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Jimin creeps in trying to make no noise at all and wait by the door. Some students notice but not a lot of people pay any attention to the latter. It's only when one student raises her hand and rats Jimin out.

"Mr. Min!"

"Yes Jungyin?"

She point to the front door, which now the whole class has now drawn their attention. Yoongi turns around to see what everyone was distracted by.  Jimin smiles as Yoongi's eyes go wide in surprise from his boyfriend standing in the doorway. 

"Hi," Jimin mouths.

Yoongi gestures for the younger to come join him at the front. Jimin slowly walks up beside Yoongi, with thirty faces all staring at him.

"Some of you guys may remember him, this is Jimin. He was a student here but graduated last year as one the top in his year."

There were some 'oohs' making Jimin flustered.

"Hello," Jimin slightly bows.

"Any advice, to these guys?" Yoongi asks.

"Work hard in school, it will pay off trust me. Um... and practice hard in music if you really want to get good at it."

The bell rings signalling the end of fifth period. All the students grab their belongings and rush out to their next class.

"What a surprise," Yoongi says.

"Weren't expecting me were you?"

"Not at all...how'd you get here?"

"Jungkook gave me a ride."


"So are you staying for the rest of the day?"

"I have no where else to go..."

"Great," Yoongi smiles, "I could use the help."

Jimin goes and sits on Yoongi chair at his desk and spins around.

"Be careful."

"Yah, I haven't done this in ages," the younger laughs.

"My freshmen are coming in this period."

"Ooh really? Are they still terrified?"

"Mmm not as much as when school started, but they still all seem scared of me," Yoongi scratches the back of his head as Jimin laughs.

"Really? W-why?"

"I don't know...what did I do?"

"Pfft, you couldn't hurt a fly," Jimin giggles.

The first years suddenly start rushing in quickly, trying to make it to their seat on time before the bell rings.

After a minute or two the bell finally rings with everyone in their seat.

"Alright hello class," Yoongi greets.

The whole class greets back like their brainwashed, making Jimin laugh.

One boy in the corner raises his hand.

"Yes LeeHyuk?"

"Uh...who is that, Mr. Min?"

"Aah, this is Jimin," Yoongi smiles as Jimin waves to the class.

"Talk to them while I take attendance," Yoongi says reaching for his laptop.

"Putting me on the spot like? Pfft okay," Jimin says making the students laugh.

"Uh, hello I'm Park Jimin, I graduated from this school last year and I'm now in university downtown."

Teacher| m.y.g x p.j.m [Mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now