💎Wake Up Call💎

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He stumbled out of his roommate's bed (who may or may not be in love with him), pillow clutched in hand because it still smelled like PJ's shampoo. Eyes still blurry from sleep, he cursed in the dark as the screen to his phone was all too bright. He quickly accepted the call, pressing it to his ear and mumbling a croaky, "Hello?"

"Mr. Howell?"


"You are set for PJ Liguori's emergency call, is this correct?"

Through the haze in his mind, he barely remembered the conversation between him and the curly haired boy when they were filling out their paperwork together on their dorm floor.

"I don't have anyone to set as my emergency contact," he had spoken first, looking up from the medical papers he was supposed to fill out in case of an emergency.

"Add me, I'll always be here. Plus, what's gonna happen me? I never leave the building." PJ smiled.

"You're right. Add me as yours, don't wanna scare your mom any more than she already has been." 

PJ's chuckled as he scribbled down Dan's number, that the brunet hadn't known he memorized. 

"Yes. Yes, that's correct," He remembered to answer, his brain replaying memories like a broken projector. 

"Mr. Liguori woke up an hour ago, we would have called earlier but we had to make sure he would stay awake before we sent out the call."

Dan shot up from the slouched position he was in, his right leg falling off the bed and assuming the motion of bouncing up and down- a habit he picked up in middle school. PJ would always yell at him about it, his jitteriness would shake the table as they ate their microwaved dinner. He held the pillow to his middle, finger flying to his mouth so he could bite on his nail. If PJ could see him now he would throw a fit, he couldn't stand when Dan would bite his nails down to stubs and peel the skin around his nails.

"You can't be a hand model if you keep doing this,"

"Geez, I guess there goes my plans for the future."

"Can I come see him now? Is he alright? Does he remember anything?"

"You can come see him now, as far as memory goes, we don't know, you'll have to come see him yourself."

"Okay, I'll be there soon. Thank you so much."

"Have a good night, Mr. Howell." Then she hung up, leaving Dan to slip on his shoes with only one sock because he couldn't find the other one. He shot Phil a text before climbing into his Uber and heading for the hospital, his heart beating faster than the rain could fall and his stomach in knots.

He knew amnesia wasn't common, but it always scared him shitless. He just prayed PJ was still awake when he got there.




Claire wasn't there when Dan arrived, he figured that he would have to text her himself or at least have PJ do it since he didn't have the girl's number. No one was there to hold him when he walked into the hospital room, he had been moved from Critical Care to Suicide Watch- they had to have figured out he tried to jump off that abandoned bridge. His legs were wobbly when he pushed open the big door, the familiar noise of beeps hit his ears shortly after. He held his middle tightly, he really wanted Mr. Lester's big arms around his shoulders so he could lean back against his sturdy chest. That man really made him feel safe.

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