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The three get in the car, Jimin sits in the back seat nervous for what could happen. But he feels better knowing that Mrs.Kim accepts him; and her similar story. The ride is about 20 minutes before they pull up to Yoongi's house. They all get out and head up the driveway.

"I'm so excited! Normally things break off with couples who get pregnant at young ages, you'll have a healthy relationship."

"Yeah...I know you are happy and stuff but...if you don't like him or whatever...it's fine just-"

"Jimin stop talking nonsense!"

They get up to the door and knock on it. A couple seconds later and Yoongi opens the door.

"Hmm, oh your back!" Jimin waddles inside and stands behind the elder.

"Well you brought him back in one piece so, thanks for that."

"You can trust me! Unlike Taehyung..." Yoongi snickers.

"Who else did you bri-" Yoongi freezes as he's recognizes the lady from parent-teacher interviews.

"Mrs.Kim! W-wha...what are you doing here?!"

"I came with these two boys...I wanted to see you..." she says.

"Me? Uh why?"

"I told her I was pregnant, and she wanted to meet the father..."

"Oh...wait you told her?!" Yoongi panics.

"Mr. Min I'm not gonna kill you or anything, calm down." She laughs, "I just wanted to meet you is all! I mean I wasn't expecting this..."

"Of course you wouldn't have..."

"How many people have you told?"

"About us? You're maybe like the eighth person to know."

"Aah... well don't sweat it! We'll be going, have a good night."

The two Kim's head back down the driveway to the car as Yoongi shuts the door.

"Holy shit okay..."

"I'm sorry! She wanted to meet you and I tried to stop her but I trust her..."

"I know, I know, I should trust your judgment," Yoongi pecks the younger lips.

"She is a nice lady."

"She's amazing, she immediately supported me when I told her! Yoongi~ why can't my parents do that..."

"I don't know baby, I really don't. Some people just don't get it. Come on let's get into bed, maybe after school we can finally go look for proper clothes."

"Ah yeah, it's a mystery that I've lasted this long," Jimin giggles.

"Well remember your organs are shifted around since you aren't a female."


"The Baby is probably farther back in your body compared to on a females body meaning it takes longer for a belly to be prominent."

"Ooh, how do you know this?"

"From when we went to get you checked out, the lady said this when I was asking questions."

"I don't remember that?"

"You were doing tests."


Yoongi and Jimin head up the stairs to the loft and quickly change into something more comfy. They get into bed and Yoongi wraps his arms around the younger.

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