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Jimin sat in the car with a huff.

"You okay?" Yoongi asks the younger.

"'M fine," he responds.

Yoongi inisted that they go see the doctor and here Jimin was, waiting to go in.

"Everything will be fine, I promise." Yoongi kisses Jimin's cheek before getting out the car and following behind the male.

They walk into a room filled with chairs and a table in the middle. There's only one other lady sitting in the corner. Jimin goes and sits down, Yoongi following afterward.

"Jiminie smile, I thought you were happy about this."

"I am, just, nervous," Jimin smiles at the elder.

"About wha-"

"Everything," Jimin starts. "Everyone, friends, family, strangers..."

"Shh, don't worry everything is going to be fine Jiminie," Yoongi whispers and strokes his arm, "we'll get through this, we'll be happy."

"Park Jimin?" Yoongi and Jimin get up from their seats and head into another room.

"Okay so who am I examining?" The lady asks.

"Me," Jimin slight raises his hand.

"Okay perfect. Am I correct, this is your first child?"


"Okay that's fine. I'll get you to sit up here first off," the lady says finishing getting Jimin's height and weight.

"So if you can roll up your shirt I'm gonna put some gel on your stomach so we can see what's going on in there."

Jimin rolls up his shirt and she puts the gel on making Jimin's spine tingle. She flicks a few switches and a picture pops up on the screen in front of the two men.

"Okay there we go, so if you look right there you will see the tiny baby squished together," She smiles.

"Oh my god," Jimin's voice only coming to a whisper.

"That's amazing..." Yoongi replies.

The lady flicks another switch and a loud thumping sound can be heard.

"And there is the baby's heartbeat!"

"It's sounds beautiful," Jimin has tears in his eyes.

"So, do you know the date of conception?" She asks.

"Um, beginning of February?" Jimin responds.

"Ah Okay. So yeah, the baby is about 4 and a half weeks right now. And, your due date is beginning to middle of November!" She exclaims.

"Perfect," Jimin mumbles.

"So I'll take a few pictures and print some for you to take home," The lady starts printing photos while cleaning Jimin's stomach.

"And you're good to go! I would recommend coming back in a few month for a check up and of course, if you would like, to see the gender of your baby.

"Yes we'll definitely be back for that," Yoongi chuckles.

"Alright well, I will talk to you guys another day!"

Jimin sits down in the car and immediately starts crying.

"Jiminie, what's wrong?" Yoongi wipes the youngers tears.

"I'm so happy. I thought this whole thing would be the end of my life," Jimin's cries turn to sniffles, "but it's just the start, and I'm so happy now, I got to see that, hear that."

Yoongi leans over and kisses the boy
"I'm so glad. I can't wait to share this whole thing with you."

"Would you mind... if I, um told my friends?" Jimin asks.

"I don't know Jimin."

"They're my closest friends and I feel ready now."

"I trust you but I don't know about them."

"Please," Jimin kisses the elder, "for me?"


Seokjin had gathered the whole cult- er, friend group, to his humbled abode for Jimin to finally share his news. Seokjin himself knew a couple weeks prior- before anyone else- but swore he would never tell a soul. Seokjin went over to Jimin who was at the island in the kitchen and patted his back.

"You finally ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jimin smiles.

The two go out into the living room with the four other guys and sit with them.

"You stole my money give it back!"

"I earned it motherfucker!"

"I don't believe you! Someone send him to jail!"

"And we are done playing Monopoly for tonight!" Seokjin says over the chatter picking up the board.

"Jimin has something to say that's better anyway, right Jiminie?"

"Um yeah," Jimin mumbles.

"Oh~ Jimin has tea!" Taehyung says.

"Shut the fuck up," Hoseok wacks him with a pillow, " what's up Jiminie?"

Jimin took a deep breath as he prepared for what he has gonna say. Seokjin came and sat down beside him.

"So I um- I-I-"

"Are you moving away from us?!" Taehyung blurts out, earning another pillow to the head, this time from Jungkook.

"Jimin you can tell us what bothering you," Hoseok tries to comfort the boy.

"Y-yeah. Yeah okay, so, I-I'm... pregnant..."

He looks around at the other guys, who all have shocked faces except for Jin.

"W-what?" Hoseok asks.

"Um, yeah- heh" Jimin smirks to himself.

"WHAT? Park Jimin are you joking?!" Taehyung screams.

"Taetae calm down," Jimin asks.

"How far a long?" Namjoon asks the boy.

"Four and a half weeks."

"And you didn't tell any of us," Taehyung fake cries.

"I told Jin Hyung."


"Shut up Taehyung!" Hoseok says.

"I'm sorry..." Jimin looks down.

Hoseok comes over and sits next to him, "it's a shock, but if you're happy, then we're happy as well." Jimin hugs Hoseok.

"How did this happen Jiminie?" Jungkook asks.

"Why is everyone asking me that, it's not hard to guess..," Jimin shoved his face into a pillow.


"Jiminiiieee! So, then who's the father?" Hoseok asks to which Jin snickers.

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