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Jimin lies in bed looking up at the ceiling when he feels the other side of the bed sink down.

He looks over to see Yoongi finally clambering into bed for the night.

"Hi," Jimin says.

Yoongi smiles at the latter as he pulls him closer.

"Well today was crazy."

"I know," Jimin laughs, "It all passed by in a blur."

"Did you have fun?"

"Well for the most part..."

"I'm sorry, about.., y'know."

"It's fine, my parents are not who I thought they were, I suppose..." Jimin pouts.

"I guess it's bound to happen."

"I'd rather they come here and now versus when the baby's born."

"They might try something then as well, you know that Baby."

"Yeah but I won't let them get too close. I don't want them in my life right now, and maybe never again...it's so hard."

"I know, I know...what about your brother?"

"Hmm? What about him?"

"Well he was fine with it when you told him, right?"

"Yeah of course he was, but then there was the incident at the mall..-"

"-Of course he was mad, but there are some things that..." Yoongi pauses, "it was a complicated situation right? Would anyone really understand- I get that he was understanding about you being pregnant unlike your parents, but there are somethings that are better off in the back of the room..."

"Your point?"

"Ah I went off track a bit. It happened, yeah, but as we get older and and closer to the date it won't matter as much. He still loves you for you and I'm sure that incident will be forgotten about in the months to come."


"There's gonna be a lot of different people, maybe similar to that. Your friends are actually really supportive."

"They are the best."

"I mean some of them are..."

"Okay what is you and Taehyung?" Jimin laughs.

"Hmm? Why would you ever assume it was him?"

"You always seem to not particularly like him, why is that?"

"Well he's just a bit... in your face. He- I mean as soon as he found out about all this he wanted to know everything and anything... it's a bit stressful and I would prefer to keep it more private, but that's just me..?"

"I get that, but he's also one of my close friends who does support me and us, even if he shows it weirdly. It'll probably take him a while to realize that life is bigger than just high school now."

"Oh boy,  Taehyung's in university, that's gonna be scary."

"Yah!" Jimin whacks the elder, "be nice."

"Okay, you know he's gonna be terrified being on his own."

"I mean... yeah but we all need to grow up at some point.  Plus they're all living close to one another anyways so it's not like everyone's moving to separate countries."

"Aren't they all getting an apartment together?"

"Jungkook, Taehyungie and Hoseok Hyung are gonna live together, Namjin are gonna be contained in a different room."


"You know...they get touchy."

"And the other couple doesn't?"

"Well I'm not sure about them yet..."

"Jungkook is willingly staying with them."

"Yeah he wanted to, "the more the merrier" was Taehyung's response."

"Your friends are very entertaining,"

"Keeps my life fresh."

Yoongi smiles and looks at the boy laying beside him, admiring his features.

"I'm so lucky..." Yoongi starts.

"Pfft, really you are?"

"Yes I am," the elders voice hushes down to a whisper.

"Why is that?"

"Because I have you in my life now and in a couple of months a son..."

"Well I guess that makes me equally as lucky."

"How so?"

"I also happen to be getting a son in a couple month, and have the untouchable Min Yoongi, right beside me."


"Like half the school had a thing for you."

"Is that so?


"And look who I happened to end up with."

"Regret it?" Jimin smiles.

"Pfft, not one bit," Yoongi leans over a little more and kisses the tip of Jimin's nose.

"Love you."

"Love you more,"

Yoongi cuddles up closer to Jimin as he plays with the latter hair, waiting for him to fall asleep. He feels the body beside him fall still as he watches Jimin's light breathing.

"Soon baby..."

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