First Date

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"Yes!" He yells a little too loud, causing a certain little meow meow to wake up.

"Hoseok..." Yoongi says with anger laced in his voice.

"Y-Yes...?" He asks, with a shaky voice.

"Five..Fou-" He starts as Hoseok takes off running, grabbing Y/N in the process.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asks as Hoseok runs into Jungkook's room and locks the door, pulling Y/N under the bed with him.

"Shh Y/N! I have to hide from Yoongi, and you have to protect me." He says, while giving her his adorable sunshine smile, and giggling.

"Why do I have to pro-"

***Knock Knock Knock***


"Shhh, stay quiet" Hoseok mouths to me

***Knock Knock Knock*** We hear once again before hearing a jingle, and the door opening.

"Yah hyung it's just me and Jiminie" The youngest member says before locking his door back, and waiting for us to come from under the bed.

Slowly, we come from under the bed, to find Jungkook and Jimin standing there trying to stifle a laugh.

"Under the bed? Really?" Jungkook asks

"Hoseok hyung, why did you take y/n with you?" Jimin asks, while Jungkook stacks her in pillows to protect her for the wrath of Yoongi.

"I need her to be with me so Yoongi doesn't kill me" He says

"Well he'll probably kill you even more now that you took his girl" Jungkook says

"Yeah..I know he almost killed me" Jimin mumbled

"What was that hyu-"


"Open this door Hoseok, I know you're in there!" Yoongi shouts

They all stay silent, knowing that one of them is about to die, when I stands up and heads for the door. They all watch in shock as I walk up to the door and place my hand on the doorknob.

"Oppa.." I started

"Baby..Open the door for me, please" He says to me in love, trying to tempt me into opening the door.

Glancing over at the boys huddled in fear, I quietly let out a small chuckle.

"Oppa, if you promise not to kill them, we can go on a da-"

"I promise!" He happily yells

Opening the door, I'm quickly engulfed into a huge hug by my little meow meow oppa. Grabbing me hand, he drags me out of the room and down to the front door.

"Be ready in an hour, I put my number in your phone, send me the address, and dress formally because I'm taking you somewhere fancy." He rushes out before walking me to his drivers car 

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