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I stand up on the edge as I say to myself out loud,

"Yoongi deserves better"

And Jump.


"Y/N!!" A voice yells as I feel my feet leave the edge.

Happiness and fear overwhelm me for a split second until I feel my back hit a brick wall and arms pull me back up.

I'm pulled into a pair of arms as I hear crying, which causes me to start crying.

"Y/N W-Why would you d-do that? We could have lost you forever"

I know that soothing deep voice anywhere. Taehyung.

"That was the point" I tell him as I pull away from the hug and look him into his eyes.

"Why didn't you let me die?" I ask him, my voice cracking in the middle.

"Y/N Why would you even want that? I thought you loved living with us." He says with tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Yoongi deserves better." I say as realization comes across his face.

"Jimin..." He whispers

"Jimin? What about Jimin?" I ask him, hoping he doesn't know what's been going on.

"I know everything Y/N. I saw it last night and I know how much of a flirt Jimin can be. He's done this before hasn't he?" He asks me, causing me to look down and nod my head in shame.

"Why do you look ashamed? You didn't do anything. I saw you back away." He says causing me to look up with guilt and tears in my eyes.

"I didn't pull away some of the other times. And it wasn't just with Jimin." I say, causing a look of shock to go on his face.

"Why Y/N? I thought you loved Yoongi." He says with a look of sadness and pity for his friend.

"I do love Yoongi. I just got caught up in the moment and didn't think. But I'm so mad at myself over it. You can't even imagine how sorry I am" I tell him.

"I can imagine Y/N. You were literally about to jump off of a bridge and die because of it." He says as he holds my hand and begins to walk.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"To Yoongi. You need to tell him everything." he says, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"I can't do that." I tell him

"Why not?" He asks.

"Yoongi would never forgive me and I can't lose him." I say, as tears fill my eyes.

I don't care if it makes me look weak, I can't lose Yoongi. He is the only thing on earth worth living for.

"Flower, I promise Yoongi won't leave you. He might be mad, but I can guarantee he will always come back to you. He loves you." Taehyung says with his boxy grin, which is really reassuring.

We arrive back home and as soon as I open the door I'm engulfed into a huge hug until everything gets fuzzy.

"Kinda...can't....breathe...." I say as the grip loosens and the hands travel to my hands.

I look up to see my boyfriend smiling at me as tears come out of his eyes.

"I was so scared Jagi. I though you were leaving me for good."

"I will never leave you Yoongi oppa. I love you so much." I tell him as we both lean only to feel a cold hard surface against our lips causing us to pull back and see what or who interrupted out kiss. And there Jin was, holding a spatula in his hands right in the space where we almost kissed.

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