"You lasted all her than I expected."
He chuckles and I go to his bathroom and mouthwash my mouth.
I come back out and Kellan pulls me into him kissing me deeply making me lightheaded.
"Will you stay the night?"
He asks, I look at him,
"I don't think your parents would like that."
He sighs,
"Your right...."
"We will just see each other tomorrow on our date. No biggie."
He nods, I lace our fingers looking up at him,
"Fuck Kellan I really, really like you...."
"I feel the same way."
"You gonna break my heart."
"No I'm not."
He says holding my face,
"Will you go to winter formal with me?"
"At your school"
He nods,
"You wanna show me off huh?"
"Is that bad?"
He asks scared.
"Not at all, I'll makes sure to wear something tight."
He chuckles shaking his head.
"Its in two days. On Wednesday."
"I'll tell my personal shopper to pick me out some dresses then."
"The guy is supposed to pay for everything."
I smile,
"Really Kellan it doesn't matter to me."
He chuckles,
"Its time to open presents."
I smile and go downstairs to my car and pull out the box of presents I got for everyone.
I come in and give them 3 each.
"I only got you one...."
"I don't care how many, it's the thought that came with it."
I said smiling,
"I'm lucky to even be here with your family, I could have been alone at home. I'm here with yall instead."
They start to open their presents, I got his mom Japanese kitchen knifes that are super sharp and never dull, wine glasses and a bracelet from Pandora. His dad I got him a football signed by all the Redskins players, season tickets and a beer mug, Kellan got new beats headphones, Gucci glasses, and some Tim Duncan Throwback Nikes. They all look at me like I'm crazy,
"These gift are extravagant...."
"I'm sorry." I say kind of embarrassed.
"No, no we love them. I love them... thank you Ahmina so much!"
Kellan says making me feel joy, I start to open mine and find a charm bracelet, I look at the charms, a rollercoaster from our first date, a teddy from the one he won me and a heart.... I look at it and is says...
"Be mine?"
I look at him as he reads it out loud, my heart starts to race, his parents look at me smiling.
"Absolutely, yes!"
He pulls me to stand and kisses me, my body feels warm and full of joy, he pulls away and his parents clap.
We both laugh and wrap our arms around each other,
"Thank you Kellan, I love it so much!"
"I'll keep adding charms for memories."
"It's so perfect."
His parent clear their throat,
"We are going to head too bed now. Goodnight Ahmina and merry Christmas. Thank you for the presents."
His dad kisses the top of my head and his mom hugs me tightly, she tries to leave my embrace but I stay there hugging her.
I miss what it felt like hugging a mom, it feels so good, I pull away,
"I'm sorry, i just miss hugging my mom and it just felt really good to hug you."
"Don't be sorry, I'm here whenever you need a hug hun."
She leaves the room, Kellan starts the fireplace up and we pour some wine and watch Christmas movies till we fall asleep on the couch.
This is what it feels like to ha e a normal relationship?
I love it...
"Hey, are you almost ready?"
"I'm ready."
"Okay, my moms mad because she didn't get pictures so we need someone to take some, I'm pulling up."
I open the door and Kellan pick me up and kisses me, ugh I love his kisses! He looks at me in my tight red backless dress with my black heals,
"You look so beautiful! Oh my God all eyes are gonna be on you!"
He makes me feel so good about myself all the time! Ugh.
"Danny can you come take pictures of us please."
Danny grabs my phone and take 30 pictures,
"Okay Danny! That's enough!"
He laughs and we leave, our fingers laced together, God it's so cold out tonight.
We get out of his truck and cameras flash, he takes my arm and he has so much confidence right now it's a turn on!
When we first met he always looked at the floor as he walked and now he walks with his head up and he is smiling. The doors open and we are at the top of the stairs and some people stare then more and more.
Yes that's right bitches, I smile and we walk down and we hear whispers all around us.
"Okay, what do we do now?"
I ask being that I've never been to one of these.
"I get you punch, then we dance and then wait to see who won snowflakes king and queen."
"Who are the nominees?"
"They pick them right now. Then everyone casts their ballets."
