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"Holy shit guys we graduated!"

"Taehyung shut up, you've been saying that for the past ten minutes," Namjoon complains as the group finishes taking pictures.

"But it's like finally setting in!"

"Guys come on, when are we gonna have another day like this," Jimin says.

"Yeah yeah okay...well I'm gonna go take pictures with some of my teachers," Namjoon walks off.

Slowly one by one everyone walks away from each other. Jimin stands alone in the massive crowd of people.

"Hey," Jimin turns and sees Yoongi approaching him.


"Wow...you did amazing."

"You think so?"

"Are you kidding?!" Yoongi laughs.

"See I told you you could do it!"

"Yeah, thanks..."

"JIMIN!" Jimin turns around again and almost gets tackled.

"Junghee Noona you're gonna kill me~!" Jimin whines.

"Look at you! You've finally graduated I'm so proud!" She kisses his cheek.

"Eww stop~"

"You got an award and a full fucking scholarship!"

Junghee turns to the other man standing next to Jimin.

"Ah hello, are you one of Jimin's teachers?" She shakes his hand.

"Yes I am- er was."

"I'm Junghee, Jimin aunt."

"Ah! Nice to meet you, I'm Mr. Min, Jimin's music teacher."

"Oh you're Mr. Min..."

"Yes? Is there a problem?"

"Noona, don't~"

"Oh Jimin does not shut up about you! For three years, I always hear 'how cute Mr.Min looked today!' Or 'god Mr. Min looked so hot today, I wish he could choke m-' "

Jimin slaps a hand over Junghee's mouth, as he turns as red as a tomato.

"Aha...I didn't know that..." Yoongi smirks.

"Well I guess Jimin worked his magic on you! Anyways...congrats to you as well," Junghee walks off, probably to the restroom or to chat.

"Huh," Yoongi utters.

"Ha, yeah she's a character. Completely opposite from my mother," Yoongi laughs.

"So...you want me to choke you?" Yoongi grins as Jimin reverts back to a tomato.

"Wha..wh- n-no I..I, uh..." Jimin stutters.

"I didn't imagine you to be a kinky person," Yoongi growls in the younger's ear, making him whimper.

"Jimin!" Seokjin comes walking up to the pair.

"Woah you good?"

"Yep!" The younger squeaks.

"C'mon squish together, need a picture of you two!"

Jimin and Yoongi squish together as Yoongi wraps his arms around the younger's waist. The two pose as Jin snaps a picture of them.

"There! Perfect." Jin stares at his picture before trotting away once again.

"You should go finish taking pictures with everyone."

Teacher| m.y.g x p.j.m [Mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now