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The younger puts down the phone and hands it back to Yoongi.

"Jin Hyung's coming."

"Is everyone gonna be in here?"

"No no, I don't want that many people coming in until afterwards."

A little time passes before a knock was heard on the door. Jimin sees the door open and Jin's face emerge from behind it.

"Hey Minnie," he greets.

Another person walks in which Jimin recognizes as Jin's mother.

"Jimin hi, I hope you don't mind me coming. Seokjin told me and I thought since your parents won't be here...even if it is a horrible time."

"It's fine, Thank you that's really thoughtful of you," Jimin smiles.

Jin pulls up a chair and sits beside the younger, keeping small conversation. Jimin's face scrunches again as he feels more pain. He grips Yoongi's hand in one of his hands and Jin lets the younger take his own hand as well.

"Oww. Is that was it feels like?" Jin says shaking his hand.

"Mhm, was not prepared for this at all today."

"You're doing good so far."

"Thanks, can't wait to surprise everyone."

"I'm waiting till Namjoon wakes up and finds out I'm gone."

"You didn't tell him?"

"Nope! I wanted to come alone... stealthy."

"Well thanks for that, I'm gonna need a bit of space," the younger laughs.

"Remember when you first found out you were pregnant..?"

"Oh god that was the scariest moment of my life."

"You were sobbing."

"You were?" Yoongi interjects.

"Well yeah," Yoongi eyes fade to a sad look.

"What?" Jimin questions.

The elder pauses, "that was my fault, I did that to you."

"You did nothing wrong. I was scared in the moment, like every teen should be if they get pregnant. I was most scared that you wouldn't want him- or me for that matter."

"Why would you think that?!"

"A student comes up to you and says that their pregnant and you're the father...I don't think most people would want to deal with that."

"Yeah, but if you couldn't tell how much I care about you..."

"I know that, but a baby changes a lot. I had you, even for just a moment and I didn't want to loose that becuase of a baby."

Yoongi sadly smiles and leans over to kiss the younger. Jimin feels the pain coming back again and grabs onto his boyfriend as the latter leans their foreheads together.

"Breathe Baby, you're okay. I'm so proud of you."

Jimin finally relaxes and leans back. Another knock is heard on the door and the nurse comes in. She checks a couple things and finally gives the news.

"So you hare pretty much ready, we can give you some epidural and start the c-section."

Jimin turns to look at Yoongi who's already looking at his eyes, with adoration.

"Okay, lets get this over with."

"There is also one more thing. As I was looking through your papers I put together that this was not planned?"


"So, in the rare case where we do get a male pregnancy, they have the option to remove the uterus in the c-section, it would just take longer. Most of the time the men say yes but that would mean that you can't have anymore kids though."

Jimin looks to Yoongi.

"It's your decision, I'm happy with whatever."


Jimin thinks about everything that's happened in the past couple months. From looking at the two sticks in the bathroom and throwing up all of his internal organs. Telling Yoongi, his friends and his family. Finally getting to live with Yoongi and getting to do all of this with him. From all the positives to the negative comments from strangers and people he loved.

"Should we remove it?"

Jimin looks at Yoongi again.


"Okay, so we can actually do the procedure in this room, we'll have a doctor come in shortly to start it."

The nurse does some more random things that confuse Jimin and she gives him a couple things to take.

"So, one is the pain reliever... and we will hook you up to a machine for that in a second as well. The second is to numb your bottom half to not feel any pain."

Jimin breaths as Yoongi rubs his hand softly.

"You can decide who you want to stay in the room, if that's everybody or nobody, when I come back with the other equipment and such, they will have to leave."

The nurse takes her leave as the room goes quiet.

"Who do you want to stay Baby?"

"W-well I'm glad you guys came and-"

"We'll wait outside," Jin interrupts, "You probably want to be alone, makes sense."

"Thanks Hyung."

"Remember to relax and don't panic. You're almost there, remember when we all had to wait nine long boring months, only a hour or so left."

"Thanks Hyung, for helping me through all of it."

"I'd do it a million times for you... but you better not have a million babies," Jimin laughs.

"No definitely not," Yoongi says making everyone laugh.

The nurse comes back in with some other people and the equipment.

"Good luck Jimin-ah," the two others part leaving Yoongi and Jimin with the medical people.

"Okay, I think we can finally start, do you feel anything below the top of your chest."

"Not really."

She does more checks to make sure Jimin's fine.

"I will quickly set up this sheet," she puts a sheet covering Jimin's face from the rest of his body, "that's just so you don't see anything you don't want to see."

"Is it gonna hurt?"

"Probably some discomfort, since the doctor is fondling around with your organs."


"Now then, we can now finally begin the procedure."

Jimin reaches out his hand and connects it with Yoongi's. They talk with the doctor for a couple minutes and make sure everything's good to go. Jimin lies down and takes a deep breath, holding onto Yoongi's hand the whole time. The doctor speaks the whole time with that he's doing in the moment.

Jimin feels the pressure of the cut being made in his lower abdomen and squeezes Yoongi's hand tighter. Jimin scrunches his face in discomfort as he feels the hands of the doctors going into his body and rummaging around.

He feels the doctor breaking his water and removing it before grabbing the baby.

"Okay we got him, just a little more."

Jimin holds Yoongi's hand the entire time as he lets out whines here and there. Yoongi rubs the younger's forehead and whispers in his ear.

"You're doing so good baby, I'm so proud of you."

After a little while longer and more feeling of his organs being moved around, Jimin feels the hands come down from inside his body and then he hears it.

A cry.

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