We Can't (We won't get caught)

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"Lets eat!" Yoongi says as all of them head to the kitchen to start eating. What they don't realize is Jin pulling me out of the kitchen, to his room to talk to me.



"Yes Jin?" I say in fear of where this could be going.

"Y/N..I-I think I'm in love wit-" He starts

"No! Please don't say it" I interrupt, feeling tears start to form in my eyes.

"I have to. Whether you respond to me or not I have to get it out of my heart. Y/N, I'm in love with you." He says before quickly running downstairs and out of the front door, me running after him.

"JIN WAIT!!" I yell, trying to catch him before Yoongi walks out.

"Yah jagiya don't worry about it. He will be back later. Why was he upset?" He asks me

"I-I don't k-know he uhhh j-just walked out." I say trying my best to be believable.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" He asks while running my arms

"I'm sure. I just- Are you sure he will be back?" I ask for reassurance.

"I'm positive" He responds with a gummy smile.

"Now, since it is our last night here, and you've finished packing your stuff, would you like to help me finish mine?" He asks with a small pout causing me to say "Aww" out loud unintentionally.

"You wuv me" He says with a smirk and a childish giggle which was the cutest thing I've ever heard.

"Of course I do" I tell him while booping his nose.

After we finish packing, all of the members along with Y/B/F are on the couch just talking when I realize that it has been 2 hours and Jin isn't back. I would understand if it was daytime but I is 11:47 at night.

"Guys where is Jin oppa?" I ask worriedly looking around.

"Yah Y/N is right! Eomma Jin has been gone for a while and its late" Junkook chimes in.

"Maybe we should go make sure he didn't get caught by fans trying t get pictures" Yoongi says while standing up and grabbing his phone. "Kaja" He says and waits for us to stan. (Kaja means lets go)

"Okay so we all go separately to find Jin so some of us don't get caught up with each other" Taehyung says while coughing and looking towards me and Yoongi.

"Okay Okay lets just go." Hoseok says and opens the front door, letting us all out before shutting it and giving me a quick wink.

**20 Minutes Later**

I've been looking for about 20 minutes and I go to call the other boys when I see a boy sitting on the railing of a bridge while singing softly to himself.

"Jin Oppa?" I ask causing him to look up with wide eyes.

"Y/N... W-What are you doing here?" He asks me

"Looking for you silly. I realized that you have been gone for 2 hours and it was late so we all came to look for you." I say while joining him on the railing.

"Where are the other guys?" He asks me looking around

"I don't know...We all split up into groups to find you and they all tried to stop me from coming over here because they didn't think you would be here so I guess they are on the other side of the town." I tell him

"So they aren't gonna be here?" He asks

"No, I don't thin-" I start but I'm interrupted by the feeling of lips being pressed against mine. we kiss for a few seconds before I pull away with the feeling of betrayal towards my boyfriend 

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