Fake Girlfriend

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"Y/N, we have a problem" Yoongi bursts through my door, interrupting Taehyung to show me a picture on his phone and I don't think life could get worse at this point. 


(The picture/video...Just pretend it is at the park)

"Oppa what are we supposed to do?" I say running my fingers through my hair and standing up

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"Oppa what are we supposed to do?" I say running my fingers through my hair and standing up.

"I don't know Jagiya, but we will figure it out." Yoongi tells me while walking over to me and hugging me for reassurance.

"Yoongi, you know army can be crazy. Why would you just kiss her in public like that?" Taehyung asks while walking over to us.

"I just, didn't think about it." He says while looking down.

"YOONGI!!" A voice yells through the house scaring all of us.

"Jin" All three of us say at the same time.

"Yoongi! How could you be so irresponsible?" Jin says after he rushes through the bedroom door and shows us the video.

"I KNOW! I'M SORRY OKAY?!?" Yoongi says before storming off downstairs with me running after him.

"Yoongi where are you going?" I ask him as he puts on his Jacket and grabs his keys.

"To fix this.." He responds as he heads for the front door.

"Let me help you fix this. I was in the video too." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the house.

"B-But it was m-my f-fault...If I-I would have j-just wai-waited until we got h-home, nobody w-would have g-gotten the pic-picture." He says turning to face me with tears in his eyes.

"Yoongi oppa, it isn't your fault. I kissed you just as much as you kissed me and we will get through this together." I say, pulling him into a hug and stroking his hair.

After he calms down a little, I pull away and kiss him before pulling him to his car.

"Kaja oppa." I say as we both get in.

After we arrive, we go into the bighit building and go to the top floor to a room that says,


Yoongi knocks on the door and says something in Korean before the person on the other side responds in Korean and Yoongi walks in, dragging me behind him.

"안녕하세요 당신은 Y / N해야합니다" ( Hello you must be Y/N)

I look at him in confusion as this "manager" guy is speaking to me in korean, causing Yoongi to laugh but quickly stop and mumble a quick "Sorry" to me before saying something else to the guy.

"그녀는 한국어를 하지 않습니다." (She doesn't speak Korean)

"Ah Hello! You must be Y/N" The guy says, shaking my hand and speaking in almost perfect English.

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