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Previously:"Really jagi? I think you want me." He says, wrapping his arm around my waist as he leans closer.

"No I don't. I only want Yoongi oppa." I say as I stand up and go over to Yoongi, who has fallen asleep, and cuddle up against him. As I close my eyes, I feel his arm wrap around me as I slowly drift off to sleep.

We didn't notice the one person who witnessed everything...


-----Unknown POV:-----

I was enjoying the movie when I heard whispering so I look behind me to witness Jimin and Y/N getting pretty close on the couch. I watch as he wraps his arm around her waist and leans about an inch away from her as a blush spreads across her face until she says,

"No I don't. I only want Yoongi oppa." and walks over to a sleeping Yoongi, and cuddles up against him.

Have her and Jimin been..? No that's impossible. Y/N loves Yoongi and Jimin is like his brother. Right...? I mean, what about the pact? And friendship should come first anyways. Jimin knows that. I know. I think. I hope.

Getting lost in my own thoughts, I drift off to sleep.

-----Y/N POV-----

I love Yoongi. I keep telling myself as doubt starts to creep in my head.

"If you love him, then why did you kiss some of the others?"

"Yoongi deserves better."

"He needs someone that won't even consider having a moment like that."

"He needs someone perfect."

"I can't and never can be that."

I panic as the thoughts won't stop attacking my mind as I feel my whole body shaking I just wanna escape this lif-

"Y/N. Jagiya. Are you okay?" I hear as I slowly open my eyes to realize I was only sleeping. But now somehow in Yoongi's room. Probably because he's a great boyfriend who literally carried my fat self to his room so I could be comfortable. Which isn't helping my guilt.

"You were having a nightmare and shaking all over. You had me so scared." Yoongi tells me while cupping my face and looking at me with concern.

"I-I....I can't do this anymore" I say as I jump up and run out of their house with no sense of direction. Just simply running wherever my legs take me.

I eventually find myself at a bridge. Just standing on the edge looking at the ripples in the water.

-----Yoongi's POV-----

I feel so confused. Am I a bad boyfriend? Did I not spend enough time with her? Could she not understand my English good enough? Maybe she just didn't ever like me and didn't wanna be mea-

My thoughts get interrupted by all of the boys running to my doorway to see what happened.

"What happened?" Hoseok asks

"Why did Y/N run out of the house?"Jungkook asks

"What did you do to my child?" Jin asks walking over to me with a spatula in his hand.

"I-I... I really don't know" I respond as I look up with tears in my eyes.

"Yah Yah Yah! Don't cry. Just calm down and explain what happened" Taehyung says walking over to me.

"I was sleeping when I felt Y/N walk over and cuddle with me so I waited until she fell asleep and I carried her to my bed so she would sleep comfortable. And this morning, I felt her shaking, so I woke her up and told her that she was having a nightmare and shaking. But I wanted to make sure she was okay, so I cupped her face in my hands and looked into her eyes, and she ran off saying she couldn't do this anymore." I told them, the tears finally falling.

"Well see that's what happened. You scared her off by being a weirdo boyfri-" Jimin starts before being hit in the arm with a spatula. Jin...

"Yah! Maybe she just had a bad dream and needed to clear her head." Namjoon says, trying to reassure the boy, but it wasn't helping.

"I will go look for her." Taehyung says as he starts to get up.

"Yah!" all of the boys yell.

"Why don't any of us get to go?" Jimin asks, offended.

"Because I'm the only one who doesn't have a crush on her and Yoongi needs time to calm down and get his feelings under control." Taehyung says, earning glares and mumbled insults.

-----Y/N POV-----

As I get lost in the ripples of the water, I start to think about life.

"Why would God create me if all I can seem to do is mess up?"

"What if I'm a mistake"

"Why am I so stupid?"

All of these thoughts flood my mind when one final thought comes in.

"I should just jump."

They say follow your heart and not your mind. But what if my heart is too busy breaking to comprehend anything. Then I don't have anything to live by except for my mind.

I stand up on the edge as I say to myself out loud,

"Yoongi deserves better"

And Jump.

Author note

Don't worry this is not the end I promise.

I don't even know where I'm going with this story anymore so please leave ideas of what you think should happen.

Love you guys so much!

See ya <3

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