Just Friends

55 3 16


"Hobi oppa can we talk upstairs?" I ask him

"U-Uhh y-yea s-sure..." He responds


"Oppa why did you call me jagiya?" I ask him

"I didn't mean to" He says

"You didn't mean to call me jagiya? How does that make sense Hobi oppa?"

"Because I-I like you a l-little and it slipped out before I could s-stop it." He says embarrassed 

"But why did you just help me through everything if you like me too?" I ask

"Because you seemed to stressed and I wanted to be there for you" He responds

"But that has to be torture for you" I say

"No it isn't Y/N. I would do anything to make you happy, even if we are just friends. The honor of getting to know you is everything to me." He says with a smile

"I'm sorry oppa. Maybe if I would have known you first I would have chosen y-" I start

"No Y/N! Don't be sorry for not having romantic feelings for me. You have a great relationship with Yoongi and he is my best friend. As long as you guys are happy, then I'm happy. Just know that I'm always here for you." He says as I start tearing up.

"Stop Hobi oppa...You're gonna make me cry" I say with a small laugh trying to push the tears back as I hug him.

"Now kaja! Lets go downstairs" He says while standing up and reaching for my hand.

"K-Kaja?" I ask

"Oh right..Kaja means lets go" He says while laughing in realization that I don't know Korean.

We go downstairs to see all of the boys cleaning up their plates and chopsticks so they can. go watch a movie.

"Hobi hyung and Y/N, you can go eat while we find a movie to watch." Jungkook says.

"Okay Kookie oppa" I respond as we walk into the kitchen.

Hobi oppa picks up his chopsticks and starts eating as I pick up the two sticks and try to copy his hand position but fail miserably as the metal sticks fall out of my hand and clash on the table.

"Do you need help?" Hobi asks while trying not to laugh.

"Uhh maybe a little bit oppa.." I say with a shy smile.

He spends 5 minutes trying to show me how to use the chopsticks when finally succeeding.

"OPPPPPAAASSSSSSS" I yell while running into the living room, causing them to all look at me frantically. 

"Baby what's wrong?" Yoongi asks me while walking up and holding my face while looking into my eyes.

"What's in your hands?" Jimin oppa asks.

"Look!" I yell while holding up my hand with the chopsticks and using them in the air.

"You did it Y/N!  I'm so proud of you" Jin says while turning off the movie.

"How did you learn?" Yoongi asks me 

"Hobi oppa taught me" I say smiling, still using the chopsticks in the air.

"That's great! I'm so glad you can eat with us now" He says with a chuckle

"Oppas where is Taehyungie oppa and Y/B/F?" I ask while looking around the room for them.

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