Moving Time

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I walk in my room and close the door as I walk over and jump in my bed.

"OUCH!" I yell...wait...I didn't yell ouch.

"Who is in my bed?" I ask

"Me" He Replies


"Me" He replies as a tired looking Yoongi comes from under my blanket.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I ask while moving off of him, to the edge of the bed.

"I was going to scare you but you took too long to come so I accidentally fell asleep." He says while running his stomach.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to jump on you." I say while smiling shyly and avoiding his gaze.

"Yah Jagiya," He starts, using his hand to gently lift my chin up to meet his eyes.

"Its okay. I'll forgive you because you are so cute." He says while leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Oppa..?" I start


"Are you about to fall asleep?"

"Yes...I'll go to my room so you don't have to try to carry me to my room." He responds, followed by kissing me quickly and heading towards the door.

"Oppaaa" I say, dragging the word out super long to be dramatic.

"Yes Jagiya?" He asks

"Saranghae oppa"

"Nada sarangh-" He starts but pauses in shock.

"How do you know saranghae?" He asks startled at my sudden knowledge of Korean.

"Because I'm fluent" I say with a confident, joking smirk.

"그렇다면 나는 지금 무엇을 말하고 있는가" He says something in Korean that I didn't understand.

 ("then what am i saying right now?" is what he said)

"Yahhh I'm just kidding oppa" I whine

"Yah? You can't tell me yah! I'm older than you, so that is rude" He pouts

"Oh really" I smirk

"yeah really" He says, crossing his arms

"Yah Yah Yah Yah Yah" I say teasing him.

"Oh you're dead." He says as he tackles me onto the ground, and tickles me.

"HAHAHAHAHA STOP OPPA IT TICKLES" I yell dying, after about two minutes he finally stops.

We just stare into each others eyes as the rest of the house is completely silent. That is..until...

*SLAM* The door is slammed open revealing a very upset Jin.

"You two, go to bed! We have to fly all the way to Korea tomorrow and I don't want to deal with waking you guys up" He says, his eyes softening once he looks into my eyes.

"Okay Hyung" Yoongi says sadly before kissing me goodnight and walking to his room.

"Goodnight Y/N" He says while smiling at me.

"Goodnight Oppa" I respond returning the smile until he closes the door.


I open my eyes to beautiful purple flowers all around me. In fact, I'm in a field of beautiful purple flowers.

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