Unknown Feelings

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"So are we going to date long distance?" I ask, causing him to look up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Y/N I was thinking..." He starts


"Y/N I was thinking...its so far away and I know it would only be harder for us to date while being so far apart.." He starts as I tear up, fearing his next words.

"Would you be okay with moving to Korea with us?" He asks.

"I mean we already have a house there that we all share, and your friend can even move in with us too considering Taehyung has been getting pretty close to her too." He adds, giving me puppy eyes.

"I mean I would go anywhere with you Yoongi" I say with a huge smile.

"I love you so mu-" He starts, quickly stopping.

"I m-mean t-that's- I- sorry u-uh" He stutters.

Cupping his face, I gently lean in and place a kiss on his lips, causing him to shut up and kiss back. Pulling away, and watching the blush on his face and feeling my cheeks heating up, I respond.

 "I love you too." I tell him as he grabs my hand and starts walking me home.

--Time skip brought to you by Hobi's hope--

I walk into my house, and walk around looking for my friend. 

"Y/B/F!" I yell, looking in every room for her, only to get no response.

Thinking she might be with Tae, I quickly shoot him a text.

Y/N: Hey Tae oppa, are you with Y/B/F?

Alien Oppa: Yea, I was asking her if she wanted to move to Korea with us. What did you tell Yoongi hyung

Y/N: I told him yes, what did she tell you?

Alien Oppa: She said as long as you agreed. 

Alien Oppa: So yay! My two favorite Americans are coming to live with us!

Alien Oppa: Come over plz :(

Alien Oppa: Your boyfriend won't stop talking about how much he misses you.

Alien Oppa: And Jimin looks sad

Alien Oppa: And Jin said to tell you something

Alien Oppa: But I told him to text you himself

Alien Oppa: So has he texted you yet?

Y/N: Stop spamming me oppa!

*One new text* 

Jin Oppa: Y/N, my daughter, please come these crazy kids to stop fighting over you!

Y/N: Fighting over me?

Jin Oppa: Yoongi wouldn't stop talking about you and Jimin said to stop talking about you or he would throw his chopsticks at him, Namjoon won't stop talking about how he can't wait to teach you Korean, Hobi keeps talking about what places he is going to show you in Korea, and Kookie wants to show you all of his games that he had to leave in Korea. Me and Taehyung are the only ones not talking about you.

Y/N: I'll be over in a few minutes.

After I take off my makeup, I rush to my room throwing on the first thing I see a throwing my hair in a ponytail.

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