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The two boys clean up everything relatively quickly. Jimin said that Yoongi could help him finish the job tomorrow.

They both clean themselves up and sit on the couch with a thump.



"You want me to say what I saw?"

"Uh....I guess," Jungkook whispers.

"So you were texting, two people...and you had hearts next to their names."

Jungkook obviously tenses up.

"Now I know that's normal, I put hearts next to all you're guys' contacts, but we both know you never do that, or use any emojis for that matter."


"Should I make my assumptions to what I think?"

"I guess..."

"I think... that, you like both of them, and you know what I mean."

Jungkook visibly tenses up more.

"And I think you know that I'm right..."

Jimin looks fondly at the other as he starts to tear up. Jimin scoots over and wraps his arm around the younger.

"Shh it's okay, it's okay Gukkie..." Jimin runs his hand through the latter's hair as he cries into his shoulder.


After a little bit, Jungkook calmed down and stopped crying, but continued to rest his head on the elders shoulder.

"You okay?" Jimin finally asks.

"Hyung," Jungkook breaths quietly, "Hyung, it hurts."

Jimin sighs and continues to play with his hair.

"So, you wanna tell me how this all happened."

Jungkook hesitates for a couple seconds.

"It's okay kookie, you obviously haven't opened up about it."

"mhmmm... yeah I guess around a year and a half ago I started to...Taehyung is always so nice to me and he cares about me and I just started getting butterflies anytime he was around. Then a couple months after that, the same thing happened with Hoseok..."

"You never showed any signs of...thinking of them like that."

"Well yeah like everyone says, I don't show my emotions... so I just push my feeling aside, it sucks to think like that about two of your best friends."

"What about the whole...you know."

"Yeah, I try not to think about that, honestly I felt broken when Tae and Hobi announced they were together, t-the two people that you lo-"

"You're avoiding saying it."

Jungkook takes a deep breath, "t-that- the two people that you like just announce that they're da...dating."

Jungkook takes a deep breath as Jimin hugs him tightly.

"I don't know what to do Hyung."

"Is that part of why you decided to room with them?"


"It's your decision on what you do Kook, do you feel better that you talked about it."


"I know it's a sensitive subject for you, I wish I could help you better-"

"You're helping enough Hyung," Jungkook pouts.

"You know that just because you move in with them, doesn't mean their gonna change how they act around you."

"What do you mean Hyung?"

"For all they know, your their friend, and they're the ones in a relationship. They might not have a filter to what they do, like if you walk into the kitchen and see them kissing, they'll think you don't care because you're friends- and nothing else."


"Even though deep down inside I know that you get upset seeing them like that whether you want to believe it or not."


Suddenly the door opens and Yoongi walks in with a couple bags.

"Hey, I'm home!" Yoongi calls.

Jimin bounces up and waddles over to the elder to help him with his bags.

"Did you get the painting done?"

"Half way, just stopped for a little break. How was your day?" Jimin asks.

"Not bad, how was you- what's wrong with him?" Yoongi asks looking at Jungkook.


Jimin looks back at the Maknae who avoids eye contact.

"We were talking, about his emotions."


"Just say it..." Jungkook mumbles.

"Jungkook has feelings for both Taehyung and Hoseok Hyung."

"Wh- the lunatics?!" Yoongi asks making Jimin burst out laughing.

Jungkook pouts and looks down, fiddling with his fingers.

"Ah I shouldn't have said it like that, sorry."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Any advice?" Jimin asks the elder.

"'Me? Why would I know?!"

"I don't know! You're older."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You guys argue like you've been married for thirty years and have four children," Jungkook interviens.

"Sorry Gukkie," Jimin says, joining the latter on the couch, followed by Yoongi.

"Are you gonna eventually tell them?" Yoongi asks.

"Wasn't planning on it..."

"Maybe it'll be good, y'know just to get it out in the open," Jimin suggest.

"But it could also ruin our friendship..." Jungkook looks up from his seat and sighs.

"Well whatever happens, I'll be right here," Jimin smiles.

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