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Jimin was currently freaking out, getting ready to leave. Today was the day that Jimin was gonna find out the gender of his and Yoongi's baby. He's really nervous but also excited. That means they're about a quarter of the way done the pregnancy.

Jimin pulls on another jumper yet again with some joggers. He gets a text from the elder, saying he's outside. He checks himself one more time in the mirror before heading out. He rushes downstairs and puts on his shoes.

"You look like you're going to go sit on a couch for a movie marathon," Kiyeong says walking over to him.

"Um no, just going out with friends and stuff, uh bye!" He runs out the door and practically jumps into Yoongi's car parked just outside the driveway.

"Hey, you look jittery," Yoongi comments.

"I know." Jimin reaches over and gives Yoongi a kiss.

"Ready to go?" The elder asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


The drive was a comfortable kind of silence. The two boys sitting in each other's presence.

"So, you wanna make any guesses? what it'll be" Jimin asks.

"I'm not sure. I say girl."

"I'm in between," Jimin starts, "Somedays I'll feel likes it's a boy and some a girl."

"What I really want though, is a healthy baby," Yoongi states smiling.

"You're being cheesy!" Jimin giggles, "of course every parent wants that."

"I'm really happy I get to do this with you," Jimin smiles.

"Even if it was accident," Yoongi snickers.

"Pfft. Whatever," Jimin laughs.


They pull into the parking lot and get out. The two make their way into the building and in the same room they were in a few month ago. Jimin goes and sits down in the same spot from last time, remembering how scared he was last time. Now he feels excited, maybe this was his life plan all along.

"Got checked in, now it's a couple minute wait," Yoongi comes and sits next to the younger.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks the younger.

"Oh nothing. Just how far we've come and everything."

"We still have a while to go as well. It's only mid May."

"I know but it's still amazing progress. Like since last time we were here," Jimin giggles.

"Yeah I can't wait for this baby," Yoongi kisses the others forehead.

"Park Jimin?" The dame lady from last visit calls and both men stand up and follow her.

"Alright so how have you been since last check up?" She asks checking measurement for Jimin.

"Fine everything seems normal I think?" Jimin answers.

"Well that great news! So now you should be getting into your second trimester." She starts, "so, some more thing will be changing, like body stuff, obviously your stomach size, but that's nothing to worry about. Maybe some food craving here and there, everything really depends on the person."

"Ah yeah, I get it."

"Alright well now you can get up onto the bed and we will get to see the baby again!"

"Can we see the gender today?" Yoongi asks helping Jimin onto the bed.

"Yes most likely."

She lifts the youngers shirt and put the cold gel back onto his stomach. All of a sudden a picture pops up on the screen very different from last time.

"Alright so there is your baby right now!"

"Wow it's gotten way bigger from last time!" Jimin says.

"Yes of course! You can now see the outline of legs and head forming, simple things like that," the lady points out all the body features on the baby.

"C-can you tell the gender?" Jimin questions.

"Yes I can! Are you ready to find out?"

"Yes, yes definitely!" Jimin exclaims earning a laugh from Yoongi.

"Alright then," the lady flicks a few switches.

"Okay...congratulations on your son!" She says excitedly.

"Oh my god it's a boy!" Jimin says practically crying.  Yoongi goes over and hugs the boy tightly.

"So I'll take some pictures for you to take home in just a moment." The lady flicks some more switches and in a couple minutes they have the ultrasound pictures in their hands. They leave the doctor after getting cleaned and get back in the car. Jimin lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it,"Jimin happily says.

"It's amazing, honestly amazing," Yoongi smiles.

"Yoongi, we're gonna have a son," the youngers voice practically coming out a whisper.

"I couldn't be more happy."


The two return to the elders house where Jimin decides to call Seokjin.

'Jiminie what's up?"

"I got the gender results of the baby!"

'Oh my god really?! Everyone shut the fuck up!'

"Hyung, who's with you?"

'Just the other dumbasses.'

'Hey' Jimin hears jungkook say.

'Jiminie! Tell us!" Hoseok chants excitedly.

"Alright Alright. You're gonna have a Nephew."

Loud cheer and claps sounded over the phone.

'I'm really happy Jiminie. We're all happy for you.'

"Thanks Seokjinnie Hyung. Well I better get going."

'Alright see you later!"

Jimin hangs up and takes a deep breath. Everything is going so perfect.

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