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Y/N slowly starts to wake up and become part of this thing called reality, as she jumps up and asks,


"I need you to go to the mall with me and help me find an outfit for the BTS concert! I already told you this yesterday..."

"Okay but why do you need to go buy a whole other outfit just to go see some Chinese guys dance and sing? It will probably be dark anyways. Its not like they would see you or any of their other fans"


"My bad... Jeez who knew people could get so defensive over a group of people...Remind me why I'm friends with you again?" Y/N jokes as she shoots her a playful glare.

"Because you can't resist my amazing personality Y/N. And it's "Best friend" not just "friend." she says as she flips her hair and laughs

"Okay sure just get out so I can go get ready" Y/N says will no emotion on her face due to still being half asleep

"Be ready in five. I'll be in the car." and starts walking off as Y/N rolls her eyes

I'm not as worried about my clothing in public or at home because my style shouldn't be affected by a bunch of people's opinions that don't matter.

So I just throw a quick outfit together

******At The Mall******

As soon as Y/N gets in the door with Y/B/F (your best friend), she runs off to her favorite store leaving Y/N in an unknown place, considering all she ever does is stay in her bed and sleep.

She starts walking around trying to waste some time until she suddenly feels a weight against her body and starts to fall. Anticipating the impact of the floor on her body, she closes her eyes tight and waits but.... nothing is happening.

Y/N slowly opens her eyes only to find beautiful eyes staring back at her. After a few seconds of just staring into each others eyes, the boy finally says something.

"I'm sorry" he says

"I-I-I Uh me too." Y/N says

All she wanted was to curl up and die of embarrassment. Here she was, an awkward potato, and there he was, a cute gentleman.

A blush spread across her face as a smirk spread across his.

"I'll see you around" He says

"But I don't even know your name" Y/N says confused

He starts to chuckle for a few seconds before responding with,

"Trust me, you'll figure it out soon enough" as he walks away, knowing that their encounter would be everywhere on social media in about an hour.

******I'm changing the point of view because it's too hard to type like that.*****

I start to walk around again, only this time, in a daze from what happened, until suddenly

"Y/N THERE YOU ARE!! WHERE DID YOU GO?" my best friend runs up to me asks

"I was just walking around because I couldn't find you." I responded, finding it best to leave out the part of tripping and falling into some guy.

"Well I got my outfit so lets go" She says as I roll my eyes and follow her

"Why exactly did you want me to go to the mall with you if you didn't need my help" I ask my bestfriend

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