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"I know you're there you don't need to actually say the word," Yoongi chuckles and turns around from his desk.

"How you feeling baby?"

"Ugh, like shit," Jimin sinks further into their bed.

"Pregnancy finally catching up to you."

"I feel...I'm constantly happy, sad, angry, horny, tired, uncomfortable..."

"I can fix one of those things," Yoongi smirks.

Jimin scoffs and continues to stare up at the ceiling.

"Well it is the beginning of august, so it's getting kinda close."

"Don't remind me."

"Hey, in four months will have our baby boy."

"Yeah, I'm excited for that," Jimin smiles and looks at his boyfriend, "I'm just so over the pregnancy.

Just sitting around being drained is making me uncomfortable."

"You wanna be active?! Don't you have the university tour coming up?"

"Yeah, in a week or so the six of us are gonna go and see what we're actually getting ourselves into," Jimin chuckles.

"Oh boy, six chaotic maniacs going into university."

"Wow thanks Hyung really appreciate it," Jimin sighs, "it's the first time we're all gonna be in the same place in a while."

"Isn't that fun?"

"Well yeah...for Jungkook...eh."

"Oh right I forgot about that, have they moved in?"

"Yeah everyone's moved in or almost moved in. We were all gonna check out each other's dorms on different days."

"How's you know who handling it?" Yoongi questions.

Jimin giggles, "I think it's going fine, I talk to Jungkook more regularly now, he's been opening up more which is good. I talk to Hoseok a little while ago, he seems to notice Jungkook's distance towards them."

"Yeah I guess that would happen," Yoongi mutters.

"What are you doing anyways?" Jimin questions the elder who is perched at his desk.

"Some preparation for the new school year."

"You have to start this early?!"

"Yes and no, but I'd rather not be stressed a week before school."

"Aah, it's gonna be weird not being at that school, or having you as a teacher."

"Yeah but now it's even better," Yoongi rolls over to Jimin with his chair.

"Instead of my student, you're now my beautiful, amazing, strong, caring boyfriend." Yoongi smiles and leans down to connect his lips with the younger's.

"I'll come visit you! So you aren't lonely."

Yoongi chuckles, "Thanks Baby."

"I hope my teachers are nice."

"I'm sure they will be."

"What if they won't like me because I'm pregnant!" Jimin whines.

"I'm sure that it'll be fine. Once they see you're a hard working student I'm sure they'll love you. Plus, don't forget, you're on a scholarship placement."

"Huh yeah, I bet I'm the last thing they'd expect for a scholarship."

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

"That's so old," Jimin scrunches his nose.

"You'll do fine baby, don't stress."

"University's a lot different from high school."

"You can say that again," Yoongi chuckles, "At least you and all your friends are going into it together."

"I guess so... but we still won't have like any classes together."

"Well then I guess you'll have to make new friends."

"That's scary."


"Well yeah and who's gonna want to be friends with me," Jimin says gesturing to his whole body.

"Tsk, you're to hard on yourself. There'll be someone in your classes that you'll get a long with, just wait and see."

"Did you make friends in university?"

"Yep, most of my friends I know now I met in my first year in university and we kept in touch afterward."

"That makes me a little hopeful... but what if the six of us grow apart?!"

"That won't happen, you guys are all tied at the hip. Some more than others."

"Yah! what's that supposed to mean."

"You know..," Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Well if we're all tied at the hip I guess I won't have any time for you," Jimin sits up.

Yoongi pouts in his seat making Jimin giggle.

"Okay maybe you aren't that close..." Yoongi mumbles.

Jimin smiles and climbs into Yoongi's lap.

"Good, I think that I would take you over them right at this moment."

"Oh you would?" Yoongi raises his eyebrows as Jimin smiles and closes the gap between them.

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