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Mr. Han started with an opening stament talking about all the students graduating, he's so proud blah, blah, blah. Then, he invites some teachers to do mini speeches up on the main stage. Jimin's science teacher goes up first and talks about science...and students. Some other teachers go and pretty much say the same things. Then Yoongi comes up as the last teacher.

"Ah thank you. So I am Mr.Min I teach music to some of the students sitting here; I have been for the past three years. They have grown so much in their studies and their personalities," Yoongi says scanning the room.

"I have enjoyed watching them come back ready to learn new material every year," his eyes lock onto Jimin's.

"I have developed special bonds with some students that I am truly grateful for. I can't wait to see what they'll become in their new chapter of life. I love them all and will miss them greatly."

Jimin smiles at the man standing on the stage as everyone clap while the Principal comes back on stage.

"Thank you to Mr. Min and all the other teachers. Now before we start calling the students up, we have a few more things, first, starting with awards."

Some more teachers came up on stage to give awards corresponding to what they teach. One by one they called students names as they went up on stage to collect their prize.

"And now we have the award for physical education. Someone who demonstrates great passion in sports and athleticism. Congratulations, Mr. Jeon Jungkook!"

The whole crowd cheers as the younger stands up and head to the stage. Of course Seokjin ends up giving a standing ovation for the embarrassed boy.

They continue on for a bit longer coming near the end of the awards.

"Now for the arts award, there were a lot of people who showed they're talent in the arts and a couple struck out amongst the bunch, Congratulations Park Jimin!"

Jimin is completely took by surprise as he stands up, claps surrounding him as he walks up to the stage. He walks up the stairs and accepts the award from his art teacher. He stands on the edge of the stage as people take pictures, including Seokjin, and Junghee in the back. Jimin can also see out of the corner of his eye, Yoongi sneakily snapping a few pictures. He walks off the stage as they finish up awards. Jimin looks up at Yoongi once again. The elder smiles and sticks up a thumb of approval. Jimin sits back down and continues to watch the rest of the awards.

Mr. Han comes back, "A huge congratulations to all the awarded students, you should be very proud of yourselves. Now, a good amount of people applied for scholarships to certain schools around the country. Of course hundreds of other students in the country did the same as well. This school happened to have three students that got a full scholarship to Seoul University."

The whole crowd gets quiet with a few 'oohs' as Mr. Han grabs a piece of paper and three envelopes.

"The first student...congratulations Lee MeeJee."

The whole crowed erupts with cheers as the girl gets up from the seat and head to the stage. She's known for really high marks and is always at the top in her classes.

"Okay next, we have our valedictorian Kim Namjoon!"

Namjoon stands up as Seokjin cheers way to loudly, taking out his phone and videos taping, along with his family in the back.

"And finally...a big congratulations to Park Jimin!"

Jimin eyes widen in disbelief as everyone once again cheers around him he stands up, getting teary eyed, a couple 'aww's' from people as he went up on stage and accepted his envelope. He wipes his eyes as he poses for pictures once more.

"Big congratulations to all three of those students. Now before we start handing out diplomas, we have a speech prepared by our valedictorian, Kim Namjoon."

A round of applause as the latter comes up on the podium and stands before the stage.

"Ahem. Thank you Mr.Han. Hello everyone; Teachers, parents, family, and graduates. It is finally time to say goodbye to our high school days and welcome a new chapter in our lives. This is the building we have came to every day to grow our thinking and create memories with the people around us.

I remember my first day of high school. A scared small thirteen year old afraid of all the seniors who walked around looking like they all wanted to beat you up." The crowd laughs.

"Slowly I started building a friend group and meeting new acquaintances, while maintaining strong marks. There was always a new adventure to be had at this school. From blasting hard rock through the announcement system, to Mr. Han almost falling out of a third floor window," some of the crowd burst in laughter remembering that incident.

"We all had highs and lows throughout this journey. Even though I have top marks, I still have had my lows. Mrs. Im, remember when I almost failed my Geography test and you threatened to throw me off the building?" Everyone giggles and looks toward Mrs. Im who is flustered.

"But as you see, everything worked out. So if you are not in a good place right now, just know it gets better. I managed to find an amazing guy that made my world become brighter and helped me from my lows that I truly love,"  Jimin looks through the crowd to Seokjin who shrunk in his seat.

"I have a varied assortment of friends with...creative personalities."

"Yah, I have a name!" Taehyung screams, getting a laugh out of the crowd.

"Yes, as most of you should know, avoid Kim Taehyung at all costs.

But, I also have one friend..." Namjoon scans the crowd to lock eyes with Jimin.

"Who, had a big change of plans half way through the year. But even at what seemed like the lowest point in their life, they made it work and kept going, getting some of the highest marks in our grade. He is someone I want to become later in life.

So...I know I've been rambling, I tend to do that a lot.  What you should take out of this is that it's not the end of the world, it may seem like that to some of you, but it's only the beginning. Now it's not gonna be all clear skies from here but you are now a little bit wiser than you were yesterday, and a whole lot from four years ago. Wherever you end up, it's where you are meant to be, and if you think you are at the end, think of a roller coaster, there might always be one more surprise turn... thank you!"

The crowd erupts in cheers as everyone gets up on their feet as Namjoon takes a final bow before stepping of the stage.

"Thank you Namjoon for that wonderful speech, I'm sure it touch many hearts in this room. Now finally we will start calling students one by one to come up to the stage for their diplomas." Mr. Han announces.

Slowly they start at 'A' and make their way down the list everyone getting a round of claps while they accept their piece of paper.

After a couple of minutes, Jimin's row was told to stand up and line up in front of the stairs to the stage. One after another everyone mad ethier way into the stage and soon it was Jimin's turn.

"Park Jimin."

Jimin walks up on stage making sure to not trip as he walks over and takes his diploma from the principal. He stands for pictures once again and takes everything in.

He comes back down off the stage and heads back to his seat as everyone else goes up.

Then finally after what felt like the longest time, Mr. Han spoke once more to the audience.

"And with that, congratulations everyone... you have now officially graduated!"

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