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She emails a kpop news tv channel with pictures of Y/N with each of the members and almost immediately they email her back, saying they would have the story out by tomorrow morning.


I wake up to feel arms wrapped around my waist, and turn to see my boyfriend sleeping. How can someone look so cute while sleeping? I literally look like trash.

I get up slowly, and grab my phone to take a picture of him.

"You know, its not nice to take pictures of people without their consent" He says, slowly opening his eyes.

Oh...It was a live photo (that means it plays a video when you hold down the picture)

It was a live photo (that means it plays a video when you hold down the picture)

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"But oppaaaaa! You look so cutee look" I say showing him the picture.

"I guess I do look pretty cute" he says, smirking and winking at me.

"Oh shut u-" I start.

"Y/N! Y/M/N! Y/L/N! and Min Yoongi!" Jin yells from downstairs.

Yoongi and I look at each other at the same time and start walking downstairs, hands intertwined.

When we get downstairs, we go to the living room where everybody else is, and find all of the other members sitting on the couch with the tv paused.

"Yah Bestfriend" Taehyung says, motioning me over to him.

I go over to him and sit beside him as Yoongi follows and sits on the other side of me.

"Okay we need to talk" Jin says.

"About what?" Yoongi and I ask at the same time.

"This" He says as he hits play on the tv.


"Kpop band BTS and friend Y/N caught being intimate with each member" The lady on tv says as she shows a slideshow of pictures, each pictures of me kissing, or being really close to the other members. She them appears back on the screen.

"Who is Y/N really? Just a friend? Maybe more?"

A fan calls and they answer it live to see what this fan's opinion is on all of this.

"Hello" The interviewer says.

"Hi!" The fan responds

"What is your opinion on the scandal?" The interviewer asks.

"I don't know who this Y/N girl is, but she needs to back off of our boys. She isn't good enough for one of them so how can she be selfish and greedy enough to take all of them?" She says

"YAH" Yoongi shouts before he starts yelling in Korean.

They start all yelling in Korean and I'm just sitting here like an awkward potato, not understanding anything.

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