It's Really You

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In the middle of his rap he looks around until he sees me and stops rapping causing the other members to look over, and many fans surprised


"geuge geunyeoeyo"(That's her)

He says accidentally into the microphone, while looking at me, causing all of the members to look at me.

I look beside me to see that my bestfriend is gone, and I'm alone. I feel so awkward as all of them speak to each other towards the back of the stage while occasionally looking over at me, as the other fans talk quietly among each other while they wait.

*****A few minutes later*****

The concert starts back, and my friend is still nowhere to be seen. Worried, I go to look for her.

////Suga's POV////

I looked felt someone looking at us earlier, so I looked over and I saw her. I don't know if she recognized me though, but we locked eyes and just stayed like that for a few minutes until her bestfriend comes over to get her so they wouldn't be late I think. I could only pick up half of their conversation because it was in English. Her friend said "Tae Tae at the end, causing him to look over and smirk at the girl's excitement.

I got on stage and started performing with the boys, and when it was my turn to rap, I saw her and there was no doubt that it wasn't her. I think she quickly realized it too, confirming my theory. I unintentionally said "geuge geunyeoeyo" (That's her) into the microphone, but lucky for me, none of the fans understood because it was in Korean. But the other boys understood and followed my eyes to quickly find who I was talking about.

They motion for me to go towards the back of the stage so we can have a conversation.

"Yah hyung is that the girl you bumped into?" Junkook asks with his jungshook expression.

"Yes, but-" I start to say

"Wahh she's so pretty" Jimin interrupts

"Why don't we get her backstage after the concert?" Jin asks

"That's a great idea, as long as Yoongi doesn't get grumpy for staying up to talk about her." Namjoon says while laughing

"Shut up Joon! At least I don't break everything" I glare at him

"Guys we can discuss this later but for now lets get back to performing. The fans are getting anxious" Hoseok says while smiling his big sunshine smile and pulling the whole group into a group hug

Nobody noticed that Taehyung disappeared.

/////Y/N's POV/////

I walk out of the arena to find Y/B/F, wondering where she could have went.

"Y/B/F WHERE ARE YOU" I scream out trying to find her while walking around looking.

I walk around for about 20-30 minutes before I walk to a coffee shop that is next to the arena to grab some coffee and look for her some more, when I see my friend sitting at a table in the café with a blue haired guy, but I can't see his face because he is turned facing her.

Slowly, I walk into the café and up to their table.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" my best friend asks

"Well I was at the concert, only to turn and see you gone." I replied, trying not to show my annoyed emotion, due to the guy sitting with her.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung!" The blue haired guy says with broken English. I think he may be...Chinese? No wait Korean because that's what my friend likes.

"Hi I'm Y/N" I reply with a fake smile.

"Wait, aren't you one of the guys from BTS?" I ask

"Y/N! Be quiet before somebody hears you" My best friend says

"Yes I am" he giggles

"Aren't you Suga's mystery girl?" He asks

"Umm I wouldn't really say 'His', more like an accidental mistake that made it all over social media." I reply

"Well it's all he's been talking about since it's happened" he tells me with a smile

"Oh my gosh! Y/N you should date him" Y/B/F tells me, completely serious.

"I agree. I can help set you guys up." Taehyung says with big smile

"No seriously don--" I try to say before being interrupted by them running off.

*****At The Meet and Greet*****

(Just kidding because we're too broke for that haha)

I start chasing them back only to be stopped by a security guard at the entrance.

"Are you Y/N Y/L/N?" HE ASKS ME

"uhh yes...unless I'm in trouble" I respond hesitantly

"Well you aren't in trouble. I've just been given a special request to take you backstage to BTS's room." He tells me as he guides me back there

As he leads me into the room, he tells me,

"They won't be here for about another hour, and Taehyung wanted me to tell you that Y/B/F went home to get you some time with Suga, but she would see you later."

"Okay thanks" I respond with a small smile as he leaves

***About An Hour Later***

All the boys walk in the room at the same time, except for Yoongi and who is the last to walk in, and Namjoon, who is nowhere be seen.

"Yah neomu pigon hane." (I'm so tired) Yoongi says as he notices me. He rushes up to me as fast as he possibly can, and embraces me into a hug.

I thought Asians didn't hug unless they were close... I thought to myself, and seeing from the looks on the others boys faces, I think that's true.

After about 30 seconds of squeezing me to death, in broken English he said, "It's really you" with a big gummy smile.

"Yeah, it's rea-"


Everybody turns to see what happened, to see Namjoon standing there with a door, broken off of the hinges.

Namjoon looks around with a shocked expression and says, "WOAH THE DOOR FELL OFF BY ITSELF!"

"Yeah yeah God of destruction" Jimin teases

"Guys wanna hear a joke about a door?" Jin says

**Groans could be heard all over the room**

"Sure" I reply, earning a smile from him

"Never mind its pointless. If Namjoon hears it, he will break it"

He starts laughing uncontrollably. It almost sounds lie a windshield. That thought made me start laughing uncontrollably out loud, causing the guys to look at me like I'm crazy for laughing at that dumb joke, and Jin to run over and pick me up so he could hug me tight.

"I Love You so much Y/N! Thank you for appreciating my jokes" Jin says to me still not letting me go.

I giggle at his action.

"Okay that's enough let her go" Yoongi says while walking over and picking me up out of Jin's hands, and rolling his eyes.

"Aww is little Yoongi jealous?" Hoseok teases

"Maybe I am but she's mine considering I'm the one who found her" Yoongi says

"Hyung maybe she doesn't want to be yours. Have you even asked her?" Jimin jokes with a smile, but deep down he wasn't joking

////Jimin's POV////

"...Maybe I'm jealous too..." He thinks to himself

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