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"We need to talk" He says walking over to me and grabbing my hand, before pulling me to his room to talk.


"What do you wanna talk about...?" I ask him, nervous for the answer.

"I just need to know... Why did you kiss him? am I not enough for you? I can change I promise. Just tell me what I need to d-" He starts spilling out questions that I could try to sum up with one answer. I interrupt him with a kiss, and when he realizes what is happening, he starts to kiss back until we pull away to catch our breath.

We look into each others eyes for a second before his eyes flash an emotion that I've never seen.

Realizing that the kiss didn't do anything but stall time, I start answering his question.

"I will answer the first question after I answer the other questions, because the first one will take a while to explain." I start

"You are more than enough for me Yoongi. I literally don't know what I ever did to deserve you. Don't ever change yourself for me or anyone else. So you don't need to do ANYTHING but keep loving me and being the smol bean squishy boyfriend that I know and love." I tell him causing his eyes to light up and a huge gummy smile to appear on his face.

'Yah Yah Jagiya, I love you so much" He says, before leaning in a kissing my lips softly

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'Yah Yah Jagiya, I love you so much" He says, before leaning in a kissing my lips softly. 

Just when I think he forgot about the first question, he says, 

"Yah Jagiya, why were you guys kissing?" He asks, looking at me with a small pout.

"Yoongi, Look so... I don't exactly know how to explain this to you.. but...A few of the other members have tried...doing things...? with me..." I start, while looking at his face to see his reaction. His face goes from smiley, to angry in a matter of seconds.

"Jagiya don't tell me you've been..." He says slowly.

"No No No! Yoongi. I pushed them away! But somehow, Jimin got pictures, and he threatened to show you and tell you that I've been cheating on you. I just didn't know what to do and I thought you would hate me and I didn't want to lose y-" I start saying really quickly before he leans in and kisses me.

After a few seconds I pull back.

"What are you doing?" I ask him

"The same thing you did to me. Responding to all of these on going words with a simple answer." He says while smiling at me.

"Yah come here pabo. I love you." I say, while pulling him back into a kiss. Not even five seconds later, we hear a scream in the doorway and turn to see Jin, covering the eyes of a fascinated, smiley Jungkook.

"But Jin hyung" The maknae whines before adding.

"All I'm doing is watching kissing videos. At least I'm not taking after you and watchi-" Jungkook begins, before being dragged away by an embarrassed Jin.

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