I nod and head to the nominee booth as he gets the punch and see they nominated Kellan as a joke. I feel someone's hand on my back and see one of the bullies and twist his arm.
"Can I help you?"
"Ahh ahh yeah let go!"
I let go and look up at him,
"What the fuck do you want asshole."
I ask annoyed.
"Well I was hoping we could sneak away and have a little fun."
"Ew as if, I'm with Kellan."
"Yeah I get it, it's a pity thing real sweet of you, you can cut the crap."
"No I'm really.... really.... with him." I say looking at him as he gets punch, he's so yummy, I bite my lip.
"Wow, okay. You like the weird, nerdy kid. You could have anyone you want and that's it?"
"I've had jocks, gangsters, rockers, I don't have a type. I like who I like and that's obviously not you nor anyone who bullies people for fun. You think being an asshole is going to get you places? It will probably but, you'll never have any true friends because they are only around you so you don't fuck with them. None of those guys are gonna have your back when real bad shit goes down. Stop the stereotypical jock shit and just be you for fuck sake."
Kellan walks over to me and hands me my drink, I kiss him slowly.
"Let's get this dance over with so we can go back to my place and have a real party."
I say pulling Kellan away with me, he smiles and we dance for what feels like forever.
"Its time to announce king and queen, will the nominees come up,
Kellan, Anthony, Ray.
Hot girl that came with Kellan? Really guys?
Sarah and Hailey."
Kellan and I go up and and they get the envelope.
"And the winners are........... Hot girl that came with Kellan and Anthony!"
I step up next to the asshole I just told off 'Anthony' they place the crown on my head and on Anthony's.
"See this is what it supposed to look like."
I turn to him and look up at him,
"There is one thing missing."
I say sexy and pull his face to mine, everyone on edge, I bring my knee up and rack the fuck out of him and push him to the floor. Everyone gasps and I grab Kellan's hand lacing our fingers,
"Stay away from me you creeton!"
Everyone is quiet and shocked as we walk off the stage,
"Ready to leave?"
He smirks,
We run outside laughing he picks me up as we kiss, I pull away and feel a a snow flake.
"Snow for my queen." He says, can he get any cuter?!
"The party has arrived!!!"
I yell out and find the house empty, everyone looks at me and they stay quiet.
"Guys what's wrong?"
Cristina stands up and walks over to me.
"He's gone Ahmina...."
"What? Who's gone?!"
My chest rising and falling so fast,
"J-jax is dead... he lost control on the road with the snow and hit and 18 wheeler.... he dies on impact."
My legs give out on me and I fall to the floor,
"No, no, no, no!!!!!!"
Everyone comes and sits on the floor with me as we call cry together, he cant be gone.... We never had a chance..... a real chance.
"Guys he cant be gone! Why does everyone I love die?!"
They all stay quiet and I get up grabbing a bottle of whiskey, they all look at me.
"Please don't look at me like that guys...... I just... I cant!"
Grief takes over my body and I pass out....
I wake up to an empty room with misses calls from Kellan, what the hell? I look at the date, oh my God! Oh thank you god!
It was dream! I call Jax quickly and he answers! I start to cry,
"Hey what's wrong?!"
"I-I had a dream t-that you died! It felt so real! Oh my God Jax.... it was horrible!"
"What no baby I'm alive, I'm fine okay?"
"Okay.... okay.... Jax please stay off the road tonight please..."
"Okay, I will I promise."
The whole night plays out the way it did in my dream, it was creepy and weird! When we get to my house a party is in full effect and everyone is safe.
I see Jax and push him,
"I told you to stay off the road!"
"I didn't drive.... Danny picked me up."
I hug him tightly not wanting to met go.
"Please just be careful okay.... I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
He smiles down at me.
"Do you really think I'd die before we ever had our chance?"
I smile shaking my head, Kellan laces our fingers as he come up next to me.
"Let's get out of these clothes, stupid penguin suit is killing me!"
I laugh, we change and come down to enjoy the party, Cristina comes up and kisses me.
"Babe!!!!! We need a night to ourselves!"
"Tomorrow baby."
She nods and walks away, Kellan looks at me for a second.
