Rebound Girl

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Slowly, Jimin walks into the living room where everyone is with a very unreadable expression.

" did it go?" Jin asks

"It went..."


"It went...g-great" Jimin says , quickly smiling his signature eye smile.

"Thats great!" Jin says

"So who is the grr?" Yoongi asks again, reminding me that I forgot to tell him earlier.

"It's pronounced girl..And her name is Jennie" He adds

"Like..from Blackpink?" Jungkook asks with a Jungshook expresion causing me to snicker a little and Jungkook to glare at me.

"Y-Yeah..She is Jennie from Blackpink" Jimin says sheepishly but as everyone else is talking to him about how great it is, I can't help but notice the flash of guilt that flashes through his eyes repeatedly that no one else seems to notice.

Everyone eventually fades into their own conversations besides Yoongi who is asleep, leaving Jimin and I sitting there, giving me the perfect opportunity to talk to him about his relationship.

"Chimmy oppa, can we talk?" I ask him causing him to come out of his zoned out state.

"U-uh yea sure" He responds while getting up and following me to my bedroom upstairs.

"What do you need to talk about?" He asks 

"When talking about your relationship with Jennie, you seemed, how do I put this...a little guilty maybe?" I ask, causing a shocked look appear on his face.

"W-What are you talking about? I'm p-perfectly happy with h-her" He says while fidgeting with his fingers and looking at the ground like a little kid who just got caught lying.

"Oppa, you may be able to lie to your brothers out there, but you can't lie to me. I know when something is wrong with the people I care about. So why do you look uncomfortable when talking about Jennie?" I reply

"Y-You care about me?" He asked, shocked.

"Answer me" I reply

"Answer me" he copies.

"Yes I care for you. Now answer me" I reply while staring at him, waiting for a reply.

"B-Because I never really liked her" He responds with a guilty tone.

"Then why did you start dating her?" I ask confused.

"Because I needed a rebound girl" He says looking up with a different look in his eyes that I can't figure out.

"Rebound girl? Rebound from who?" I ask, still confused.

"From you..." He simply responds before pushing me against the wall and just staring at me.

"J-Jimin I-We can't." I tell him while trying to free myself from his grasp.

"Why not?" He questions while leaning toward my face and not loosening his grip at all.

"Because we are both in a relationship and its wrong." I reply causing realization to flash in his eyes, making his strength leave his body for a split second so I have time to move away from his grasp.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N..I didn't m-mean to" Jimin says as he slowly backs away and leaves her room. But little did either of them know, someone was in the room right beside them, hearing every word.

-30 minutes later-

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" I say as I hear someone knocking at the door.

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