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Authors Note: They are in an apartment in America for the tour, but it is two stories and it is really  big. That's why they have so many stairs and stuff.


"Who do you love oppa?" I ask while wiping his tears away.

"I Love..."


"I love...." Jimin starts

"Hyung dinner is rea--" Jungkook walks in saying before pausing.

"Did I interrupt something?" The youngest member asks

"No, its fine Kookie. We'll be down in a minute." Jimin says smiling at the clueless boy standing in the doorway, until he walks away leaving Y/N and Jimin alone.

"Lets go eat, Jiminie oppa" Y/N says, offering a hand to Jimin to help him up. Giggling at the cute nickname, Jimin reaches for her hand and gets up.

"Who taught you 'Oppa'?" Jimin asks as they walk downstairs.

"Taehyung oppa told me to call you guys that" Y/N replies

"Well don't stop it's cute." Jimin says, causing Y/N's cheeks to turn a light shade of red.

"Okay" Y/N replies shyly

"Jagiya come sit by meee" Yoongi says to his beautiful girlfriend.

"Jagiya..?" Y/N asks, confused by the Korean word.

"Jagiya means baby in Korean." Namjoon tells her

"You know, we could teach you Korean if you'd like." Hoseok says while smiling with his shiny teeth.

"Thanks sunshine oppa" Y/N says

"Aww she's so cutee! Can we keep her?" Hoseok asks Jin

"You'll have to ask her that" Jin says

"Can we keep you?" Taehyung asks

"Yah! I was gonna ask her pabo!" Hoseok yells at the younger boy.

"Sorry about them" Yoongi says, offering a small smile to Y/N, as the others go to play and Jin starts to clean the kitchen.

"Its okay, I love you guys" Y/N responds with a big smile on her face. But the smile quickly fades when she sees Jimin picking at his food, with silent tears streaming down his face.

Yoongi follows her gaze to see Jimin, making him feel the same pain Y/N is feeling.

"Jimin..." Yoongi pauses, debating whether he should watch a movie to make his best friend feel better, or go take a nap like he originally planned.

"Jimin lets all watch a movie" Yoongi says, causing Y/N's eyes to light up.

"Yea lets do that!" Y/N yells in excitement.

Knowing that Y/N would be the only one to make Jimin feel better, Yoongi tells Y/N to go with Jimin to pick out some night clothes, while the others pick a movie.

"Come on Jiminie oppa!" Y/N exclaims in excitement while grabbing his hand and running to his room, dragging him along.

"What pajamas did you pack?" Y/N asks the little mochi.

"Uhh I have a tank top and shorts, sweatpants with a white t-shirt, and a dino-" He says stopping mid sentence as a blush spreads across his face.

"A dino- what?"  Y/N asks, curiously with a slight smirk at his embarrassed state.

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