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Jimin looks outside at the snow falling from the sky, sipping his tea.

"Who would have thought there'd be snow this early on in the year," Yoongi comments immersing behind Jimin.

"I've always wanted snow for my Birthday," Jimin smiles.

"Did you have fun with your friends today?"

"As much fun you can have when you're thirty-six weeks pregnant. The fun didn't really last that long, but I got cake and food so that's a plus."

"Ah well I hope you're up for round two."

"What..?" Jimin looks at Yoongi with knowing eyes, "You're gonna take me out?"

"Yes so get ready."


The two walk down the street with the snow lightly falling down onto the ground, creating small piles of snow. They pass by a bakery and see some familiar faces.

"What in the world," Jimin laughs.

"Hey Hyung," Jungkook waves.

"What are you three guys up to?" Jimin asks.

He glaces to Jungkook's hand locked inside of Hoseok's, away in the latter's coat pocket.

"We're out, for fun," Taehyung says.

"Uh huh," Jimin looks back at them with knowing eyes.

"Okay fine.., we're...experimenting."

"Ooh, I like that word," Jimin smirks, "Jungkook-ah, if they don't treat you right, I'll put them in their place," he winks the the younger.

"Hyung~" Jungkook whines as the two other boys coo at him.

"Well we need to get going," Yoongi whispers in Jimin's ear.

"Right, see you guys later."

"Happy Birthday Jimin!" Taehyung calls back as the couple walk away.

The couple continue to walk down the street together in a peaceful silence.

"Well, I was not expecting to see that tonight," Yoongi utters.

"Huh? Oh! I'm really happy, for all of them. It's not a normal thing for people to try...I guess, but they're making it work."

"You think something's gonna come out of it?"

"I hope so, but I don't know yet," Jimin smiles up at the elder.

Yoongi finally brings the younger in front of a restaurant.

"Here we are."

The two enter the packed restaurant and manage to score a table.

"Wow it's crazy in here."

"Yeah.. I hope you don't mind, I kind of forgot that it might be like this on a weekend."

"No no! I like it, it's cozy in a way."

A waitress comes by and takes there drinks. She writes them down before disappearing again. Yoongi reaches out and takes Jimin hands in his own.

"W-what are you doing?" Jimin laughs.


Jimin shakes their hands back and forth smiling at the other.


"Baby kicking again?"

"Yeah probably... Only a little more time left to go, I have no clue what to feel."

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