Fun Facts!

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So while writing this book, there was a lot of weird, funny, interesting -at least to me- things that happened and I  though 'why not share it' cause looking back at writing chapter one, I would've never thought this is how this book would have ended, so hopefully you like! It's gonna be a little bit everywhere cause I loose my train of thought very quickly, so I'm not going in order of the chapters.

Feel free to asks any questions if you would like :)

Facts! :

1. I originally got this idea from a sope one shot which I meationed in the prologue. I never republished my one shots though so oops

2. So the sides ships were actually supposed to be Namjin (Namjin for life) and taekook. Fact 2.5 Taekook is my favourite ship out of the bunch; but the personalities I made with Taehyung and Hobi fit better together so I put them two together. I don't actually ship vhope at all but Y'know It worked so I did it!

3. After I made that change there wasn't supposed to be a three way, but I added it and made hints leading up to the reveal.
"Ahem" *looks through chapters cause she can't remember her own fucking book* Chapter 26
["Guk you've never talked about your interests before," Hoseok raises his eyes brows.
Jungkook's cheeks turn pink, "I'm not interested in anyone."
"Not one?" Jimin questions.
One is in italics cause it's two people not one haha.... Stupid I know :)

4. More on chapter 26, I had a really good Idea for that chapter but had to stop writing for some reason and a sentence of my work got deleted and I forgot my amazing idea so I had to make up some bullshit to get my word minimum and it's still one of my highest voted chapters and I hate it!!!

5. I will write a minimum of 650 words in a chapter.

6. I am not Albert Einstein. "Wow, really?" Some of these facts in this book are wrong. I'm not a teacher, I haven't given birth or had a c-section (but I was a c-section birth) I tried making this realistic but like you clicked on a book with [Mpreg] in the title so how realistic is it gonna be?

7. I bet 98% of this book I wrote on the spot and was just spew from my brain. I had a couple ideas that I put together with my two brain cells that I knew I was gonna include since the beginning.

8. Those things would be MinJin's name and gender and that Jimin's parents were gonna reject him :) I know I'm mean.

9. Certain chapters near the end of the book I had to cut a chunk and move it to another chapter cause in the middle of writing I would realize that if I kept writing, that chapter would have been ginormous. so I chopped them.

10. The last smut scene I freaked myself out and got really cringed and had to stop for a couple minutes. Then had to look at the first scene in chapter 1 to remember how to write smut. Then proceeded to laugh my ass off when I had to reread my sentences.

11. A lot of my inspiration came at the hours of 1-5 am. That is probably when most chapters were published as well. If you think you're in a different time zone then me cause I'm posting at like 3-4 am,
I'm not. I'm a night owl.

12. This book took about a year to write. Some weeks I wouldn't write a single thing. Some nights I would write 8 chapters in a couple hours. I'm that person.

13. I prewrite chapters because I'm to busy all the fucking time so example. When you were reading about Jimin in labour. I had already finish the book. That was also when I was writing this fact. ;)

14. The last chapter is very cringy but I didn't know how to end it good- whatever that is.

15. I debated for multiple weeks if Jimin was gonna have a natural birth or a c-section because I've read mpreg stories where they do a natural birth but like I said, there ain't anything realistic about this book, so I decided to do a c-section and use my little knowledge of what I know from when I was born.

16. I've reread this story and multiple of my other pieces multiple times because I like the story plot and I'm attached to the characters.

17. I have made multiple scenarios in my head with this story and going off of the story points, most did not make it into the story but that is how I come up with ideas... zoning out in school when I should be focusing.

18. Yoongi was never supposed to be an ass (to Tae) but I kept writing like that... and that's what happened.

19. I have a very specific image in my head of every setting and building in the story so when I get descriptive I'm trying to explain my brain pictures as best as I can.

20. I don't like putting authors notes in the story (middle, end, whatever) cause I feel it takes you out of the story you're reading.

21. One of my army friends suggested for me to write some fanfictions which led to my one shots (they are so badly written they make me cry) and then this story.

22. For the duration of this book, I tried writing about 3-4 other books but kept loosing interest in the subject and scrapping it.

23. I keep all my reject writings in another book so my works area isn't filled up and I can't find my book to write in.

24. I am constantly editing the story. Even chapters that have already been published. If you happen to go back to an older chapter and somehow realize the sentence- or whole paragraph- is different, it was changed you're not going crazy :)

25. I have about 7 different keyboards on my phone and my autocorrect likes to assume that I want to write in every language except English. So If there are random accents on lettered that I missed, that wasn't my fault.

26. Jimin getting maternity clothes and stuff was put off because (again) I've never been pregnant (as It should be) so I started making up stuff as to why he hadn't gotten them yet but really I didn't know where to fit that section into the story.

27. I looked on Pinterest to see how big your stomach gets at certain weeks so I could write certain chapters like when Jimin noticed he was showing...and I'm pretty sure I still got it wrong.

28. A lot of the names from other characters in the story were made up like 'Kiyeong' there were only certain names that were actual other idols like mark, Jackson, and yugyeom. If I accidentally spelt another idols name I probably wasn't thinking about that idol but uh special cameo there you go.

29. The hardest parts of chapters to write were the parts with Jimin's parents after they kicked Jimin out cause I suck at angst. 29.5 I will always end my stories with a happy ending because I hate angst.

30. Chapter 1-2 is almost a replica of my sope onshot.

31. The sope onshot is a different POV from a Minjoon one shot. So this story pretty much originated from a Minjoon story 31.5 I will only post them if people ask.

32. I googled way to many synonyms for the word 'said' because when you write at 3 am your brain stops working

33. The last chapter of this story is the longest single part writing(?) our ranking my Yoonmin one shot by about 27 words.

34. When I write a chapter with parents names I tend to forget straight after I write it which is why I go back to simple things like 'Mrs.Park' cause I'm too lazy to go search for the name I gave the character.

35. I put that Jackson was having a party 100% for I irony that everyone says he's the one hosting parties in fanfics :)

That is all for now hope you enjoyed some of these :)

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