"Nothing.... I just hope one day you look at me the way you look at her."
He says sweetly wrapping his arms around me as we sway to the music.
"Don't worry I'm sure I will."
He chuckles shaking his head,
"You make me very happy."
He says,
"I do?"
He pushes up his glasses, I love when he does that, is that weird? His hands feel so good on my hips, I just want him.
"I love the way your hands feel on my skin."
He smirks down at me, ugh he makes me swoon!
"Do you think maybe your ready now?"
"Ummm, give me one second."
I watch as he runs off and take a huge swig of whiskey causing me to laugh, he runs back to me pulling me up the stairs.
He slows down when we reach my room, he picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist.
His lips on mine, I take my shirt off and he unhooks my bra, my back meets the bed.
He takes off his shirt and pants, his fingers slide off my panties, he climbs onto of me.
He gets between my legs and slides himself inside me, oh God thank you for giving this nerd his great package.
He starts to thrust inside me, moans escape me as he gets deeper and deeper.
"Oh fuck Kellan." I moan out, his teeth bite down on my neck making me get wetter.
"Fuck you feel so good."
He groans out, he goes faster and fast, deeper and deeper, he pushes down on my pelvis making me cum.
What was that?!
I feel him cum inside me, Jesus down next to me and laughs,
"That was amazing!"
"Are you sure you were a virgin because you lasted longer than expected and you made me cum."
"I've been doing my research just incase I didn't last long."
I giggle as he puts his glasses back on, his smile is so big and beautiful.
"I swear to God Ahmina, I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands off of you."
"I wouldn't want you too."
He turns on his side looking at me, his hand trails under the blanket and inside me. I close my eyes as a hunger grows inside me, his lips on my neck and chest.
His mouth taking in my nipple making my body go crazy! He climbs on top of me and forces himself inside me me making me moan out in sheer pleasure.
"Mmmm fuck."
His hands gripping my thighs rightly, my nails dragging on his back from the intense feeling of want.
His fingers rub my clit gently making my body was to cum quicker, he pushes down on me again and I can help but let out the loudest moan. I feel him cum with me again I swear it's like we are totally in sync with each other.
"Oh the hell do you do that?"
"I'm told you I've watched a lot of porn."
"I'm finding it hard to believe that you were a virgin though."
He asks sitting up looking down at me,
"Nothing bad, just.... no ones made me cum so quickly and coming from a so called virgin to make me cum under 5 minutes seems fishy."
"Ahmina, who would have possibly wanted me at my school? Everyone hated my guts."
"You promise your not lying?"
I ask nervously, he looks away and sighs.
"Who is she?"
I fucking knew it.
"She was one of the popular girls okay, she wanted to keep me as her dirty secret and I wanted more she didn't and I ended it the night before the party. I told you I was a virgin because I wish I had lost it to you someone who really want me for me. Look Ahmina I'm really reall-"
I cut him off quickly getting on his lap and kiss him gently,
"Your forgiven."
I whisper in his ear, he looks at me with tears in his eyes and nods,
"Thank Ahmina... for everything."
He wraps his arms around me, or lips locked, his lips are so soft and plump, ugh they are intoxicating.
"I never want to stop kissing you."
He says between kisses,
"I was thinking the same." I say pulling away, I rest my forehead on his and clench my eyes clothes.
"Fucking Kellan....."
"You make me so damn happy."
He looks up at me pushing up his glasses,
"I never thought I'd have a girl like you want me out in public. I always had this feeling I was always going to be someone's secret."
"You'll never be a secure me Kellan. I'm your girl."
He smiles shaking his head,
"Still cant believe it."
"Believe it. All of me."
I lift my body and slip him inside me and he groans,
"All of me is yours."
I whisper in his ear, my hips move with his, I never want to stop but, i have a party to get down to. After that round we go back down, Kellan has the biggest smile on his face.
"Hey you got laid!"
Ty says giving Kellan a hi five, Kellan looks at me and I shrug.
"Your smile is a dead giveaway."
We laugh and enjoy the rest of the night, the group loves him already and everything just feels right.

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